Chapter 8 (Edited)

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A grin appeared on her lips as I walked over to them. "That was interesting," she said a grin on her face. "Now, is she safe to be ridden?"

I nodded my head before looking at Addy. "Would you do the honors of riding Lib first? She's a fun ride and I'll be right here."

Addy nodded her head and grinned. She looked at Anna, cocking her head and asking. 'Please?' she signaled.

"Ya, please?" I asked pouting a little and also cocking my head, staring at her with puppy dog eyes.

Anna glared at me before looking at Addy. "Fine," she said, before glaring at me. "But, if she slips or anything, I'm going to make you sleep in the dog pen. Got it?"

I nodded my head. "Understood. Think you can lift her up?"

Anna sighed, sarcastically but did as I asked and lifted her up and onto the back of Lib. "Hold on tight to the mane," she warned as she grabbed the lead rope. She clicked her tongue and started to walk around.

Addy did that silent laugh of glee as she held on. She had a huge grin on her face as she looked around, happily. 'Faster,' she signaled with one hand.

"Oh, no we're not," Anna said with a scowl as she looked at me. "I don't trust her just yet, nor you without a saddle."

Addy pouted, and huffed a little. However, she didn't say anything as she stay looking forward.

"I know," I mocked whispered to Addy, making her turn to look at me. "She's a mood killer. I should know." I mock pouted at Anna, making her roll her eyes. "What? It's true. Is it not?"

"You wanted to bring Melia to a party, that had beer as the drink."

"So? I wouldn't have let her drink any."

Anna snorted and rolled her eyes. "And the cops came, remember? Half the school was at that party and half had to spend the night in jail. Some had to spend the day also."

"That's because there was not a lot of people at our school. But, do you have a reason why you wouldn't let me jump off the roof of the barn into the lake?"

"'Cause it had been drought season, and you would've hurt yourself. I don't like you hurting yourself"

"So, you do care about me."

Anna looked at me with her gray eyes filled with something that I didn't know. "I've always cared about you, Ry." She cleared her throat and looked down. "Come on, Addy. Let's get Lib put away. Your charges will be here soon. They're late, again."

I bit back a sigh. "Don't worry, I'll whip them into shape." I paused. "What about your daughter?"

"She went to Panama with some friends, for a couple of weeks," Anna replied. "She'll be back later today."

I nodded my head. "I want to see her. I want to see how close she looks to you."

Anna shook her head a little. "Not as close. More like her father. She even acts like him."

"Then, I guess I'll whip her into shape, also." I grinned so badly wanting to kiss her as she looked at me, a smile on her face.

"I know you will," she said. With that, she clicked her tongue and walked Lib to the barn with Addy on the mare's back. She paused and looked back. "Also, there's a new client coming sometime soon today. Do you think you can be in charge of her. She's.... blind, but she hasn't... been blind for a long time. Just about a couple of months."

I frowned and nodded my head. "All right," I replied. I watched her smile at me, again, before she left, going back to the barn. I shook my head and sighed a little. How could I help a kid, when I couldn't even help myself? I don't know, but I won't back down from a challenge.

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