Chapter 7 (Edited)

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Anna placed her hand on my arm, comforting me. "I know, Ry," she said softly. "But, it wasn't your fault. I-I miss her too." Her voice cracked a little, before she cleared it.

"Thanks," I said with a smile as Addy gave me a bigger hug. I hugged her also, closing my eyes a little.

Patrick cleared his throat. "Well, I think you all should be fine. Lib should be here soon, Ry," he said looking at me. "And you might want to change out of your uniform."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Yes Lieutenant Colonel, Sir."

Patrick smiled a little and looked at Anna, a small smile on his face. "Come on, let's let him get dressed and get everything settled."

Anna nodded. "Come on, Addy, let's let Ry get dressed in his jeans and shirt." She turned to look at me as I knelt down, letting Addy down. "Your Stetson is in the closet on the shelf. I saved it when I went to your cabin."

I nodded my head in thanks as they started to leave.

"Now, did he really live in a cabin in the woods?" Patrick asked as they left, closing the door behind him making Anna laughed.


I walked down a few minutes later wearing a shirt and jeans, with my boots. I had placed my hat on my head, after staring at it for a long while, missing my sister more. She was the one that picked out the hat for one of my birthdays.

A whinnying, quickly broke me from my thoughts and I rushed out of the barn to see many people trying to hold a Black Overo Paint horse rearing a little, looking around with a small bit of fear in her eyes.

"And we're supposed to let people ride her? Hell no," a male said a little loudly, making the mare snort and shake her head.

I whistled sharply when I was in seeing distance, making everyone stop what they were doing and look at me.

The Paint mare, Lib whickered softly and stood still as I walked over to her and grabbed the lead rope from a persons hand and threw it over her neck.

"She is safe. She just hates going to new places without anyone she knows." I patted her neck. "She also hates planes."

"Oh, and if she is safe, I dare you to ride her, One Arm," someone said rudely.

I turned to look at the person and disliked him instantly. Something in his body language told me that he was a suck up and a wimp. "And to think I lost an arm, saving your a- butt," I replied. "And I have ridden her before, plenty of times."

"And who are you?" he asked.

I turned to look at him, seriously. "One, your elder, so treat me with respect," I replied. "Two, your worst nightmare." With that I clicked my tongue to get Lib to follow me and walked to Anna and Addy, who was watching the whole thing.

If this is how the workers are going to act, then I need to whip them in shape. No one will not be an ass to me or anyone else. Not if I have anything to do with it.

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