Chapter 5 (Edited)

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I took a deep breath as I got of the plane and looked around. It has been a long time since I had been in Montana and the first thing I noticed was that it was colder than Florida, and I didn't like it. I snorted a little. I sounded an old coon. Or someone that had moved down to the south because of the cold weather and didn't want to deal with it. That is why Florida has a lot of "older" people.

"Come on, Captain. Our ride is here," Prive Ward said as he looked at me. He frowned. "Why are you taking so long?"

"Well, Son," I said. "It's been years since I have been here. And I wanted to look around," I said sarcastically, earning a smirk from him. I shook my head before moving forward from the plane. "'Sides, I love being in the way of things." Sarcasm dripped from my voice and I caught a smile flicker on his face.

"Of course, Captain," he replied. "Come on." He started to walk towards a sign that said 'Welcome Home, Captain Ryder'.

I shook my head and grinned a little as I saw a friend of mine from the Army. It was because of his ass that I had lost an arm. "Looks like that you are a higher rank than I," I said saluting him because Private "insisted" on taking my duffel and guitar from me.

"Yes, Captain. I am now a Lieutenant Colonel, thanks to you," he replied saluting me back. "Like the sign?"

Patrick Harris was his name. Most of the group called him Pat, Patricia, or Pattie. Hey, it wasn't our fault. We had to have some fun as we were fighting for our lives. It wasn't all games out there.

Patrick looked good, better than I. He still had that boyish look about him. He had brown eyes, that sparkled with mischief and a grin on his face. His black hair had been cut off, and I remembered how it had been so long, like mine was now.

I snorted a little. "Yea, yea, yea," I replied. "I guess I can't call you Pattie now. I don't want to show disrespect to a higher rank."

Patrick smirked a little. "How are you?" he asked.

"That's an understatement of the year, Lieutenant Colonel," I replied. "I have jetlag. I want my arm back. And my right leg is giving me troubles." And I'm back in the place where I haven't been since I was 18, I thought. "Come on, let's go."

Patrick frowned a little. "All right," he said. He started to walk to the car. "You do realize that it was her that contacted Major General, right? He told me that she was worried. That is why he came."

I sighed and shook my head. "She needs someone else, Pat," I said regret filling my voice. I looked away, feeling shame. I had hoped that maybe she would still think me of that brother as she had for a long time. If that isn't the case then... I wrapped my hand around the necklace that I had gotten. On it was a gold ring that I had found for her.

Call me crazy, but if there was any way I made it out of the war alive, I would've came back and had asked her to be Mrs. Castille. However, when my arm got shot off, I didn't want to go back. I wanted her to have someone that could do stuff for her. Me, I couldn't do that much. Not with one arm gone. So, I kind of went depressed.

"Come on, stop moping around. You haven't even seen her yet. She might have feelings for you. You never know," Patrick said.

I snorted. "Let's go," I said not wanting her to have feelings for me.

Patrick didn't answer. He shook his head before walking to the car. I followed him in and sighed a little as I watched Montana go by.


"Wake up, we are here," someone said poking my side.

I grumbled and swatted the person, causing him to curse.

"Damn, Ry that hurt. Wake up. Don't make me pee on you."

Now, I know that sounds gross, but sometimes people did it to those who didn't wake up. It gave some of us a laugh, if it wasn't at us. I bolted awake and glared at Patrick. "Don't even bring that memories," I warned before looking around. I whistled softly. It looked the same even after 12 years. However, there were more people there and two more smaller houses. Some things do change, I thought to myself as I rubbed my face. Others stay the same.

Patrick chuckled a little. "It got you up like it did all those times before," he said. He glanced at Private Ward, looking at questioningly. "Don't ask." He winked at me before opening the door. "However, you are getting the bags, Private."

I shook my head and followed him out. "You are still stupid," I muttered making him snort in laughter. I glanced around and out of the house appeared a female with brown hair and gray eyes. She was holding the hand of a child who looked a little like Amelia when she was younger. My throat clenched a little as I thought about my sister before I followed Patrick over towards them.

They met us halfway. Both me and her stared at each other and it seemed as if the others disappeared. Longing filled her gray eyes and I knew that I had that look, also. I cleared my throat and stood straighter. "My name's Captain Ryder J. Castille, Ma'am. But you can call me Ry," I said saluting the female in front of me. My throat closed a little as I studied her, loving how she still looked almost the same after 12 years. Her gray eyes stared into my blue, not even paying attention to the comrade at my left.  Her brown hair was in a ponytail and a strand of it fell into her face. I cleared my throat a little. "It's been a long time. Hasn't it?"

"Yes," she said, her voice having emotion that I couldn't understand in it. "It's been a very long time. 12 years is too long. I'm just glad that you're back, Ry." She let go of the young girls hand and walked over to me. She gave me an awkward hug. "I've missed you, Ry," she whispered and I could hear tears in her voice.

I cleared my throat. "I've missed you too, Bellie," I said my voice breaking. I closed my eyes and took in her scent. She still smelled of horses and jasmine, since she used that as her perfume. It fit her and all my doubts of loving her stopped as I held her in my arm.

How could I have ever thought about leaving her?

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