Chapter 16 (Edited)

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Emily blinked, her eyes having no recognition of me at all. She glanced at her mother, probably waiting for her to tell her who I was. "Well?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and folding her arms across her chest. "Who is he and why is he here?" She glanced at me, disgust filling her blue eyes.

Emily Ciera stood at 5'4 and was probably at the age of 13. She had long blonde hair, that seemed to be lighter since she had been away. She had clear blue eyes that seemed to look into my soul, and I was instantly reminded of the male that broke Anna's heart.

"That's Ryder," Anna said, softly, walking towards me. "The one that I kept telling you about." She glanced at me, and I couldn't put a finger on why she looked like she wanted to kiss me or something like that.

"The prick that got you pregnant and just left?" Emily asked, shooting me a glare. "Why are you even here if you didn't want me to begin with?"

I bit back a laugh, almost choking on it. Oh, she had no idea that I wasn't the one that didn't want her. "Sweetie, I am not the male that had done the deed and then left behind a pregnant mother," I said, grimacing slightly. "I would and will never do that to your mother. I did leave her when you are couple of months old because something happened in my life, and if I didn't leave then I'd probably be in jail. Your mother has offered me a job, and I took it."

"And he loves her," Marisol chimed in. "I'm sure he looks like a love sick puppy when he looks at her."

"Oh, and how would you know?" Emily asked, glaring at Marisol. She watched me out of the corner of her eye as I stepped a little bit closer to Marisol.

"I don't know," Marisol said, sarcastically. She waved her hand in front of her face, making her eyes widen. "I can't see, but I can hear it in his voice to know that he loves and cares about her. I am sure that you would call him Dad if-"

"Let's not talk about this right now," I said, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the way Anna looked at me curiously. "I still have to catch up with the boys for running the 100 acres."

Emily blinked and her gaze softened a little. "You aren't my real dad?" she asked, cocking her head.

I shook my head no while I made my way into the Mess Hall, pulling Marisol after me. "I wouldn't do that to your mother. She means a lot to me than my own life." I glanced down at Addy when she pulled at my shirt.

Addy made a kissing face and then glance at Anna, who was kind of close to them but not quite. She smiled and nodded.

I shook my head and made a small signal for her to keep quiet. I didn't know how Anna felt, but I knew that I would do anything to make her my girl. I just didn't know if she needed a male that couldn't do as much as I used to.

"So, how long are you staying?" Emily asked, from behind me.

"A month or so," I replied. "I don't know if I'm needed or not." I stole a glance at Anna, but she looked as if she was just lost in thought and didn't hear what Emily had asked.

"Maybe you should stay," Emily said. "I'm sure she would like that."

I bit back a sigh and looked at Marisol. "There is a step in about five feet in front of you," I said, causing her to nod her head. "You want to walk that way yourself? I'll be right behind you."

"Yes," Marisol said. She let go of my hand and walked forward. Her steps were hesitant, but there was a bit of confidence while she walked. "Am I close?" she asked, finally.

"One more step," I replied. "You are doing fine."

Marisol nodded her head and took the step. "There is another one, right?"

"Yes. Afterwards, the door will be straight in front of you."

Marisol nodded her head before taking the other step. She walked inside and looked around, slightly hesitant.

"I'll take you to your seat," Emily said, passing me. She rubbed the back of her neck, probably sheepish of the way that she had acted a few minutes before. "Mom probably wants Ry to be with her."

Marisol turned to look at me. She didn't say a word, but I knew that she was wondering if she could trust Emily. Marisol probably didn't trust anyone except for me and Anna right now, but I knew that was going to have to change.

"It's all right," I said. "Addy will protect you from the mean Emily." I couldn't help but tease the younger female, causing Emily and Addy to grin.

"I am so scared," Marisol said while Emily grabbed hold of her arm and Addy grabbed hold of her hand. She flinched, slightly, but she didn't pull away from the other two females. "You will be there?" Hope filled her voice, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"After a little while, probably," I replied, causing Marisol to nod her head and frown. I watched as both Emily and Addy lead Marisol away before Anna touched my elbow. I looked down at her and cocked my head, wondering what she wanted.

"Come on," she said. "I need to introduce you to everyone." She started to walk towards the front, causing the mumbling voices to stop while the whole camp started to look at her then at me.

I smiled and nodded my head before following her, glancing at all the faces of the whole group. I hoped that Emily was right and Anna needed me just as much as I needed her. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed, praying to any God out there that Anna would love me just as much as I loved her.

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