Chapter 19 (Edited)

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"So, I see that you are on a horse," I called out, causing Marisol to flinch and look my way, a little fear and guilt in her eyes. A smirk appeared on my face when I saw that she tried to scramble off, causing Lib to take a couple of steps forward. I bit back a laugh when Marisol froze, before going into the ring and to where they were. "Don't worry, she was not wanting you to get off." I ran a hand across Lib's neck, loving the fact that she looked back and nuzzled my hand.

"You're not mad?" Marisol asked, cautiously sitting up on Lib's back. She still looked at me, clutching onto the lead rope and some of Lib's mane.

"No," I replied. "I thought you would do it."


"I did the same thing with my sister when she was here." I moved a hand through my hair and sighed, missing her just as much as I did when I thought about her. A smile appeared on my face when Lib nuzzled my shoulder, knowing that I needed her comfort.

Marisol frowned and nodded her head. "How old will she be if she was alive?" she asked.

"She would be twenty," I replied. "Her birthday was a couple of weeks ago..." I grimaced, remembering the screams and the pain that I had been in that day. "It was the day that I had disappeared for a whole day."

"Ya, where did you go?" Emily asked, raising an eyebrow while she came over to us. She smiled up at Marisol, though she knew that Marisol wouldn't be able to see it.

Bellie looked at me, pain filled her eyes, because I knew that she missed her just as much as I did. "He went to the cabin," she replied, causing Marisol to look at her confused. "It's where he used to live." She placed her hand on my shoulder, and I placed my hand on hers, loving the warmth of her arm.

"What did you do?" José asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Break stuff," I replied, shrugging my shoulder. "Bellie had old china that needed to be broken, and I had a bat." I patted Lib's neck and looked at Marisol who had a thoughtful look on her face. "How would you like to have lessons on Lib? José will help you saddle the horse and stuff like that, but I think you will be able to groom her yourself."

Marisol cocked her head, hesitating. "But what if I fall?" she asked.

"Then you get back on again," I replied. "You will fall off one time or another. It's not something that you will be able to control. I will teach you how you should fall and make sure that you do not get hurt. What I want to know is will you get back on and try it again even if you fall?"

Marisol frowned and nodded her head after a few more times of thinking of what she wanted to do. "Yes," she said, sounding more confident than she looked.

I nodded. "Then I will help you and teach you everything that I know."

Marisol nodded her head. "I trust you," she said. A smile/smirk appeared on her lips and she rolled her eyes. "I don't know why, but I do."

I felt this odd sense of relief when she said that she trusted me. It made me feel happier, because I was getting somewhere with Marisol, and I knew that it would help us with anything in the future. "And you won't regret it," I promised her. "Now, let's get this practice done."  

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