Chapter 27 (Edited)

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I moved my hand through my hair and sighed, glad that I was finally in Florida and only had about an hour left of driving. It was eight in the evening on Monday, taking me more than two days to get back to my place.

I had only stopped twice to get some rest at a hotel, however I didn't end up staying there long enough to rest. I couldn't because she was always on my mind and appeared in the dumbest situations. I had a dream as to where she had actually met me at my apartment and told me that she wanted me. She had always loved me but was scared that I would leave her again.

I groaned and hit my steering wheel, shaking me from my thoughts. Of course, I knew that wasn't going to happen. Even if I wanted it to, I know that she wouldn't be able to leave the group.

"Damn it," I grumbled. "Some times like these, I wish that I drunk." And right then, I knew what my sperm donor had been feeling when the love of his life died.

All he had was pain, and it didn't help that it was because of the death of his love and his will to live.

The love of my life did not want me, and even though I wasn't going to turn up like him, I really wanted to at that moment.


By nine o'clock, I pulled into my apartment complex, and the pain didn't go away. My heart was pulled into half, and I didn't know what to do. I sighed and parked the truck, looking at my cold and dreary apartment. "Well, it's not going to go anywhere," I mumbled. "Best just try to look at the good of it."

I shook my head and snorted, not able to see the good about coming home to a cold apartment with no one to love and keep my bed warm. I wasn't going to turn into one of those man whore's, who didn't know how to treat a woman.

Annabella's mother taught me better than that, and I was not going to let what she taught me go in vain. Her mother didn't have to teach me how to treat a lady, but she did and took the position of a mother for me.

I groaned and moved a hand through my hair before getting out of my truck. "Suck it up," I grunted to myself. "It's not like you haven't done this for years before you had left her."

I slammed the door shut before walking towards my apartment, my heart heavy with each step. I climbed the same old stairs and walked to the same old door before putting the key into the lock.

My eyes kept closing while I turned the lock and opened the door, greeted by a dark living room. "Guess it's going to be like this for another fifty years," I muttered to myself, closing the door behind me. "Better get used to it."

I tossed my keys and wallet into a bowl beside the front door before moving forward. "Shit!" I exclaimed as I tripped over a shoe. I groaned and looked at my feet to see what looked like a female's shoe.

A frown appeared on my face, because I didn't own any shoes that were females. "What the hell?" I asked, confused.

The door to my bedroom opened up and light flooded into the living room, causing me to blink the sudden brightness away. "Ry?" a female's soft voice asked. Sleep was in it, as if the person had been asleep before I fell with a loud thud. "Is that you?"

I turned towards the door and a small gasped when I saw that the woman that haunted my dreams was standing in front of me in nothing but one of my buttoned up shirt. "Bellie?" I asked, shocked.


I rubbed my eyes, thinking that this was all a dream and the love of my life was not in the doorway of my room. "I must have fallen asleep," I muttered, rubbing my eyes, again. "This isn't fucking real."

The image that my mind conquered up smiled a bit. "Go ahead and pinch yourself," she teased. "Or better yet, come over and show me that I am not real."

I sighed and moved a hand through my hair, grimacing. "Even if you were, why are you here and not at the house?" I cleared my throat. "You told me to leave you alone, shouldn't you do the same and not torture me?" My voice cracked at the end. I didn't want her to leave me. She was the love of my life, my other half, and yes, I did know I sounded like a girl.

She cocked her head and stared at me with such curiosity, that I thought her gray eyes were searching my soul. "Do you want that?" she asked, curious. "Do you want me to leave and not come back?"

I let a chuckle and laid my head on the ground. "I never wanted you to leave, nor did I want to leave you," I said. "You and Melia, my two girls that I loved very much." I closed my eyes and sighed. "I still do as well as Emily." I sighed, again, hating the fact that there had been pain and sadness in those blue eyes when I told her that I was leaving.

There was some movement and I caught a whiff of the summer scent that Bellie seemed to carry around her. "Do you want me?"

"So damn much," I replied, instantly. "I've always wanted you to be mine. I've always wanted to hear you scream my name and give you my all." I sighed. "That is why I haven't done it." I kept my eyes closed, wishing that this dream would play out some more, and I could claim this Angel of light as mine.

A warm kiss was placed on my lips, and I couldn't help but open my eyes in surprise. I looked up to see that it was Bellie, and she had a beautiful blush on her face. "I want to be yours," she whispered, softly. "Make me yours."

I reached out and touched her cheek, still hesitant about this whole thing. I touched her cheek and grinned when she placed more of her cheek in my hand. "So beautiful," I whispered before I pulled her down for a steamy kiss.

Bellie pulled up and smirked when she caught my frown on my face. "Come on, Romeo," she teased, standing. She winked. "Let us have one wild night, shall we?" she asked.

I stood and picked her up, grinning when she yelped and smacked my back. "Love you, too," I said, going into my bedroom. I kicked the door close before tossing her onto the bed, her brown hair falling around her like waves.

"So beautiful," I whispered, again before I had my wicked ways with her. 


A/N: I don't write sex scenes. So, make up your own scenario. (Just not in my comments please). I am innocent.

Thank ya'll for reading.

Peace out Fluffy Munchkins.


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