Chapter 13 (Edited)

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I closed the car door and walked over to where the father was standing. I knew that he was mad at me, because of the glare and the way his nostrils flared. I raised an eyebrow, not saying anything on the matter. "Well, let's get her bags into her room. Mind popping the truck?"

The male, Andrew, opened his mouth to say something before he closed it. He grunted before going to his side, while I went to the back. He popped open the truck before he walked back over to me. "Now, are you going to try to get just a bag and leave me the rest?" he asked, sounding rather rude.

I raised an eyebrow, before I looked in the trunk to see that there were five bags and then a guitar case. "You can get two, and I'll get the rest," I replied. "I'm sure that you'll be taking the guitar into the room, also?"

Andrew grunted and grabbed two bags and then the guitar. "Yes," he replied. He looked at my unexisting arm and frowned when I grabbed the three bags without complaining. "Do you play?"

I nodded my head while he slammed the trunk shut. "Yes, I had a friend of mine help make me one so that I would be able to use it." I sighed and shook my head. "What I wanted to talk to you about, is that you do have to let her do stuff on her own. I know how it feels to see a loved one injured and upset. I know how it is to want to do everything for someone."

Andrew snorted and started to walk the way that Anna and the others had left a few minutes before. "You know nothing about that," he said, bitterly. "You are young, clueless even. You won't know until you have a child of your own. You need to raise a kid, then you will know how it feels to want to do everything for the kid and make them happy."

I rolled my eyes and snorted. I was annoyed that he thought I didn't know how to take care of someone. Sure, he didn't know my past, but he didn't have to be so rude. "I did raise someone, so I know what it is like."

Andrew raised an eyebrow. "And, who would that be?" he asked.

I took a deep breath, trying to control my annoyance. Like my anger, it sometimes lead me to do some bad choices. "My sister, Amelia. I raised her because my father didn't want anything to do with her. So, I know how to raise someone. Never say that I don't, or else, I'll prove you wrong."

Andrew frowned. "And, where is she now?" he asked. "I'm sure that she isn't here."

I shook my head and sighed. I could still see her lifeless body on the floor covered in bruises and her blood. I could still feel the anger that I had felt when I saw my father drinking a beer as if nothing had happened. I remembered calling him a 'fucking bastard' before I beat him to a pulp. And, I remembered running away after I had called the police, not even telling Anna what had happened.

Andrew cleared his throat, breaking me from my thoughts. "Well?" he asked. "Where is she?"

"Dead, beaten by our father." I shook my head and sighed. "I had been taken on a date with Anna, 'cause it was my birthday. She had surprised me with one by coming to my practice for baseball." I looked him in the eye, letting him see my pain. "She is mute and deaf. The bastard didn't even know sign language and started to beat her after she had said she was hungry. She didn't understand when to leave our father alone."

"Then, why are you working here, if it's your fault that your sister has been killed?"

I gritted my teeth together, feeling annoyed. "I know it's my fault that she is dead. But, it's his fault for not taking action on how to know what my sister was saying. Keep in mind, I know how to do a lot of stuff, and I sure as hell can kick your ass, even one handed." With that, I walked towards the building, my whole body stiff.


I walked into the room that Anna had told me that Marisol was in and saw that they were in the room just talking, quietly. I was still annoyed and angry at the father. However, I wasn't going to say anything about it. I knew how to keep my mouth shut.

Anna turned to look at me and saw the look on my face. She raised an eyebrow but stayed silent when Andrew came in. Anna glanced between us before looking at me with a smirk, probably figuring out what had happened.

"I see that you play the guitar," I said, making Marisol turn to look at me, with her unseeing eyes.

There was a frown on her face, probably disliking the fact that I had brought that up. "I did," she said. "But, I don't anymore because I can't see." She waved her hand in front of her face, before giving me a 'duh' look.

"Yet, you can still hear. Is that correct?"


"And do you remember the chords and such without looking at them?"

"Yes... Your point is?"

"My point is, you can still play a guitar. You don't need to see the chords, but you can listen to the melody. I can help by playing the melody for you."

"But you have one arm. How can you help?"

"'Cause I still play the guitar." I shrugged my shoulder.

Marisol snorted. "I'll believe it when I see it." She frowned, realizing what she had said. "Or hear it."

Anna looked at me before looking at Marisol. "He'll show you later. I want to see this, also. Now, he sleeps in the first barn. There is a loft there, which hadn't changed. I'll show you where that is later. He, also, is trying to get our workers from fooling around, which probably would take some time. And, shouldn't they be done with their run?"

I shrugged my shoulder, not knowing that before I placed the bags down, out of the way of Marisol's place. "I have no idea. I hope that they are done because the saddles won't clean themselves."

"Check up on them and then meet me in the Mess Hall. Have one of the boys show you where it is. I need to talk to the parents and Marisol alone."

I nodded my head. "Of course." With that, I walked out of the room, ready to make those boys work, even if they didn't want to.

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