Epilogue (Edited)

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A/N: Thank ya'll for being patient with me while I tried to write as well as read other stories. xD I am glad that this story is almost done.


I stood in my uniform with Patrick by my side as my best man. It took us a year to get everything ready as well as making sure that Patrick could even come to our wedding since he was my best man as well as our newest daughter joining in the fun. She was the flower girl with Addy helping her.

Yes, Bellie and I have a year old daughter named Amelia Courtlyn Castille, named after both my little sister and Bellie's mother. She looked a lot like Bellie, and I was sure she was going to be having me wrapped around her little finger when she was older, more than she did now.

"Ry," Patrick muttered, jabbing me in the gut. He nodded toward the front when I looked at him and smirked. "It's time, Bud."

I looked forward and took a deep breath when I saw the most beautiful female wearing a light blue dress walking towards me. My hand covered my mouth, 'cause I knew that I was about to marry this beautiful woman that I had loved since the day that I had seen her in diapers.

Bellie grinned when she saw my reaction and walked the rest of the way towards me, quickening up her pace. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. 'I love you,' she mouthed, causing me to smile.

'I love you, too,' I mouthed back, ignoring what the pastor was saying. All I really wanted to do was kiss those lips of hers, even though the preacher didn't say 'You may kiss the bride' yet.

Someone jabbed me in the side, pulling me out of the staring contest that I had with Bellie. I glared at Patrick before he made a kissing gesture and winking.

"You may now kiss the bride, Captain," the pastor said, smirking when he saw that I was wanting to do it.

"Finally," I said, causing people to laugh before I kissed her straight on the laugh.

"Eeeeew," Amelia said, copying whomever told her to say that.

I smiled at my gray eyed daughter, loving the fact that Bellie and I had made a beautiful daughter.

Bellie chuckled and hugged me close, even though we were supposed to walk down the aisle. "You and me forever?" she mumbled, her breath fanning on my neck.

I hugged her closer. "You and me forever," I confirmed. "You and me." 


A/N: Bellie's dress is up above or to the side. 

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