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Zoro quickly padded his way over to your body, his wet fur sticking to your naked skin as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. Sitting beside you like this made him feel at the most peace he had been in for ages. He loved finally finding you and getting to cuddle with you this quickly. There had been times where soulmates weren't as willing and open to their partners at the beginning stages of their findings, and maybe it had to do with the fact that you had no idea who he actually was, but he was glad you weren't pushing him away. He was glad he was able to hug and kiss you freely.

"Fluff." You mumbled tiredly. "You're so fluffy and comfortable, but I need you to get off me so that I can wash you."

Zoro scoffed, pushing his body even tighter against yours.

Your skin was soft and your body was warm, muscles and curves letting him comfortably squish against you. He loved it.

"Come on! I need you to help me so that Cracker stops kicking you out so much. Maybe if you're cleaner you'll get to spend more time with us." You smiled hopefully.


And you'd hold onto that hope until proven wrong. Whatever thing to keep you close to the new creature that was living in your apartment brought light to your heart and mind. The fact that you were taking a bath with this filthy dog didn't even bother you, your mind overseeing how weird this might have looked and attaching to the nice, warm and bubbly feeling of being close and open with your dog.

It was intimate, a feeling you had been craving for your whole life. Zoro was there to bring it to you. Intimate and pure love.

"Fluff!" You scolded, patting his head in attempts to get him to react to you, but there was no way you'd get any movement from this animal.

He was basically drugged with the pheromones that your body was letting off.

The wolf's body laid limply on top of you, head squished into the crook of your neck and breathing even and calm.

"Alright. Never mind. Guess we'll have to do this like this." You grumbled, scratching the back of his ears as you reached for shampoo and poured a generous amount over his back.

No reaction. The dog was numb.

"Whatever." You mumbled, allowing the dog to rest on top of you and gently massaging his skin as you washed off the dirt and grease that had been accumulated on his body for who knows how long.

Smiling, you bathed the large animal, moving him around when you needed to and chuckling softly as he always tried to go back to laying on top of your body. It was sweet and loving, the dog making you feel true happiness, a feeling which you hadn't been close to for a long time.

For a moment there, you were at peace. You never considered you could feel like that, specially inside your unsafe apartment, but you were at peace. It felt truly amazing.

"You're an excellent boy." You cooed at the dog as you finally rinsed off the rest of his grossness. The water in the tub was now clear, fresh and keeping both of you warm and cozy.

Zoro groaned, the large dog lifting his head up to look into your eyes.

You were beautiful. He could see into your soul, he could see how amazing you were. Deep inside your heart there was a strong, caring and fearless woman. He was sure of it. He just needed to encourage it out. Your true self.

"What?" You giggled at the large dog's eyes staring deep into your soul. You always found the way dogs stared into people's eyes to be hilarious. It was as if there was a human being inside them wanting to communicate with their person.

Unconventional Mates (Werewolf! Roronoa Zoro X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now