Cracker's First Play

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"(Y/N), are you alright?" Zoro asked as he had watched and felt your anxiety increase in the past hours for no apparent reason.

Truth was, you had become a nervous wreck the day that followed your talk with Nami. That evening, you had felt so disheartened that you skipped dinner, too scared to run into your redheaded friend again. You didn't understand why she had said those things to you and were now questioning if you were being a bad person for wanting to stay in the forest. Were you putting Zoro and the pack at risk for your own temporal comfort?

"Um, yeah, I'm fine." You fake smiled, trying to dismiss Zoro's worries.

Unfortunately for you, he knew you better than you knew yourself and as you tried to run away from the conversation, he gently grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him.

"No you're not. What's gotten into you?" He asked seriously, eye piercing into your soul.

In spite of your coward attempts to avoid her, you ran into Nami the next day and she was nothing but sweet. It was too weird, as if she didn't remember what she said to you. Scared to have to face her judgement again, you didn't question her about what she had said, nor had you told Zoro yet. It truly was as if she had been possessed, an evil intended side of her taking over. It didn't make sense, you knew Nami enough to know she wouldn't talk to you like that without any foundation, much less would she act as if nothing happened the next day. It was weird.

"You've been weird and fidgety, I can feel your anxiety through the bond!" Zoro exclaimed, tugging on your now much thicker and heavier rope. "Will you please just tell me what's going on? Did I do something wrong?"

Your heart fell off your chest, realizing Zoro quickly blamed himself for your weird behavior.

"No!" You replied quickly. "You didn't do anything."

"Then?" He asked, impatient.

You looked around, trying to see if there was anyone that could hear you and you spotted Chopper playing with Usopp nearby. You shook your head.

"Let's go to the bedroom."

"I'm not having sex until you-"

You shushed him, face blushing in embarrassment.

"It's not about that, dummy!" You screeched, taking his hand and dragging him with you to your private place.

He sat down in bed, eye inquiring you to speak and arms crossed across his chest.

"I'm sorry I've been weird lately." You fidgeted with the fabric of your skirt. "It's just... something weird happened yesterday." You said, looking at his face with worry.

He didn't say anything, waiting for you to continue.

"It happened while you were out hunting. I was sitting in the lounge area and talking to Nami. We were fine, talking about usual and casual stuff, but then she said something that just made me feel uneasy. Her whole energy changed too, it was as if my friend was no longer there with me, just her body."

Zoro grabbed your trembling hands, his touch soothing you as he felt all of your anxiety bubbling up.

"What did she say?" He asked seriously, gaze now softened as he realized you had actually been going through something.

"She asked me about Cracker." You saw Zoro's jaw tense as he tried not to show his emotions. "She said something about me being an asset and that he'd come back."

"That's weird." Zoro said thoughtfully. "I never told her that."

"Sh-she also said..." You stopped yourself. Should you tell Zoro you had been questioning your whole living arrangement in here?

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