New Plan

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Last night Zoro had, once again, interacted with you in his human form. You had even held a conversation with him -well, sort of, given that he didn't actually reply- and then he used his last resource to make you forget. He used the power he held on your mind and body as your mate to make you confuse events between reality and dreams. He felt bad doing so, but it was better than having to deal with the truth, he thought.

The rest of the night went on flawlessly. Although unconscious, your body was able to feel Fluff's presence beside you in bed and you didn't wake up again since then. You were at ease.

Cracker didn't come back, and Zoro was more than fine with that. He hated to admit it, but, knowing that the man was a Chimera made him fear the way Cracker would react in the possibility of him finding out about the mark on your neck. Zoro would be dead meat.

Still, he reassured himself, there was still that small sliver of hope, which he had talked with Nami about, of Cracker being unawakened and unaware of his genetics. That explained why he would take a wolf into his home, but he couldn't really be sure. Things were too messy for him to make out a clear strory.

You shifted in your sleep, dragging your body closer to the wolf's. Unable to control himself, Zoro once again shifted into a human, holding your body close to his and nuzzling his nose in your hair. You sighed in contempt, whining softly as you pressed his body against yours.

At the same time, you were having a dream. A dream about mystery man, of whom you had just learnt a couple of new facts. He was gorgeous, had green hair and really knew his way with you. He held the secret to your heart, you thought, as he managed to make it go crazy every single time he was near you. With every touch, every whisper and every kiss you'd want more of him. You'd crave more of him and you'd feel your chest tearing with the need of him to be real, to be present in your life and to get you out of your shitty routinely life.

In the dream, mystery man was holding your hand as he guided you through a forest. The trees stood tall and proud, absorbing and protecting your bodies from the intensity of the sunlight above your heads. The breeze felt fresh on your skins as you swiftly moved through roots, rocks and branches, making your way to somewhere. You couldn't quite make out where, but, in the dream, it felt safe and free.

The man was facing away from you and you could clearly make out his features from the back. Three golden earrings dangled from his ear, moving with the wind and chasing his direction in the woods. There was something about the dream that made you feel nostalgic, as if it was a memory from a past time. As if it was something you yearned to get back, but couldn't. It stood so contrasting to your reality that you could feel a heavy mixture of emotions in your chest.

He was leading you, holding your hand in his much warm and larger one.

"Zoro." You called for him.

That's right! His name is Zoro. Roronoa Zoro.

You remembered that from earlier. He had said it to you. Roronoa Zoro.

He stopped walking, the breeze ceasing as well as he turned around to look at you. His face had the most pure and beautiful smile you had seen in your life.

"We did it." He smiled happily, taking a step closer to you and sliding his hands down your waist to hold you.

You laughed with him, eyes filling up with happy tears as you hugged him, hanging your arms around his neck and jumping on his body with joy.

Both your bodies landed on the ground, Zoro holding you safely so that you wouldn't hit yourself with any stones or sticks.

Hiding your face in the crook of his neck, you kissed his skin softly. Sighing into him and repeating to him how much you loved him.

Unconventional Mates (Werewolf! Roronoa Zoro X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now