Almost Confessed

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You sat down on the bench at the park with Fluff's leash fisted in your hand. He was strong and heavy and whenever he tried to move away from you, if not gripped sufficiently tight, his leash would flee off your hands, setting the dog free from your hold. You had learned it the bad way.

You were waiting for your friend to arrive with the dog right by your side. After sharing a warm and nourishing breakfast, Cracker hadn't yet come back home, so you decided to take Fluff out on a walk, as you had thought initially, to take the erotic dream out of your mind and get some fresh air. Coincidentally, your friend Nami had texted you about something important she had to tell you, so you told her to meet you at the park.

This was a special bench you sat on whenever there was something important you had to talk about. This way, the bench ended up feeling like a safe space, almost therapeutic. You loved coming here, so you didn't have to think it twice when you told your friend to meet you in this special bench.

She should be here any minute.

Zoro enjoyed the walk. You were patient and waited for him whenever he had something to sniff, and he tried his best to act like a normal dog. Well, as much as he could, after all, he was in absolutely no way willing to sniff up some other animal's butt. He had learned it the hard way.

Let's just say, each poor dog that dared to interact with your intimidating pet ended up traumatized for life after a good snarl from Fluff. He had a very scary set of teeth.

The minute you sat down together in the bench, he felt a familiar odor he couldn't quite point out. Instinctively, he pulled on you to try and go into that direction, but you didn't budge. There was still something you needed to do -wait for your friend- so, trusting Fluff would behave himself and given that he had shown himself as an antisocial grump, you trusted him to not flee off your sight the second you'd let him go.

"There you go." You mumbled happily as you unlatched the leash from his collar, letting the animal explore freely as you waited for your friend.

Clearly, you were wrong.

Although he loved clamping onto you like a child does to their mother, and he would've much rather sat beside you than ran off chasing a familiar scent, he couldn't really help it. The scent was strong and, if he was right, it was a potential danger for you. He needed to go check it out.

The dog grumpily trotted over to where he was feeling the stench, the odor becoming stronger and stronger as he neared its source. Not noticing how far he had walked away, you were long out of his sight and he was wandering through the streets, away from the park.

"(Y/N)!" Your friend called from a couple of meters from you as she saw you on the bench.

"Nami!" You smiled happily, getting up to hug her and greet her properly. "Hi! How have you been?" You asked excitedly.

Meeting up with friends was a very rare occasion for you for two main reasons.

In the first place, you weren't exactly allowed to exit the apartment when Cracker was home. You were supposed to be available for his every want and need, so you had to be unoccupied and willing to fulfill whatever duty he asked of you.

In the second place, you only had one friend.

Certainly there is no need to explain that one.

"Um..." She said nervously, looking left and right to see if there was anyone near. "I've been well." She paused. "Not exactly well." The smile on her face was quickly wiped and replaced by a worried frown. "(Y/N), there is something very important I have to tell you, and I'm afraid it can't wait." She bit her bottom lip as she stared into your eyes.

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