Good Old Friend

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"Um, you know what, (Y/N)?"

You looked at her confusedly.

"All this talk has gotten me really thirsty." She chuckled nervously. "Would you please go to that stand and get me some water? Yes? Alright thanks!" She said quickly, holding your dog by the collar to stop him from following you.

"Wha-? Yeah, sure?" You said, grabbing the money she was handing you and looking at your dog in confusion. He wouldn't look into your eyes. "Fluff?" You called for him.

"It's alright. He can stay right here with me." She said, gritted teeth and a very scary fake smile adorning her face.

"Alright." You said quietly, collecting your thoughts as you walked to the stand that was all the way on the other side of the park.

As soon as you were out of sight, Nami yanked the dog by the collar and led him to a spot between some trees and bushes. That way nobody would see her and whom was about to become a very naked adult.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Screeched Nami angrily, looking at the dog with fire in her eyes. "Are you playing with this woman? Because I should tell you right here and right now that (Y/N) is my very dear friend and I won't allow you to deceive her like that!" She yelled at him as the animal turned into a human. "I can't believe it." She huffed angrily.

She had understood what was happening pretty quickly.

"Would you calm down?" Grunted Zoro grumpily. "I'm not trying to do anything with her." He replied.

"Then what? You're pretending to be her dog?" Zoro nodded unsurely. It was much more than that, he just needed a chance to explain how. "What? Does she dance naked and you enjoy the view?" She yelled.

To Nami, it seemed as if Zoro was just playing with her friend. It seemed as if he was taking advantage of his abilities to look like a dog, swooning you into adopting him and then living cared by a beautiful woman, able to see her inside the intimacy of her own home, just for the fun of it. It disgusted her and she knew how morally wrong it was. Still, at the same time, Nami had known Zoro for ages. He wasn't that type of man. He had never even shown himself to be interested in women sexually at all. Something didn't make sense.

"I- what?" He asked, taken aback by the statement.

Nami huffed.

"Whatever. Look, I'm just saying that what you're doing is wrong. Very wrong. And she has a lot of issues in her life right now, she doesn't need some sick predator taking advantage of her naïv-" She stopped talking as she remembered something. A small fact she had learned the moment you went in to hug her just a couple of minutes ago.

"Nami, I'm not just doing this for the fun of it." He defended himself. "I got lost in the streets and then some dude took me into a-"

Nami wasn't listening to his excuses, though. She was thinking a thousand thoughts per minute as she tried to piece all of the information together. The minute she greeted you today, she felt a strong scent. A scent she had felt before, but definitely not from you. A scent that was unnaturally strong. Zoro had been the wolf to mark you.

"Did you fucking mark her?" Nami asked in shock, interrupting Zoro's little monologue on how he had ended up in his position.


"I-" He said unsurely, nodding yes, but not knowing what to say to defend his -apparently- poor decision making abilities.

"ZORO!" She yelled furiously.

"Alright, calm down." He said, getting more and more frustrated as his dear old friend didn't give him a chance to defend himself. "Let me explain-"

"No! Oh my god!" She gasped, realizing he had most likely done it without getting your consent, since you clearly had no idea that your little furry companion was much more than a dog.

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