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It was 21:00 pm and there were still no signs of your fiancé.

After walking around the park with Nami and catching up, you headed back home and waited patiently for 'your man' to come back.

It was a normal occurrence for him to leave the house after releasing his frustrations on you, so you weren't necessarily worried about him not coming back, but it still made you feel uneasy. The fact that he could come home at any moment meant that you had to be alert and ready for whatever he needed when he came home. It sucked that you couldn't exactly relax. Still, you knew that whatever was keeping him from coming back home wasn't any of your business. That's what he had told you before anyways.

You cooked, cleaned and left the apartment spotless. Perfect for the arrival of your future husband. The thought of him becoming your forever partner sent chills down your spine. As much as you tried to nudge the feeling of repulsion to the back of your mind, it eventually always came afloat back to bug your conscience. Specially now that you had your sweet little Fluff who had shown you what real love and care for someone felt like. It was the opposite of what you had with Cracker. It was safe, easy and warm.

Zoro stared at you the whole day. His heart beat fast inside his chest as he wondered how on earth had he gotten so lucky that you were his one and true soulmate. Obviously, blinded to the situation by his love and admiration to you, he wasn't thinking straight, see, Chimeras were the hardest creatures in the supernatural world to deal with. Specially when they consisted in a jumble of races stuck together inside one body.

Cracker was predominantly a Werewolf, mixed with a hint of Royal and Human.

Chimeras consisted in the conformation of a creature divided in four species. It could be anything that took those places and, in Cracker's case, two of them were taken by the same creature. A werewolf. Just like your soulmate.

The worst part of all wasn't that, though. It wasn't the fact that he was invaded by the authoritative, protective and proud wolf. The worst part of having Cracker as his opponent was that he was a royal.

Royals were selfish and greedy. They came from a bloodline that had everything they wanted whenever they wanted it. They were unnaturally strong and smart. Chimera royals were historically impossible to deal with. Historically impossible to beat in battle, and, historically, creatures that caused pain and suffering to those living with them. They had an innate sense of superiority, rightfully so, and had absolute control over their bodies. If they wanted to smell human, they did. If they wanted to look however they wanted to, they did.

This explained how Zoro wasn't able to see past his human mask.

It intrigued him even further to find out how Nami had been able to understand the situation better than him. He would solve this doubt in the night.

At three AM in the park.

You sighed, the night having already fallen above your heads as you laid down on the bed. Cracker had yet to arrive, but you weren't worried about that anymore. As the day past by, you were relieved from your responsibilities as his fiancé and finally allowed to relax in bed. Fluff laid with you, head and body sprawled in between the bedsheets and yourself as he tried to get as much physical contact as possible. To you, he had proven himself as an extremely clingy dog. He was clearly committed to be literally touching you whenever it was possible. He watched over you and craved for your company.

Smiling at the dog, you kissed the side of his muzzle sweetly as you whispered him a light hearted good night. The dog sighed on top of you, it's head and nose rubbing against you softly in search of cuddles and warmth. Soon enough, you had fallen asleep and he was once again left with your unconscious body for him to admire and touch.

Unconventional Mates (Werewolf! Roronoa Zoro X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now