Story Time Over Tea

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That day, everyone felt a little on edge, most of the wolves becoming slightly paranoid over the thought that the Charlottes could march into their territory at any given moment.

As everyone dispersed into their daily activities, you sat down on a little tea table they had on the terrace, watched over by Jinbei. They had figured out a sort of shift schedule to watch over you and, although extremely thankful that they cared about you, you also felt guilty that they had to watch over you like a pet and that you were using up their time doing quite literally nothing.

Right now, you were talking to the older shark-wolf-human as he shared some of his life stories over a cup of tea.

"I'm really glad you came to us, (Y/N)." He said honestly. "It also makes me happy to see the positive influence you've had on everyone, specially Nami and Zoro." He smiled, beaming at you like a proud father.

You smiled, guilt evident in your eyes.

"Don't blame yourself. The one that's doing all of this is Cracker and his family, not you."

You sighed, looking into your teacup. As much as you kept repeating that over and over in your head, you still didn't feel like it was true.

"You're being too hard on yourself." He sighed, sipping his tea as he stared out into the woods.

"Thank you, Jinbei. I'm just having a hard time convincing myself that that is true."

He chuckled.

"Trust me, once it's all over, maybe you'll even laugh at this."

Will it ever be over?

So far it felt like there was no escape in sight except for giving up and heading back to Cracker so that your new friends wouldn't have to worry for your and their own sakes.

"It's looking really distant right now." You whispered glumly.

Jinbei chuckled wisely. He had lived long years and, as much as he knew what the Charlottes were capable of, he also knew what this powerful pack was capable of doing if one of their wolves or their human was hurt. They chased freedom and were sure to kick the Charlottes' ass to the ground if they had to in order to defend said freedom.

"There is a reason that you and Zoro are soulmates. It means you're bind to always find each other whatever the circumstance is. Trust me. It will all eventually be over and you'll live freely and willfully, hopefully with us."

"You're a very wise shark, Jinbei." You chuckled, already feeling better because of his reassurance.

"You don't live this far not knowing how things work in the world, dear human." He laughed, winking at you knowingly.

"I'm curious. How old actually are you?" You remembered reading something about werewolves when you were young. In some stories they were able to live up to thousands of years, whilst in others they enjoyed a normal human lifespan. You wondered which of these were true.

He said his age, your jaw falling and eyes widening in shock.


You tried to do the math, trying to figure out through which time periods this man had lived. They were a lot.

"What about...?"

"Has Zoro not told you his age?" Jinbei couldn't hide his amusement at your reaction.

"He told me he was 21." You hummed thoughtfully. He did indeed say he was 21, but it was at the beginning whilst you were still getting to know each other. It wouldn't surprise you to find out he was lying in an attempt to not spook you the way Jinbei had just done.

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