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"(Y/N)!" He growled again, his voice coming off as if it belonged to a beast.

Your heart suddenly accelerated, palms sweating as you tried to figure out what it was that you had done wrong.

"I'll fucking murder you." He screamed in rage, this time, not referring to you. He was talking to Zoro.

You trembled in fear, limbs paralyzed, unable to move.

The dog shot up, his heart falling off his chest as he realized it all was ruined. Thanks to the talk he had had with Nami last night, he understood the situation he found himself in in milliseconds. He had to get the hell out of there if he didn't want to die.

Still, he wasn't willing to leave without you.

Without thinking it twice, Zoro quickly grew in size as he rushed down the stairs, a thirst for blood evident in his now reddened eyes.

"Fluff!" You screamed in fear, not wanting your innocent dog to go anywhere near your raging fiancé.

Oh, but he wasn't innocent at all. In fact, it was him who would have to protect your innocence from Cracker's rage.

Zoro landed in front of the much bigger man, leaving his dog shape behind as he shifted into a wolf. His most strong and durable form. His canines were out, eyes not fidgeting once as they connected with Cracker.

It was obvious that Cracker had figured everything out. Cracker smelled it. Zoro had marked his fiancé. His precious innocent fiancé.

They stood there for a while, not breaking eye contact for even a second. They stared each other down with such ferocity and tension that, Zoro was sure, if you had been in the same room as them, you would have probably passed out. Luckily for him, you were still petrified in your bed. That way you wouldn't get in the way of what was going to be one of the battles of his lifetime.

"What the fuck did you do?" Growled Cracker, finally speaking up and taking a step forward towards the wolf.

Zoro didn't back away, he just stared at the man with the most pure expression of hate.

"You can't answer me." Cracker chuckled cynically. "Turn into a goddamned human and answer me." He screamed the last two words, the purple haired man having lost his patience at the much more inferior creature that was trying to stand up against him.

Zoro had two choices. If he turned human he'd probably be murdered in a matter of seconds.

Yet again, if he didn't, he'd most definitely be murdered in a matter of seconds.

He knew better than to disobey a Royal's orders.

"I'll kill you." Breathed Cracker as he watched the wolf morf into a human. "What did you do to her?" He asked, his hands itching with the intent to kill the wolf in front of him.

You listened to what was going downstairs, the shock and fright beginning to wear off as you heard Cracker talk and scream to someone.

What the hell is going on?

Still, your legs didn't respond. You weren't brave enough to walk downstairs.

"I marked her." Zoro finally answer, his eyes glistening with pride as he watched Cracker's face contort into a stronger rage.

He couldn't really lie. Although he feared for his life, he savored the sweetness of saying those words in that scumbag's face.

He had marked you.

Not being able to hold his rage, Cracker punched Zoro off to a wall, the blow being strong enough to crack it.

Zoro coughed, the bitter taste of blood quickly invading his mouth.

Unconventional Mates (Werewolf! Roronoa Zoro X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now