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"Damnit, (Y/N)!" He said in frustration, groaning against your skin as his muscles rippled anxiously through his body.

If it weren't for the water falling over your head you were sure he would've seen you drooling for his body.

"How did you know to get here?" He asked huskily, warm breath fanning over your lips.

"N-Nami and Robin said-" You moaned as he bit your neck. "Th-they said you were going through..." You didn't exactly know what he was going through and the way he touched, licked and kissed every centimeter of you was making it hard for you to figure out what it was.

He smiled at you, a devilish sadistic glint in his eyes as he gave you a couple of seconds to breathe.

"You should go back home if you don't want to get hurt." He did honestly think that.

"I won't." You swallowed thickly, nervous that he'd get upset at you for not listening to him. "Why? Will you hurt me?"

Zoro finally snapped out of his erotic hunger, delicately placing you back in the water so that you'd stand instead of be pressed tightly against his body. He quickly regretted that as he instantly missed your warmth and softness.

"Maybe." He grunted. "I don't know. You're weak and I could get quite... rough."

He was honestly worried that if he let himself devour you as he wanted, and as you were now allowing him to, he'd lose control of his strength. He could end up breaking your bones, pulling your muscles, crushing your pelvis. It was too risky for him to act on his excitement right now with it being this animal-like.

You chuckled softly, trusting your loving wolf to not hurt you in the act.

He turned his back on you and placed himself under the cold waterfall once again, trying to freeze his impure thoughts out of his body as he assumed you would probably be scared and walk home. It worked for a second until he felt your soft skin press into him, arms snaking around his stomach and feeling him up to his chest.

"Show me." You ordered, and the moment your words reached Zoro's ears, an incredible amount of erotic energy was released into the air. His body acted on command, grabbing yours and throwing you right back against the wall with enough force that you could tell he was in the brink of loosing control, yet delicate enough that it wouldn't hurt you.

You moaned his name into his ear, thrusting your hips against his in search of his erection. He bucked his hips forward as well, desperation seeping off him as he hungrily tasted your lips.

Picking you up from the wall, he carried you, your legs still tightly wrapped against his waist as you stroked his length up and down with your core, into the side of the pond. Your face was flushed red, eyes and body distant as they were enveloped and drugged by Zoro's heavenly touch and scent.

You had a hard time focusing your eyes as you felt his bulge grow bigger at your entrance, the man's moans driving you insane as he rocked himself into you.

"You feel so good." He grunted into your ear and you felt yourself liquify into a pool of arousal.

He hadn't snuck as much as a finger inside of you and you were already on the verge of your orgasm. The emotions he made you feel were so intense and filled with pleasure that he made you think you were about to pass out.

After touching and feeling every inch of your body, Zoro pulled back. You saw most of his muscles were flexed, tortured by the anticipation of still not being inside you, and his eyes bore into your very soul. You were still in your underwear and he was wearing pants inside the water, but you felt completely naked and exposed to his gaze.

Unconventional Mates (Werewolf! Roronoa Zoro X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now