Stubborn Woman

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Everyone sat in the sun outside Chopper's office, the place in which he had treated everyone after every single fight they had gotten themselves into. Sometimes, he had even had to treat himself. Wolves were very territorial creatures and they were bound to get in a couple of fights as the months went by. Usually a lot more than that, given that Luffy was always looking for that fun little rush he got as he destroyed another wolf's body.

They were worried. Not about Zoro's physical integrity, as they had seen him come back home in a much worse condition, but about Zoro's psychological integrity. The moment he woke up, there was no telling what was going to happen to him once he realized that you had passed out as well.

In a twisted kind of way, it seemed sweet. As if you were a real couple. The moment Zoro fell unconscious due to the stress on his body, you became weaker, head light and body tingly as you finally blacked out right beside your mate's body. Ever since Zoro marked you as his mate, your bodies became one. Every feeling he felt, you felt as well. That means that throughout the fight, the adrenaline and stress Zoro went through had been passed on to you, leaving you behaving like a hysterical person as you tried to make sense of everything that was going on. At the same time, the minute his body gave up, yours did as well.

It was actually impressive how much you resisted till that very moment. Your much weaker and undertrained body shouldn't have really held onto consciousness for as long as Zoro's, at least that's what Chopper believed. Maybe he would have to look into that in the future, but, right now, there was a much important pressing matter. You were knocked out cold and Zoro would wake up any minute now, and they were definitely going to get the backlash of however Zoro reacted to his new companion's physical state.

Soon enough, the group of wolves became alert as they heard rustling and groaning from Chopper's office.

Zoro was up.

The door flung open, a bandaged up Zoro emerging out with an exhausted, yet terrifying gaze looking for his mate.

"Zoro! You're up already." Chopper smiled happily, walking over to him with no fear over his intensely furious gaze.

"Where's (Y/N)?" He asked coldly, eyes scanning over the group of people he already knew so well.

"She's resting." Nami replied quickly, setting a precedent for your passed out state.

Zoro turned to look at Nami, his cold and intimidating gaze having no effect on the redhead whatsoever. Well, it really had no effect on any of the pack. They all knew Zoro would calm down in just a matter of seconds. At least they hoped so.

"Where." He said again, not really asking this time. He was demanding her to actually answer.

She sighed, nodding her head towards Zoro's shed.

Their territory was a vast space located deep in the woods. There was a beautiful clearing right in the center in which they- they meaning Franky and Usopp - had built a big house for food and shared activities and small cabins, one for each, adjusted to their likes and needs. Zoro's was one of the simplest consisting in a bed, a bathroom and a large gym. It wasn't really the best nor prettiest place to bring your kidnapped self to, but it was all he had. Truth be told, his heart skipped a beat when he thought about you remodeling his place, making it cozier and a possible future home for whatever family he could grow with you.

However, this was a very very distant possible future. At the moment, he could only see that you hated him with a passion. Zoro knew you weren't going to accept him and the new life he was offering you easily.

After all, you were human and you had lived your entire life locked up in the city.

Zoro shook these thoughts off his mind, walking decisively over to his cabin and calmly opening the door.

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