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Your eyes were tightly closed and your body curled up into a ball. You felt like a weak child that was being looked for by a murderer. The dark and hostile energy was back and it had you shaking cowardly in bed.

After getting some clothes from Nami, the redhead helped you setup the bed in the extra cabin that was closer to hers, making sure you had everything you needed before leaving to her own place. Not like there was much that you needed, you were only really looking for a place to sleep again and some hygiene products.

Once Nami was gone, you were alone.

The forest, unlike the city, was dark at night. The sky wasn't completely clear and the clouds were blocking what little light could've come through the stars and the moon. It made you feel small and vulnerable and you suddenly wished you had taken Zoro's offer to sleep with him.

However, you were smart enough, or maybe just hard headed, to know not to go bother him like a poor little stray puppy looking for company. It was insulting to both of you, you thought. Zoro would think that you only wanted his company because you were scared, and you didn't really want to hurt him or maybe even accidentally give him the impression that you were giving into this whole soulmate narrative.

As you slipped in the covers you felt the temperature drop.

Suddenly, you became very aware of your surroundings and of the fact that someone was staring at you. A cold shiver ran down your spine and you curled up in a fetus position in bed, trying to control your breathing in order to forget about the unsettling feeling and relax, but it only got worse.

The wind blew strongly, the temperature was cold as if a phantom was visiting you and that feeling of being stared at grew. Together with its growth, you felt hostility, danger and the sensation of being haunted. It was awful.

Sinking deeper under the sheets, you realized there were only two options. Either try and fall asleep and leave your luck to destiny, or just get the hell up, swallow your pride and ask for Zoro to take you in again.

He would definitely be delighted, so what was the problem?

No. I already hurt his feelings and I can't handle being the type of woman to give mixed signals. No is no. I'm staying in here until I fall asleep.

You heard the wood creak, haunting you as you shut your eyes even tighter. No, you weren't going to open your eyes. What if the moment you did you found Cracker's eyes glowing in the dark? That evil, sadistic smile ready to take away everything Zoro had gotten you in this new life.


You shook your head, heart and soul determined to not go and beg for pity from the man who's safety and comfort you had rejected.

The energy grew stronger, you could almost hear Cracker's laugh as you felt a large, cold hand caress your naked legs.

You stifled a scream, eyes shooting open and legs recoiling as you drove your knees to your chest.

Nobody was there.

Nope! Nope, nope, nope nope nope! I'm calling it!

Breathing heavily and body still shaking, you decided to go look for Zoro. This was too much. Were you having hallucinations of some sort?

Quickly, you got out of bed, slipped into the sandals Nami had lent you and swang the door open. You screamed in horror at the masculine silhouette that was waiting for you on the other side, his hand raised as if he had been just about to knock.

"(Y/N)..." Zoro whispered, not knowing what to do. He could tell you were agitated and scared, but he didn't know how to console you. Would hugging you be too much? Taking your hand? holding your face? What was allowed?

Unconventional Mates (Werewolf! Roronoa Zoro X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now