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Gilbert's POV.

I'm wrote a letter to Diana, telling her that Flora is safe and sound. I wrote that it's better not to tell Mr. And Mrs. Barry about where Flora is staying for her friend's sake. At the moment, Flora is at the door, recieving a suit case with her clothes that Daiana brought, just in case Flora's not ready to return to the Barrys.

Flora's POV.

"Florence Lee Thompson, You had me worried sick!" Diana has been yelling the same sentence the past 2 minutes.

"Yes, yes, I know." I say. "But I'm safe. No need to get all protective."

"Well, look at your dress." She takes the blue dress that I've been wearing the last 5 hours since aunt Josephine's party. "This goes straight to the garbage bin."

"God, you're such a mom." I tell her. "Just give me the suit case, please." She hands me the suit case and sighs.

"Don't pull a flee again." She says before walking away with a little basket filled with bread from the bakery. I close the door and take the suit case into the corridor.

Gilbert stands there, looking at me as he leans back onto the wall with his arms crossed. He looks at me with his hazel pools that always make me shiver.

"Thank you again." I tell him. I don't know if being in his house is the right thing, but being in the Barrys house is not going to help at all.

"No problem." He tells me with a smile. "I'll show you to my room."

"Oh, no. I wouldn't want to bother so much. I'll be fine on the couch."

"Please." He takes my suit case, leading me into his room. "I was raised with good manners. You're the guest, take the bed."


"Take the bed."

"No but-"

"Take... the... bed..."

"How about we just... share? Together?"

"You...- you're sure?" He asks. Even though it might not look like it, I was raised with good manners as well. I shouldn't have to make Gilbert get rid of the comfort of his own bed just for me. "I mean... are you comfortable with that?" He asks. Not to mention that I kind of... want to share the bed with him.

"I am. Yes." He looks at me as if he's trying to give me time to change my mind. Maybe he doesn't want this. Maybe I'm pressuring him to do something that he doesn't want to do. "But that's only if you're comfortable with that of course."

He shruggs. "I'm fine with it."

I don't know why but that takes a weight off my back.

"Very well..." There's a moment of silence where I just stare at him. He wins. I can't having him staring at me like that. Like he wants to devour me. I turn away, trying to keep him away from seeing the flush in my cheeks. "I'll get to changing, then."

"Right!" He points the door. "I'll get going then." He walks out after giving me a look. He looked me up and down. Savouring my curves and walking out.

Oh god. If only I could re-play moments like these. Seeing him looking at me like he's desperate to look away only to prevent himself from looking at ereas that shouldn't be looked at. At least not by anyone who's only a friend.

I put the suit case on the bed and pick out a decent dress.

I walk into the kitchen, where I see Sebastian cooking something

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I walk into the kitchen, where I see Sebastian cooking something.

"That smells really good." I say as Bash lifts up a wooden spoon from the pot. Without hesitation he shoves it into my mouth. Whatever it is, it's delicious. "That is really good." I say in amazement. Never have I ever tasted something like this.

"Curry." He blurts out.


"It's curry. From Trinidad."

"Whatever that curry stuff is, don't stop using it."

He laughs and washes the wooden spoon. "Trust me, I won't." He continues stirring the pot.

"Where's Gilbert."

"Outside. He's working on the fence that needs fixing."

I heard that after John, Gilbert's father, died, Gilbert felt the need to stay outside as an escape from the grief. He worked on the things that his father said that he'd fix, but never had the chance to. He'd keep himself busy to have something to do instead of thinking of the moments he could've had with his father.

"I'll go check on him." Without putting on a coat, I go outside and I instantly regret it. The cool air hits my skin making it sting. My hair flies into its own directions as the wind flees through them. I hear the sound of hammering in the distance. I walk over to the fence and I spot him. His curls move with the wind and he doesn't seem to mind the cold as he doesn't carry a coat, but only a white buttin up shirt. "Hey." I call out to him.

He looks up from the fence. "Hi." He smiles at me. "What are you doing here?"

"I was curious."

He chuckles and drops the hammer on the ground. He comes closer to me, taking his gloves off. "Is there something you wanted to see in particular?" He asks.

"You." Oh, god. That sounded so wrong. He laughs and looks at me as if I'm crazy. "No. No, that's not what I meant."


"I mean, yes, but not quite like how it sounded..." This is not going well. And he has that smirk on his face like he knows what he's doing to me. "I mean, I wanted to come to see you, yes. It just wasn't supposed to come out like that. I know you didn't take it like that, but I just have to make sure that you understand that-" I get cut off. But not by words.

His lips touch mine in a way that makes me want more. His lips are smooth and warm even with the winter's wind breezing on us. His hand wraps around my waist and the other is tangled in my hair. He's trying to go slow. I can feel it. He's trying not to scare me away like the professor did, but I want him to know that it's okay. That I actually feel safe around him. I actally want him to kiss me harder. I want him to pull me closer. I just want him.

I'm Your Enemy (Gilbert Blythe X OC)Where stories live. Discover now