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Flora's POV.

"Not there." I point to the trail that leads to the Barrys. "Or there." I point to the trail that leads to the train station. Talking to myself helps me think.

Maybe I just need a job. How do I get a job?

I decide on a walk towards Mr. Hawks' café. Mr. Hawks is one of the best people and he makes the best apple pies. His café closes in about 20 minutes, but I'll make it.

I'm still bleeding, of course. That won't just magically go away, but I put on extra bottoms under the dress to prevent it from showing through the dress or for it to run down my limbs.

I near the café and open the door. Little bells ring above the door as I step inside.

"Ah, look who it is! My favourite girl!" He walks from behind the counter and comes over to hug me. He's in his late 80s but he's still got enough energy for the both of us. Mr. Hawks' café is not only that, but it's also a bakery.

"Hi, Mr. Hawks."

"Come on, come on. I'll get you one of those apple pies you really like." He sits me down and goes behind the counter. Not even two minutes later, I have a huge piece of apple pie sitting on a plate. "Don't worry, I'll go get them for you." He disappears behind a door. I know who he's going to get. He probably noticed that I was upset and went to go get the people that know exactly how to cheer me up.

In walked two smiling faces. They saw me and smiled even bigger. I waved them over to me with a smile on my face. They sat down opposite of me. Their names are Daniela and Ron. They're twins. They are from England. They got adopted by Mr. Hawks when they were 14 years old. They are now 17.

"Flora, guess what!" Daniela chirps with excitement.

"What?" I ask, putting a smile on my face.

"Victor asked me to be his girlfriend!" She beamed happily. I dropped my mouth open. She had been talking about this Victor guy for a long time. She truly deserves the best. But I'm gonna have to meet with Victor to see if he's worthy.

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you!" I reach over the table and grab her hand, giving it an excited squeeze.

"Thanks." She smiles happily. "And you? You got anyone yet?" She asks with a smirk, teasing me because she knows about a certain someone I've been talking about.

"No." As soon as I say that her smile fades. "I mean yeah, for a while, but he broke up with me today actually." My frown is clearly visinle.

"Really?!" Ron says quite excitedly, but when I look at him, his expression changes to a more disappointed one. "Oh... what happened?" He asks, grabbing my other hand that isn't tightened around Daniela's palm.

"Just... differences." I keep it short.

"I'm a good shoulder to cry on." He says smiling to me. The both of them are two rare personalities. They will make you smile if you need it.

"I know." I'm thankful for having such good friends. My life hasn't exactly been perfect, but friends make it more bearable. "Um, do you two know where I can get a job?" I ask. Their eyebrows raise. They look at each other for a second before erupting into laughter. A few customers turn their heads to see what's going on.

"You? Florence Lee Thompson wants a job?" Daniela wheezes as she tries to catch her breath. She holds onto Ron's shoulder for support as he wheezes with her. Murmurs are heard around the café and fingers are pointed to our direction.

"Aye, you three, knock it off." Mr. Hawks passes by us with a tray in hand, on his way to deliver a fruit cake.

My attention goes back to the two, blonde knuckleheads who are still trying to catch their breaths.

"Yes. So what? I want a job. I want money. What's the big deal?" I ask them. Ron chuckles before looking at me.

"The deal is that you had two parents who died tragically in a fire. They were not rich, that I know. But they were not poor. You were well fed. You had all the things that you wished for, new dresses every month and there was always a bill in your pocket. Where did that money go? It definitely did not just disappear. That's a fact." He looks at me, but I don't know what he's trying to tell me.

"That money of your parents' is supposed to be passed to you. Where is it?" Daniela finishes her brother's sentence.

"The Barrys." I realise. They have had my money all this time. I never even noticed that I had money passed down to me from my parents. The Barrys never even told me about it. Everything of my parents' was sent to them and that includes money. "But, I don't wanna go. With all the problems and all..."

"You go when you're ready." Ron tells me. I smile at him. Ron is such a sweetheart. He's funny. Very funny. But he's mostly really sweet. "I'm sure dad'll give you a job if you really want it."

"You want a job?" Mr. Hawks appears with an empty tray. "You want a job?" He asks again, putting more of an edge to the 'you'.

"Why does everyone say that?" I laughed.

"Come on." Daniela changes the subject quickly. "Let's get you an apron. You start tomorrow."

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