Days And Days

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Flora's POV.

Several days in bed, not being able to get up is exactly what life has been for the last two weeks. Ever since Ron came to visit. I've felt horrible. Lack of energy, tiredness, headaches... all of it. And still Gilbert has not come to visit. I've been thinking to myself for the last few hours if maybe I might have done something that made him upset, but no. Everything is fine between us, but if so, then why has he not visited?

"So, is this final?" My lawyer, Stephen, asked from across the table. I shot up from my own day dreaming when I remembered he was still there. Stephen was dear to me. He used to work with my father in the U.S. He would always bring me little dolls on Christmas.

"Yes, sir." I confermed.

"So, to be clear, 30% of all your parents' finances are going to orphanages across Canada and the U.S. Another 30% is going to Cancer treatments for people in need. And are you sure you want the other 30% to go to the Barrys?" He raised an eyebrow. Being my lawyer, he knew about all the hystory with the Barrys and me, but I truly did want to do this. A good deed. Maybe it'll make me feel better. To help someone else. Or maybe I'll completely regret it in the end. But I'm going to do it.

"Yes. The other 30% goes to the Barry Family in Avonlea. That is correct."

"So, that leaves you with 10%. Is that what you want?" He asked, and I began to wonder.

"No. No, that's not what I want." I shook my head. I looked up at him. "Stephen, there is a café in Avonlea... It's run by twins named Daniella and Ronald Hawks. I'd like another 5% to invest in that café. Is that possible?"

"That would leave you only 5% of your finances."

"I'm aware."

"So, this is what you want?"

"This is what I want." I answered.

Gilbert's POV.

"How do you think this one looks?" I pointed at the ring in the jewellery shop, as Bash and I walked around gazing at every pieces of gems, stones and golden rings.

"It doesn't really say 'Florence, Please marry me' you know."

"Yeah, you're right." I huffed before continuing to observe the other pieces on the counter. "But this one, though." I eyed one up. It was meant for her. For Florence.

"How much?" I asked the woman behind the counter

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"How much?" I asked the woman behind the counter.

She looked at me before smiling. "It's a mozambique ruby. Very expensive."

"How expensive?"


My eyes widened at the price. But that was the only one. The only ring I knew that I wanted to give to her. That was the ring I wanted to have with me when I knelt down on one knee and asked her if I could be her husband. Days and days had passed and every shop I had entered never seemed to have caught my eye. But this one...

"Do you even have that kind of money?" Bash asked. I looked back at him, and the look on my face was enough of an answer.

Flora's POV.

"Where do you think you're going?" Cole asked as he entered the bedroom, looking at me packing up a wicker with a load of my clothing.

"I have a feeling that Gilbert is either avoiding me, kidnapped or dead. But whatever it is. I'm going to find out." I said harshly through my teeth.

"You're going alone? I should go with you." Cole remarked. I shut my wicker and grabbed the handle.

"I can handle it on my own. Tell Aunt Jo that I went away for a while."


Arriving at Avonlea, I ran from the trainstation. I got a carriage and I rode the way to Gilbert's. Even the sight of the house was enough to make my heart beat faster. I rushed up the front steps and knocked on the door.

Footsteps were heard from the other side before the door swung open.

"Flora?" Gilbert's eyes widened.

"Are you okay?" I rushed into his arms, dropping my wicker on the ground.

"Yeah. I'm okay." He looked at me confused, but he hugged me tight.

"You're not hurt?"


"Good. That means I can be mad now. Are you crazy?! You had me worried! It's almost been a month, and you haven't even sent a letter!"

"Well, uh, I've been busy."

"Ignoring me?"

"No." He laughed. "I wasn't trying to ignore you."

"Then what was so important that you couldn't even send a letter, saying that you were alive?" I asked. I was aware that Gilbert had priorities. But how big of a priority was it? So big, that even I was forgotten?

"I can't tell you." He chuckled.

"What you you mean you can't tell me?!"

"Let's change the subject. Pack your bags, we're going to Trinidad in two days."

"Oh, yeah?" I immediately forgot about the previous conversation as I beamed at the thought of going back to that marvelous place.

"I'm finally putting those tickets you gave us to use." He smiled, and brought me closer to him. I couldn't help but let a chuckle escape my lips as I pressed them against his.

"Not under my roof." I heard Bash's voice coming from the hall. "There is a child in the next room." He shook his head.

I laughed before running to embrace Bash in his own hug. "Heard about our little trip?" He asked me.

"Sure did! I'm so excited." I beamed.

"Did Gilbert tell you he has a big surprise for you?"


"Oh, he didn't? Nevermind then. Bye." His face went still and he strolled into the kitchen without another word. I turned to Gilbert, and all of a sudden the wall looked very interesting to him.

"Gilbert?" I asked. He continued to examen the wall with much interest. "What surprise?" I asked with an eager smile as I approached him.

His lips curled up as he spoke. "You'll have to wait and see, my love."

I'm Your Enemy (Gilbert Blythe X OC)Where stories live. Discover now