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I look in the mirror as I take a look at myself one last time.

I look in the mirror as I take a look at myself one last time

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grab my coat, hat, books and basket and head out of the bedroom. Gilbert sits on the chair, listening to Delphine mumble her non-existent words. They look at each other as if they are having a truely serious conversation.

"Ready?" I ask Gilbert. He looks at me and smiles. When Delphine notices me she crawls over the floor to me. She has the biggest smile on her face which also makes me smile. She lifts up her arms and does grabby hands, gesturing for me to pick her up.

I chuckle and pick her up. She grabbs my face and opens her mouth. Her mouth attaches to my cheek, making me smile. She looks at me and plays with my hair.

Bash walks into view and takes Delphine out of my arms. "Better let the couple go to school, Delly. We don't want them to be late, do we?"

Delphine waves to me as I do the same back. I pick up my gloves and walk out. It started snowing yesterday at night, so today the ground is as white as it can be.

I love the snow. It reminds me of christmas. And I love christmas. I remember when my mother used to hide little chocolate pieces in the house and I would try to find them. I once stayed up untill 2 in the morning trying to find them.

As I walk to school, I can't help but be a little scared. Really scared. I'm pretty sure that when I see Mr. Phillips face, I'll break down into tears.

I put my gloves on as I feel the cold starting to burn into my fingers.

"You look lost in thought." I hear Gilbert say.

Yes. I'm so lost in thought that I even forgot you were here.

"Am I? I didn't notice." I say. His eyes stay on me but my gaze stays on the snow. Goodness knows how I'll be able to control my need to kiss his lips if I look directly at him.

We approach the school and my heart falls down to my toes. I let a slow breath escape my lips as I'm able to see Mr. Phillips through the window.

Gilbert walks up to the door, letting me step inside first. What a gentleman.

I put my belongings on the rack and turn around. But only to be met with Mr. Phillips staring right down at me. My breath hitches but not in a good way. Not in the way that it did when Gilbert kissed me in front of his house.

Or in his bed.

"Mr. Phillips!" I let out, putting a forced smile on my face."Am I late?"

"I don't care if you are, as long as you're here now." He says in a low voice. Gilbert has already walked into the classroom, but I know that he's paying attention to this interaction between Mr. Phillips and I. Even if he can't hear what the professor is saying, he can see if I become uncomfortable. And I am very uncomfortable. "What a sight." He brushes a hand over my cheek. His hands are cold.

You have no idea how much I want to stab a letter opener into your neck.

"Mr. Phillips." Gilbert greets, coming closer to us. I let the murderous thought flee my mind "How nice to see you today."

"Gilbert... how splendid." The professor's jaw clenches at the disturbance Gilbert has caused.

"You know... I would really like to chat, but I think you have more to worry about. You know... classroom full of kids and all..." Gilbert has a mouth. A trickster mouth that can make anyone fall for what he says.

A kissable mouth.

The professor gives Gilbert a death stare.

"Yes... I suppose you are right." He looks at me one last time before walking out of the enterance room and into the classroom, leaving Gilbert and I.

I sigh and drop my head onto Gilbert's shoulder. He puts his arms around me and kisses my temple.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I don't know what to do without this boy. How can someone be so perfect?

"I'm okay now." I tell him as I pull away from his arms. He has a light smile on his face which makes my heart beat faster. God, he's looking at me.

I can't help it.

I reach over and put my lips on his. Nothing feels more right. His soft mouth moving with mine is a feeling that I don't know how I went without for so long. We pull apart.

"Oh my goodness." We hear a voice coming from my left.

Oh no.


"Ruby... it's not what it looks like..." I say.

It's exactly what it looks like.

"Oh really?" She has tears stinging her eyes. "Then tell me who the mark is from." She points to my neck.

There's no point in hiding it since everyone has already seen it at the party so I don't bother. And with what would I hide a love bite?

Oh it's a great story, Ruby. Let me tell you. Do you know Mr. Phillips? Oh, of course you do! He's your professor. He's our professor. Well... he touched me and raped me in the storage room and that's how I got the mark on my neck. Oh and did I mention that on top of that I have ten times the ammount of love bites going down my chest and guess what... they're all from Gilbert. The boy that you love so dearly. The boy you have liked for so long. And also the boy that you say you have 'dibs' on.

"We better head inside" I say finally. Without looking back, I walk into the classroom and take my usual seat by Diana. Ruby walks in with tears rolling down her cheeks.

If only you knew my true situation.

She sits by Josie Pye and I know what is about to happen next. The entire class will know about my CPR session with Gilbert.

I'm Your Enemy (Gilbert Blythe X OC)Where stories live. Discover now