A Cold Night

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It's Saturday. The day I've been waiting for. The Christmas festival. I bought a dress just for this occasion. For one, I'm nervous. But not just because Gilbert is going to be there, but also because a certain bitch named Winifred will also be there. accompanied by my boyfriend. Yes, yes, I know we're not together anymore, and I'm usually not one to gate-keep, but it's like that girl tries to get under my skin every chance she gets. She can't fool me even though she looks like a sweet, innocent princess in her gorgeous, expensive dresses that she can easily buy. So, I've taken it to my responsibility to look the best I can. If not to get Gilbert's attention, then to at least get hers. I take a look at my reflection again.

The dress was made by a very sweet lady named Lonnie down in Charlottetown

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The dress was made by a very sweet lady named Lonnie down in Charlottetown. She was a very good friend of my parents', and when she heard about the incident she came over to the apartment when news got around that I'm staying with the Hawks. But nonetheless, I feel like tonight is going to be fun. I mean, sure, most people have a partner with them, but hey, I am independent. I don't need anyone else to be able to have fun. Just me and a few glasses of whiskey.

"Flora, we're leaving." I hear Dani's voice from behind the bedroom door. I fix my hair with a pearly clip and open the door.

"You look quite well." I complement her, looking her up and down. She wears a sage green dress that goes all the way to her ankles. Her hair is up in a bun, tied with a white ribbon. Her cheeks are painted a rosey pink along with her red colored lips. She looks stunning.

"Why, thank  you. You look ravishing as well." She responds with a gaping mouth, making me smile.

"Will you two stop chattering and come downstairs so we can leave?!" Ron shouts up to us from downstairs. 


Most people arrive at the festival at about 9 PM, but since Dani took a pretty long time choosing a dress, we are at least two hours late. The festival is celebrated outside on the snow until morning, but there's a huge ballroom where some people like to hide from the cold (and make out in the back, but I am not making the same mistake of being curious to see what they do in there. I was traumatized the last time). I can see some people I know. The Barrys are by the table outside, talking to a few people from Charlottetown and the Boulters as well. The Cuthberts  are talking to the Baynards and the Gillis, and the students from school are nowhere to be seen. 

"Come with me." Ron drags me over to the table. "We're getting some hot chocolate." He grabs two mugs from the table and hands one over to me. The cup warms my cold hands. I made a mistake not to bring a coat, the snow hits my neck and shoulders making it sting from the frost. I put the mug to my lips, instantly smiling at the sugary taste it leaves on my tongue. 

"Who'd you bring? I know you have a date here somewhere." I stated, looking around at the people to see if someone has their eye on Ron.

"Not this year." He smiles at the snow on the ground. I look at his flushed face as he smiles at nothing. There has got to be someone. No one would smile like that at nothing without having someone to think about.

"Okay, come on. I know that smile. Who is she?" I nudge his arm with my elbow, and he turns around chuckling to himself.

"Oh my god, tell me! You're all giggly all of a sudden, and I want to know who's doing that to you." 

"Stop." He nudges me away as he continues with that smile. "Look." He points behind me and I turn around. "I think those are your people. Talk to you later. Bye." Behind me are students sitting around a fire, drinking their hot chocolates with beams on their faces. They're happy. They're happy, and I wonder, if I go there will the happiness turn into an awkward stare? Most of the time, I'm the reason to why the happiness fades. When I arrive somewhere, I always find a way to make things difficult. I turn to face Ron again, but he's not there. I will find out what he's hiding soon enough. I turn to the fire again. I'm far enough from them where they can't see me.

Should I go over?

 fuck it. I'm going. 

Maybe if I walk slowly, they will hardly notice me. 

I ignore my thoughts and walk over to them. They're sitting on logs around the fire, laughing at  something Billy said. before I even have the chance to sit down, Billy's stare meets mine.

"Florence?" And all eyes turn to me. So much for being unnoticed. "We saved you a seat."


"Come on. Don't just stand there. Sit down." I keep silent, but I do as I'm told and sit on the closest log. To my luck, the students on that same exact log are Josie Pye and Ruby. I take a quick look around. On the log to my left sit Jane, Anne, Diana and Charlie. On the third log, which is the one opposite from me, sit Moody, Prissy and Billy. And on the last, which is on my right, sit Tillie, Cole and Gilbert...


Oh, goodness. Please don't blush, Florence Lee Thompson. Do not make eye contact. Look away. Don't talk. Everything that comes out of your mouth is pure trash.

"Long time no see, Thompson." Billy continues. Billy talking to me without mocking me is a new experience. And I like it. Being the target of every joke is hard enough. I nod at his comment. I know that speaking will not make it any good. 

"Sorry I took so long." I don't need to turn around to know who it is. That annoying voice already has a name. "There was a line to the hot chocolate." Winifred takes a seat by  Gilbert on the edge of the log. "Oh! Florence. I hadn't noticed you." She smiles at me, acting as if she doesn't know hot much I want to strangle her. 

Like always, she's beautiful. She wears a baby blue dress and a matching hat. I could buy my own house with the amount of money she spends on her dresses. God, she's perfect. I'd kill to be half as attractive as her. And that British accent only makes it better for her case. I ignore her and take a sip of my steaming hot chocolate.

"Where  have you been, Florence?" Everyone else stays silent as Billy asks me questions. I clear my throat.

"I work." I keep the answer simple and short.

"She speaks." He smiles. "Where do you work, I'd love to come around."

Is he... flirting?

I see Gilbert stiffen at Billy's words. Oh, this just got a whole lot more interesting.

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