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Flora's POV.

I'm soaking up in the shower as I let the blood run down the drain. My head leans back as I let the cold water hit my face. Yes, it was cold but it didn't bother me at all. It was actually really soothing.

I turned off the water and dried myself off. I puton a robe and walked to the closet, pulling out a clean dress.

As I tied the ribbon to my hair, Gilbert walked in. He sat on the bed as I walked over to him and sat down beside him.

"We need to start communicating." He looked at me. He looked disappointed. Upset.

"I know." I looked down at my hands in shame.

"Flora, you weren't conscious when your friend brought you in his arms. Your dress was covered in blood. I thought you were dead." I look up from my hands and I'm met with his glossy eyes. I finally realise how much I have damaged this boy. I broke him. More than he already was. He needed support from losing his father and he got me instead.

"I needed to." I whisper. "I needed to do it. I had no choice."

"You could've told me what you wanted to do. It's illegal but if that is what you really chose to do then I'd follow your lead. But I would try to find someone who knows what they're doing. Not just barge into an orphanage expecting to find someone to abort our child."

"I made a mistake." I confess. "Look, you weren't even supposed to find out this way. I wanted to tell you, I didn't want Alejandro to do it."

"Lucky for you, he wasn't the one to tell me. A little earliear today I found a letter that was supposed to be sent to the orphanage regarding the abortion. I guess you forgot to send it because from what was written on it, it looked like I was never supposed to find out."

My heart races ten times fasters.

"No. I wanted to tell you, I promise. But that doesn't change the fact that I was scared."

"Of me? I'm your boyfriend, I'm one of the few people you're supposed to trust." He looks at me betrayed. He looks up at the ceiling and for a moment I think he's trying to calm himself down so he doesn't shout at me, but then he looks at me and tries to hold back tears. "I don't think this is going to work out."

My skin goes cold. Did I hear him say it right? Maybe he means something else by it. Still my heart doesn't stop from dropping into my stomsch.

"What?" I ask.

"We're not going to work. You and I, we're complete opposites. We don't understand each other." As he says that, tears spill from my eyes without me even noticing. My hands cover my tear stained face as I hold back my sobbing.

"You... you're breaking up with me?" I look at him for confirmation. A tear escapes his eye as he nods.

"Like... you're actually breaking up with me? Like, all the way? Like, leaving me? we're not together anymore?" I still can't comprehend the words that came out of his mouth. It shatters me. I know that being with me is hard. I'm a difficult person to deal with, but there are many ways to fix that. leaving me is a simple and easy way, but it's one of the most painful ones.

"I'm not leaving you. I would never do that. But... we are broken up. We're still friends, though, right?"



"You break up with me and expect me to just pretend like everything is back to normal? No! I won't do that." I stand up from the bed and look him dead in the eyes.

"All I'm saying is... you don't have to go anywhere. This is still your home-"

"Gilbert, this has never been my home. Ever since I first stepped foot into this house, it's always been an invite. I am simply a long term guest. Well... not anymore." I back away slowly. "Don't worry. I'll leave."

"I don't want you to leave."

"Too bad, I don't care anymore."

"Florence, you have nowhere else to go."

"I'll figure something out. One thing I know is that I'm not staying in my ex lover's house." I'm not mad. Really, I'm not. How can I be mad if it's my fault. I'm the one who failed at being a good girlfriend. I'm the one who hid the fact that was going to abort our child. "I love you, Gilbert Blythe." I whisper out. If we're not together anymore, I might as well just tell the truth. I'll leave this relationship satisfied that I left no lies behind. "I love you more than anything in this world." I say it with more urge in my voice. Like I've been holding that sentence from him, which I have. He stands up from the bed, eyes wide open in shock. I feel a need to say something, but I don't. Instead I pull him by his collar and crash our lips together. His hands travel to my lower back as we deepen the kiss. We pull apart and we're left breathing heavily.

"I'm gonna go now." I kiss his cheek one last time. My heart aches at the thought of us apart. The thought of his lips never touching mine again. The feeling of waking up next to him. Those are all past memories now. Things I'll have to find in someone else. But I don't want anyone else. It's him. It's Gilbert Blythe. That's who I want.

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