Friends Outside Of Avonlea

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I'm in the bathroom panicking. The fact that I'm about to share a bed with the person I kissed three hours ago has me on edge. 'It's going to be okay' I keep telling myself. You're just going to sleep. What's the worst thing that could happen?

I take a deep breath and look at myself in the mirror. I grab the ribbon in my hair and untie it. I take the candle that I brought and walk out of the bathroom, seeing the hallway dark with no light except my candle. My pace is slow as I stroll towards the door where I know the person I'm nervous to see is waiting. My heart pounds so fast to the point where I can hear it in my ears.

I fix my hair a little before opening the door. I walk inside and there he is. Peacefully sitting on his desk, writing with quill on a piece of paper. He seems so unbothered. So quiet and handsome. I take a step inside and the floorboard creaks, making his eyes snap towards me. I, all of a sudden feel too revealing in my night gown. I feel the sudden urge to cover up, but I ignore it knowing that the most difficult thing hasn't happened yet.

"Flora." He stands up.

"Who are you writing to?" I refuse to let there be awkwardness between us. That is just too much. I will fill the room with conversation if it means no awkward silence.

"Oh, just uh... a friend who used to work with me." He says. He looks flustered, as if it's a secret that he just revealed.

"Oh. What's his name?"

"Umm... her name is Winifred Rose."

Oh... it's a... woman. Not that it's bad. It's good that he has friends outside of Avonlea. It's really good. It's soooo good. Amazing, really. Good. Very good.

"Oh." I have to remind myslef that I don't allow any silnece anymore. "Is she... close to you." Okay, but maybe I should think about what to say instead of just saying something.

"Winifred? Well... I haven't seen her in a few weeks." He says as he scratches the back of his neck nervosuly. "She... she's a good friend."

"Hmm... I see..." I walk towards where he stands and lay the candle down on his desk. I try to take a little look at the letter.

Dear Winifred

It has been a long time since we last saw each other. I read the letter that you sent me but I don't feel the same wa-

And then he snatches the paper from the desk, making me slightly jump. "Well... we better get to bed." He puts the letter in his drawer.

"Yes, of course." While he finishes up cleaning up his desk, I'm crawling into his bed. I lay down and turn towards the wall, where I know I won't have to see his face. I feel the bed sink beside me but I don't have to look to know that Gilbert is crawling into the bed. I feel him lay down and I know that his front is turned towards my back. I can feel his eyes burn into the back of my skull and it makes me stiffen up.

"You know..." I hear his tired voice just barely distancing itself from my ear. He's so close that if he moved a centimeter, I could feel his breath in my hair. "She's just my friend. Nothing more."

I hope he's telling the truth. I feel like I have to believe that it's true. I have to put a little trust in him. Okay, I might be overreacting.

"I don't mind if she's not just a friend. It's not like we are together or anything." But I'm the liar. He shouldn't put any trust in what I say because what I just said is a total lie. I do mind. I don't want to hear that girl's name anymore and I just want to forget that she exists.

"You don't mind?" He asks.

I shake my head.

"Well, I mind." He says. "I don't feel anything towards Winifred." I hear him say. I get the courage to turn around and meet his eyes.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes. Trust me, she's a good friend, but I have my eyes on someone else."

I can't help but smile. I don't even try to hide it. "Good..." I grin at him. "Becaus I totally lied. I do mind." He chuckles and I feel his hand touch mine.

"Yeah, I could tell." He laughs, making me laugh as well.

"You could tell?!"

"I could tell." He repeats, finally holding my hand. "I'm sorry about earlier." He says.


"When I, uh, kissed you."

Does he feel like he did something that left me uncomfortable?

"And I kissed back." I tell him. He smiles and comes a little closer.

"How about we try it again?" His confidence starts showing through. I can see the smirk on his face and his hand that once was tightened around mine, is now slithered across my waist, pulling me closer to him. He's so close to me that his hair is touching my forehead. My smile is so big that it almost reaches my ears.

I don't answer, but I put my hand on the back of his head and pull him in. Our lips touch and it feels like falling off a cliff. The drop from a high location that makes your stomach tighten. The feeling of little explosions inside your belly. That's what I feel. 

He rolls over and towers over me. Oh god. Pause. Pause this moment right here. Don't move.

His lips touch my neck and I feel his tongue move against my skin. His curls are tangled in my fingers as I feel him kiss down my neck to my chest. My breathing is heavy and hitching. He releases his mouth from my skin and looks down at me.

"Do you want this?" He asks. His voice is deeper and more hoarse than usual.
His eyes look down at me with hunger and I look up at him feeling intimidated like a prey.


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