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⚠️TW: Sexual content⚠️

"Yes." I give him my consent. I don't feel any pressure when he asks me. I want this. And he knows that I do.

I feel his hand starting to lift up my dress. My breath hitches. I've never done this before. Not willingly at least. I don't want him to see how inexperienced I am. But I feel that he should know something of this importance.

"I've never done this before... Voluntarily." I blurt out of my mouth. Does that sentence change anything? Does he feel pressured now? He stops what he's doing and looks at me. His eyes pierce into mine and for a second I feel like he's judging me, but knowing Gilbert, he probably is not surprised at all. This man can see right through me.

"Then I'll make sure that you'll never forget this moment." He whispers in a low voice. He goes back to raising my dress and I let him. Is it a good time to tell him I'm not wearing anything underneath the gown?

When his hand reaches my inner thigh, he seems surprised by how naked it is. It brings a smirk to his face. I feel his fingers gently touch me and they feel around the surface before he slips a finger inside me. It surprises me and I gasp. It's good. It's odd. It's something I've never felt before. His finger thrusts at a slow pace and his lips attach to my neck again. His shirtless frame is large compared to me. His pace becomes faster and I groan out a sound of pleasure. He's good. He's so good at this. His lips lift off of my neck and the next thing I know, he's pulling the dress over my body.

I am completely naked. He looks down at me and instead of his fingers inserting themselves inside me, his tongue does.

"Oh god." My voice gets higher. His tongue swirls around and I can only feel pleasure. His hands. His big hands. They hover on my stomach, rubbing circles and I know he just wants to make sure that I'm relaxed. And I am. God, I'm more than relaxed. I'm amazed. never felt anything like this before. Not only physical pleasure, but also the feeling that he cares. He cares about me. He wants me to enjoy this. He pulls his mouth away from my opening and starts taking off his trousers. This is the first time that I've seen him fully naked. He lines himself in front of me and starts rubbing my clit. The pleasure is immense. I close my eyes and try to hold myself together from being loud.

I feel him putting himself inside me slowly.

"This might be uncomfortable at first." He tells me. Yeah I know that feeling. I know that it might be uncomfortable because I experienced it when my professor, Mr. Phillips, did something to me that he calls 'sex' but I simply call it 'rape' because why not call it what it actually is.

He goes in a little deeper and I feel myself tighten around him, making him groan. A wail escapes my mouth and I put my hand over it to prevent any more noise. I don't think my hand will be able to hold back what this man is doing to me, though. His dick goes in all the way and I let out a short scream into my hand. Not because it's painful, but because it's heavenly. His pace gets quicker with each thrust.

"You're doing so well" I hear his whisper close to my ear. I shiver at how dominant and attractive he is. His hand finds mine and he trusts into me harder.

My wails are muffled by my hand but he takes it, holding both my hands.

"Let it out." He says. My hands are above my head as he holds them down. My knees are bent and my hair is a mess. I feel something deep inside me. It's like the feeling of excitement but put into something physical.

"Gilbert..." I feel it coming up. It's almost here and I love how it feels. "Gilbert..."

"It's okay, love. Let it release." I don't have time to say anything else. Whatever pleasure I felt, completely bursts and my mouth opens, letting out a satisfied, loud, moan.

My body relaxes and so does his. We fall on the bed, completely exhaustsd from our little action session.

"Oh my god." I let it all out in a breath.

Gilbert only looks at me with his hazle pools, drowning me inside them.

"You're beautiful." He says as he plays with a strand of my hair. I get closer to him and kiss his lips one more time. "You're very beautiful." He repeats. His words hit the right place. The place that makes me smile. And sometimes I feel like it's only him that's able to make me smile.

I'm Your Enemy (Gilbert Blythe X OC)Where stories live. Discover now