She's Taken

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Gilbert's POV.

*the day after*

I smile at the sight of Flora with the kids by the beach. She's sitting down on the big rock while three kids, a boy and two girls- who don't look older than 8- play with her hair. She tickles one of them and one of the girls go 'now me! Do me too!'.

I'm sitting on a bench with a friend I met in the steamship. I happen to bump into him today. We're sitting a little bit away from the area where all the kids and Florence are. She can't seem to let the kids go. She gets attached to little creatures too easily.  I sit with Hugo and we chat for a bit. "You still work in the steamship?" I ask him.

"No. I couldn't do that anymore. Ma got sick. I had to take care of her. She's better now."

"Good. Did she go see a doctor?"

"No. It's too expensive."

"You should let me help."

"How are you gonna help, Blythe?" He smiles at me.

"I'll see what I can do." I tell him. He knows that I have some experience when it comes to health. I look over to see if Florence is still there. She is. Good. That woman will run wherever those kids go. It's good to have an eye out for her.

"You know her? You look over at her a lot." He asks me.

"Yeah. She came with me."

"You brought that?!" He points to Florence. "Damn. Good job, Blythe."

"I'm surprised myself." I confess.

"Yeah, she's got the looks. Isn't she a little young for you, mate?"

"I'm 4 months older." I tell him.

"What? She's your age? She looks younger."

"Yeah, well don't tell her that or she'll rip your hair off."

"Damn. Feisty one."

"Eyes off. She's taken."

"No, she's not."

"What makes you say that?" I ask him.

"If she's taken then why would she be talking to that guy?" He points behind me, at her direction.

I look behind me and there she is. Talking to a random stranger. "Oh god." I stand up and walk towards her. This woman is going to put me on my death bed. "What's this?" I ask her.

"This is Jason." She tells me, smiling.

"Well, Jason looks 20. Let's go."

"He's 19." She tells me, like that's supposed to be any better.

"Still bad, Florence." I talk to her as if I'm talking to a ten year old because sometimes there is just no difference.

"Hey, hey, come on, man. We're just talking." He pulls on her arm a little, getting her closer to him.

"I'm trying to make new friends." She says.

"Jason doesn't look like he just wants to be friends. Come one." I pull her with me. I know that in her head she's just meeting someone new. A possible friend. But trust me when I tell you that I know that those were not the intentions that Jason was looking forward to.

"It was nice to meet you!" She yells over her shoulder.

"You need supervising." I tell her.

"That's rude." She tells me, frowning. I look over at her and I notice how attached I am to this human being and how much control she has over me.

"Hello there." A voice in front of us makes me stop in my tracks. A hand is raised in front of Florence and she takes it, shaking it. This would often bother me but it's just Hugo.

"Hi" She says smiling up at him.

"I'm Hugo. We were just talking about you."

Florence looks behind Hugo but doesn't see what she's looking for.

"Who's 'we'?" She asks.

"Gilbert and I."

"Oh you two know each other?" She looks at me for an answer.

"We met some time ago in a steamship." I tell her.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you. I'm Florence. What did Gilbert say about me?"

"Only good things."

"Yeah, he better have." She looks at me with a harsh glare.


Florence and I walk into the Hotel and she immediately goes up the stairs. I go to the receptionist to get the key again.

"Hi!" She says smiling up at me.

"45 please." I ask for the key number.

She nods, biting her bottom lip as she reaches up and gets the key from the hook it was hanging from and handing it to me.

"You know... there is a discount for first-time visitors in the hotel restaurant." She hands me a card with the discount detail on it.

"Wow. Thanks." I start walking again but she stops me again, her hand grabbing my arm.

"If your wife is any trouble... I'm always here to talk." She says as her hand starts rubbing my arm up and down.

"You probably won't have to talk to me then." I smoothly plod towards the stairs before she says anything else. I find Florence almost asleep as she leans against the door.

"You took so long..." She says as she stands up from the floor. She automatically leans on me to keep herself from falling on the floor from exhaustion.

"I had my reasons." I insert the key and we stroll inside. I close the door and strip from my shirt. I turn around and I am met with the most beautiful eyes.

"You know, I'm not so tired anymore." She says. "In fact... I think I can do a lot with the amount of energy I have." Her eyes dart down my body.

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh yeah."

"Want me to lock the door?" I ask her.

"Please do."

And let me tell you... when those doors were locked, that room became a room full of chaos, moans, kissing, sweat and... other things.

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