The Library

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A/n: Unfortunately sometimes difficulties occur, and this was one of those days. Me and my co-writer wrote a whole ass chapter only for it to be deleted and I wanted to cry, but here it is again. Btw please welcome my new co-writer.

Gilbert's POV.

Josie Pye has been looking at me the whole night. I try to dodge her eyes, but anywhere I go, her eyes find me again.

I ignore my thoughts as I grab Flora's hands. "Maybe you should get some sleep." I tell her as I walk her from the bathroom. She shakes her head.

"No I can't do that. Aunt Josephine would be upset." She sits down on her bed, sitting me down beside her. Then I hear footsteps approach and the bed dips on my other side.

"Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Josie's voice says lowly into my ear. I look at her bewildered, but I answer nonetheless.

"Uh, yeah, sure." Josie walks us to the door, and I look back at Flora. She looks at us confused as we walk away from her bedroom, leavong me feeling bad for just leaving her.

Josie takes me down the hall without a word. Not even a look at me. She opens a door that leads to a huge library. She orders me to follow her inside before she closes the door. When inside, she sits down on a chair, making me look around in questioning to why she brought me to the library.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask.

"I have something to tell you." She takes a deep breath and drops the bomb quickly. "I like you. A lot."

I take a seconf to register her sentence before clearing my throat, buying myself more time to think of a good way to reject her without making it look like I despise her. "Josie, I'm in a good relationship, with someone I really love."

"I know... but we could do things without Florence knowing. I can be better. And I can probably do better, if you know what I mean."

"Josie, no. I already told you. I love Flora. I couldn't do something like that to her." For a moment I can't believe that she would actually say those words, but then I remember who I'm talking to.

"I don't think you know what you're talking about, Gilbert. I've always known you wanted me. It's always been clear."

"Why can't you just understand that I don't like you, Josie."

"Because I know you're lying." She stands up. Strolling closer to me. I back up, but my back hits a shelf.


"Shh... We can have fun." Her face comes too close to mine. "I'll try to keep it quiet." When her lips are so close that I can feel her breath on my lips, someone walks into the library.

"Josie, Ruby's been looking for you." Billy strolls in, batting an eye between me and Josie. Monitoring like a hawk, the little distance between Josie's lips and mine.

"We will finish this later." She whispers before walking out, leaving me stranded in the library with Billy.

"Something happening between you two? Cause you seemed really close and personal." He said, looking back at me blank faced.

"Of course not. I'm happy in a great relationship with Flora."

He turnes back and walks out of the libarary. But not before looking me right in the eyes as he says, "If you say so." And he closes the library door.

I breathe deeply, my nerves on an edge. Walking out of the library I head for the bedroom again. Getting ready to explain to Florence what just happened, hoping she wouldn't get mad at Josie and threaten her. But when I got to her, it seemed too late. Her face is almost red with rage, arms crossed over her chest as she sat on a chair by her bed. Everyone had already left the room, leaving the beast unattended.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing! What could possibly go wrong?"

"If this is about Josie askjng to speak in private, nothing's going on between her and I."

"Then why has she been looking at you like that all night?" She asks me, voice raising.

I braced myself when I told her, "She told me she has feeling for me."

I see the color drain from her face. She stands. "And do you feel the same?"

"How can you even think that after everything we've been through together. You know I love you."

She debates answering, but then decides not to answer when she walks out of the bedroom. I know she believes me. I know. But, for a second I see sorrow in her eyes when she walks past me and into the hallway.

I walk our of the room, already devastated about the converstation I had with flora. I decide on going back to the quietest place in the house, which is the library, but before I even have the chance to step foot in it, my name is called.

"Gilbert Blythe! How dare you do that to Flora?" Diana's roaring voice echoes in the hallway.

"What do you mean?" I dare ask.

"You know exactly what I mean!"

"Oh. Right. Diana, it's not what it seems like. Joaie was just going to tell  me about how she feels. But then she... tried to kiss me."

"That's not what she told me!"

"What?" My brows raise.

"She told me you dragged her to the library and forced yourself onto her. You forced her to kiss you."

I automatocally shake my head at the words. "That is not what happened, Diana, trust me. She came onto me."

"I just don't know who to trust anymore." She walks out, holding up her skirt as she strolls herself out into the hallway again, and I barely get three minutes alone before the door opens again, making me grunt in response.

"Why did you tell Diana! Now I seem like the bad guy!" She stopms towards me.

"Because you are the bad guy. You're trying to make me cheat on Flora."

"So you're telling me, you don't want this?" She gestures to the space brtween me and her.

"Yes. That's what I'm saying."

She comes closer, leans against a bookshelf and pulling me by my collar. "Keep lying to yourself."

And then she kissed me.

A/N: Again, I apologise for the problem with the chapter but here it is. I hope you enjoy.

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