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"You." Winifred looks my way with disgust written on her face. Well sure. I definitely look like shit compared to her. With her blue eyes and curly, blonde hair, skinny waist, nice sized chest. She's perfect. I pity myself as I compare each of our features.

"Hi." I force out a word.

Flora, be nice. Be nice. Be nice. Be nice.

"You don't live here anymore." She snarled at me as if I wasn't the one to walk out on my own.

"Yes... I'm aware."

"Then why are you back here?" Her hands find her hips and her eyes lock with mine. She looks like an angry wife on christmas day, shooing the carol singers away.

I'm here to beat you up.

"I'm here to converse with Gilbert." I try my hardest to make my smile seem real.

"And what makes you think that Gilly wants to converse with you?"


Fury slowly burns into my skin as her mouth continues speaking with that irritating high pitched voice.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that Gilly would rather do that than needing to look at your roach-like face." I keep my face unbothered. She takes a step back and gasps, hand on her chest. I take the opportunity, seeing that she's further inside, and slide into the house.

"Hey! This is not your house. You need to leave!" She follows me inside.

"If so, than you need to leave as well." I say, not bothering to turn to her. Instead, I search the house for the face I'm looking for.

I hear her evil giggle behind me. A scheming laugh. It made me turn to her, a light smirk sat on her lips.

"What's so funny?" My steps approaching her, chin high up.

"I am not leaving this house for a few days." Her smirk widened into a smile. It was like pain striked my core, making everything else ache. "You see, I just accidentaly happen to be making a small trip to Avonlea, but where am I going to stay?" She faked a pout even though her smile was clearly visible. "That pure heart of Gilly's would never say 'no' to me so... I asked him. I took the opportunity to have a few nice, relaxing days exactly where I want to be."

"You're using Gilbert, knowing exactly that he's to pure to say 'no' for his life, just to sleep in his bed?"

"Your words make me seem like a monster."

"Well, you sound like one, act like one and look like one. Anyone could make that mistake."

She gasps. "And you look like a blood sucking strumpet!" She roars at me."Not to mention a murderer! Killing your own child!" She clutched her heart, pretending to wipe away a fake tear.

My stomach drops to my feet. Her words sting. They disgust me so much that my lunch swirls in my belly. How did she even know about that? Did Gilbert tell her? I feel liquid fill my eyes. I don't even try to hold them from falling. This was a punch in the stomach. A bad one. It seemed like the tear running down my cheek made her expression soften. As if she had just realised the cruel words that had escaped her mouth. And for some reason I felt shame. Shame that I let her words get to me. I let her win. And another type of shame. The shame that maybe she speaks the truth. I am a murderer. My child. It's gone. And it's because of me.

"I'm sorry." I hear her say. I don't dare look at her. My shame shadows over me. My eyes look down at the floor. "That was a long step over the line." She confesses. Her eyes are narrowed on me and in the inside, I plead her to stop looking. This person that I've become is not meant to be looked at. I am the true monster.

I can't have her looking at me any longer. I scurry past her and to the front door.

"Florence?" The voice of the one I've been looking for, echoes through the house. I don't turn around. I got rid of my child. His child. Our child. I can't have anyone looking at me. That's why the next thing I do, is running out of the house.

When my boots reach the snow, I finally let my sobbs escape. Here. Where no one can see me. Here is where I let the shame show in form of tears.

I walk my way back to the apartment. Occasionally a tear escapes my lids, but I quickly wipe it away, afraid that a stranger might worry about me and get up all in my business.

I arrive, walking in through the door upstairs. I look up from the floor, and sitting around a circular table are the Hawks, sitting peacefully eating dinner and smiling to each other while they chat.

I clear my throat and they finally notice me. I put on my best smile and sit in front of my bowl on the table. Thankfully it's still warm.

"You okay?" Ron's voice reaches my hearing..

"I'm fine!" There's no need for me to make their day bad just because mine is. I prefer to fake a smile of joy for their sake. "What are we talking about?" I better take my mind off of things before I break down.

"We're thinking about closing the café on Saturday for the christmas festival." Dani cheered excitedly.

"Oh right. The festival."

The festival is to celebrate christmas which is in less than two weeks. It's just fun, music, hot chocolate, out in the snow until morning. I hope that might cheer me up.

AN: I am completely supportive of abortions. I need to make that clear. Your body, your choice. The way that abortions are described in this story is simply for the plot. Abortion is not something to compare to murder. Those two are WAY too different from each other.

I'm Your Enemy (Gilbert Blythe X OC)Where stories live. Discover now