The Kiss

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I had let fate decide who I was going to kiss. I leaned in, not having a direction to go. My eyes were closed, meaning I had no idea who was going to lean into me. So, now I'm kissing random lips. We keep our lips close. The sensation of the opposite lips are smooth and soft. Warm, but rough. In a good way. They are sweet. For a moment, I don't want to pull away, but end up doing so anyway. My eyes stay closed. I don't want to see who is on the other side, but their breath is still warm, hitting my lips, telling me that they are still close. Whoever it is, it was good. But whoever I had not kissed... If I didn't kiss Billy, then he's hurt. If Gilbert is the one who I didn't kiss then the answer is unclear. 

I finally open my eyes...

"That looked like more than just a kiss." Jane answers beside me. I don't smile, I don't frown. I keep my expression emotionless as I stare into the eyes of the one I kissed. He's so... close.

I slouch back down on the rug and grab the bottle, spinning it. I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, but I ignore it, and hope that everyone else does the same.

"She's glowing red!" Josie Pye chuckles. "Aww poor thing."

"Shut up." I mumble. They all just laugh it off. The tip of the bottle lands on Cole and the other,  on Diana. They don't waste any time. They go for it. Cole ends up kissing Diana on the cheek.

We do a few more rounds until everyone's slumped on the rug, either laying on it or having quiet conversations. Cole, Moody and Charlie even end up asleep on the floor. I'm laying on the rug, my eyes closed as I listen to the quiet conversation going on between the others who are awake. I feel a presence beside me as I lay flatly on the floor. I open my eyes to see whoever's laying beside me.

"Hi." Billy smiles, his elbow holding him up as he's turned to me. He rests his cheek on his hand.

"Hey." I close my eyes again.

"You're a good kisser." I hear him mumble. I can't help but let a giggle slip from my lips. Everyone else is engaged in another conversation, so I am not worried about anyone hearing ours.


"Oh, yes." He lays his head down on the same pillow as me that I got from one of the couches.

"Well, that's a good thing, I guess." I mumble.

"It's a great thing. Hopefully, it can happen again." He turns his head to face me, and I do the same. He stares deeply into my eyes. His fingers tangle in my hair, and I'm pulled into him. Our lips meet (again). I feel his hands in my hair starting to slide down to my lower back. I find the courage inside me to slide my fingers to the back of his neck. Seconds go by, maybe minutes. I don't know. I don't want to know. I just let the moment be enjoyed while it lasts.

"Come on, lovebirds. There's cake on the table." Prissy voices over to us from the table, seeming weirdly unbothered by the odd fact that I am mouth-fucking her brother. 

We break the kiss and stay silent for a moment. I pull away from the stare and head for the table. His taste lingers on my mouth and even though I try to hide it, my smile stays on my lips. Adrenaline still curses through my body as I sit down. We all dig into the cake, leaving no leftovers behind. 


My belly aches as I slump on the couch. I might have eaten too much. Everyone seems to be thinking the same thing about themselves. The boys who had fallen asleep are awake and everyone seems to be tired.

"I think I should go home." Charlie gets up from the couch, gathering his things. "I'll see you guys around." With is coat slung over his shoulder, he walks out into the cold.

"Yeah, it's getting late." I stare up at the clock, hung on the wall. 

12:45 am.

"Mr. Hawks must be worried. I should go too." I stand up, feeling the tiredness wash over me.  

"Me too." Gilbert grabs his coat. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and turn around.

"Are you joining school again after the break?" Billy asks me quietly. I look at him, and ponder over the question.

"I don't know." I say, shaking my head. He gives me an understanding smile. His hand brushes mine as he takes it, leaning down towards the back of my hand, planting his lips on it. My stomach does a flip and heat rises to my cheek.

"Well, think about it. It wouldn't be the same without you." His blue eyes waver over mine. I nod, trying not to say anything that can possibly embarrass me. I find my way to the door, walking out into the dark. The only source of light being the moon shining, coolly down at me. I hear footsteps behind me, approaching. The figure walks beside me as I feel their stare upon me.

"You should probably stop by tomorrow to grab your things." His walnut hair smoothly dances with the slow wind as he walks with me. I don't look at him, just simply nod. "Delly and Bash want to see you." His voice turns soft, and I finally feel myself look at him. He sighs. "I didn't tell her about the abortion." I don't know why, but I find this relief lift from my chest. I don't know how he knew, or if he knew, but that was a question I desperately wanted answered. Ever since my conversation with Winifred, I had a feeling. A feeling like I had been betrayed by someone important to me. But now... now I know. Now I know it isn't true.

"Then how does she know?" I ask, feeling my voice become soft as well.

"The letter was still in the bin beside my desk. She found it. Yesterday she told me what had happened between you two. She confessed that she felt horrible about what she said. And it's probably true, but I didn't listen. I told her to pack up her things. She did as she was told. She left in the morning." He says.

Yes! That stupid bitch!

"Oh no... the poor thing." I let out, trying to fake a pout. 

"Are you smiling?" He asks, feeling his own smile form on his lips at the sight of mine.

"Maybe..." I say, looking up at him. He shakes his head laughing. "Come on, she was a bitch! The least I can do is celebrate a little." I tell him, shrugging.

During that walk with him, every memory of us together rejoined in my head. The day we went to Trinidad, the moment he gave me a ride after my fight with the Barrys, him helping me out during my hangover, everything came rushing back and a painful stab broke my heart at the thought that it was all over.

"Come on, I'll walk you home." His arm hooks with mine, and he walks me all the way to my door.

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