Thruth Is Out

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⚠️TW: Mention of rape⚠️

Flora's POV.

"I'm glad you're staying at Avonlea for a while. You'll like it." I tell Alejandro. He sits on the other side of the table as we chat.

"Well, Pops lives there. He's been sending me letters constantly telling me to go visit. I think he'll be happy to recieve me."

Alejandro has been on his own for about three months now, surviving on this ship.

I stand up and walk to the counter, putting a bill in the tip jar. I feel the ship slowing down and I know that we've arrived. "Come visit us." I tell him as I walk out of his view.

I arrive in the room that Gilbert and I share and I see him putting his scarf around his neck.

"Afraid of the Avonlea weather, are you?" I ask him smiling. He only smirks and puts a scarf around my neck as well. I kiss his chin as he adjusts my jacket."Why so worried about the cold all of a sudden?"

"I just don't want you getting sick."

"I don't get sick."

"Says the girl who vomited her soul into the toilet in that very bathroom." He points to the door that leads to the bathroom.

"I was drunk. It could've happened to anyone."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"Hush. Let's go." I grab my suitcase and Gilbert grabs his. We walk through the halls and out we go. "Honestly feels good to step on snow. We were too long in that ship."

"Calm down it was just four days."

"Back and forth." I whine. "That's eight days."

"You're a genius. That's fast math."

"Stop mocking and do something useful."

The last few days had been just like this. We would joke around with each other, say things that made each other laugh. We had truely made a comfortable space between us.

After loading ourselves into the carriage we head for the house again. Our trip is over. Life is back to school and drama. Great.

My head falls on Gilbert's shoulder and I black out, falling asleep.

Gilbert's POV.


We arrive at the house and my heart clenches. I don't want to wake her up. She looks so peaceful.

"Hey..." Her eyes blink open and looks around. It's dark outside. "We're here."

She steps into the snow and I follow. I grab our suitcases and we walk to the house. She opens the door and leads me in. I put the suit cases down, but when I get back up, Florence is still as stone as she looks into the living room. I follow her gaze and my eyes land on Bash and Delly with the Barrys.

"Oh, goodness! Florence!" Mrs. Barry reaches over too us and suffocates Flora in a tight hug. "Never do that again! We were worried!"

"You were?" I hear it in Flora's tone that she did not expect that sentence. It's like she always expects others not to care.

"Of course we were!" Mrs. Barry grabs Flora's shoulders. "Why would you do that? Run away?! That's dangerous!" Mrs. Barry looks at me and back at Flora again. "Look, if you wanted to sleep around with a boy, then you should've just told the truth from the beginning."

"This is why I ran away!" Flora pushes Mrs Barry away from her. "Because you don't believe a single word I say!" Her eyes start to well up, but she holds the urge to cry, trying to hide it from everyone else, but she can't fool me. "What if I told you that I was raped! Would you believe me then?! If I told you that Mr. Phillips raped me in the school storage room, would you believe me?"

"Watch your language, young lady, rape is not a joke." Mrs. Barry scolds Flora.

"See... you think I'm joking. Well, let me tell you, I'm not. This isn't a joke. I was molested by my professor, Mrs. Barry. You believed in some rumor while I was telling you that it wasn't true. This shows how much trust you have in me, and it's none."

Mrs. Barry stares at Florence with surprise in her face. Florence's eyes dart behind Mrs. Barry and she spots two girls crying, Diana and Minnie May. Mr Barry stays silent as he looks at Flora with sorrow. Flora strolls across the floor and hugs the two bodies of Diana and Minnie May.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I hear her whisper. Diana's face snuggles deeper into Flora's shoulder. They pull away and Flora looks back at the woman. "I expect you to be on your way home soon." She tells Mrs. Barry. She starts walking away, but she gets stopped.

"Florence... I'm sorry. I really am. Look, I respect your parents-"

"My parents have nothing to do with this, leave them out of it. This was your mistake and I don't think you can fix it, so leave before you make it into something worse."

"Please come back home... Forgive me for all the harm, but please... come back home." Mrs. Barry begs.


"Please..." Diana's breaking voice comes from across the room. "Please, Florence. Come back." Her eyes are filled with tears as she pleads her best friend to come back home.

"I love you, Diana." Flora's voice breaks a little. "But, I'm not going back."

Diana sobs more at this. Minnie May leans her herself on her father and he strokes her back.

"Very well... let's go." Mrs. Barry grabs Minnie May's hand and storms out. Mr. Barry follows right behind them, but he stops to give Flora a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry." He says and walks out.

Florence reaches over to me and grabs me. She doesn't do anything in particular, she just has me close to her. Diana is the last one to come up to her. "I love you too." And she walks out. That's how Flora's day ended. Just like always, it ended up like shit.

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