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Believe it or not, I am having a blast seeing Gilbert giving Billy death stares every so often. Winifred still tries to make conversation with me, but I simply ignore her and problem solved. 

"And then he tells me that I've been in the lady's room the entire time." Billy finishes his story as everyone laughs. I think Billy is truly trying to get closer to me. Or maybe I'm being played and it's just a dare between him and his friends, and I could be falling into a deep trap. "Anyway, guys. Guess who's birthday's on Tuesday." He nudges his sister Prissy and she smiles. "Everyone's invited to Prissy's birthday."

"And bring a present." Prissy adds onto her brother's statement. Without noticing, a smile reaches my lips. Maybe this is how it was supposed to be all along. 

"Will you be working on Tuesday?" Billy's stare meets mine. I shake my head and drink from my cup. "Great! We're gonna have the best night. Not only do we get the whole house for ourselves for six hours, but we've got alcohol hidden under Prissy's bed." The others start whooping and cheering. 

"I'll be right back." I lift myself up from the log. For a moment, I forgot that the table is not just filled with hot chocolate. I reach the table and make sure that no one is looking my way before I grab a clean cup and fill it with the closest alcohol beverage there is. 

"Aha! caught you." Ron jumps from behind me and I almost spill the drink. He laughs and looks down into my cup. "Are you being naughty?" He smirks down at me.

"Don't tell anyone." I point a finger at him.

"I wouldn't dare. It's my dream to see you all loopy and tipsy." He bends down and kisses my cheek. "Have funnn." He walks away with no care in the world. I can tell he's already had his share of drinks already. I walk back to the fire behind the trees, where we are not visible to the adults. 

I take a sip from the cup and the burning feeling is more intense than the last time. I like it.

I take a seat on the log again and wait for the conversation to start again, but when I look up, they're all staring at me.

"What?" I ask, staring down at my dress for any signs of stains, checking to see if anything in particular has caught their attention.

"It's not what's on you it's what you're holding." That's the first time I'm hearing Cole speak tonight.

"A girl can't have fun?" I question only to get no response. "Relax. It's only whiskey." I raise the cup with a smile.

"Ooooh who knew Florence was a freak?" Moody smirked at me. I swallowed a gulp of the drink. Although the drink made my chest ache, The cold was stronger, making my skin raise with goosebumps. 

"I did." The smooth voice I know. Gilbert. He looks at me with a blank face. "She's a dipso." He answers. I shake my head with a smile.

"I am not a dipso." I stare him down.

"You blacked out, Flora." He laughs at the memory. 

"So what? I was just having some fun."

"You blacked out?" Billy's smirking expression widens into a smiling one. "You're not what I expected, Thompson. You're a wild one." He stands up from his log, and Ruby automatically scooches farther away from me.  Billy sits down where Ruby once was. "Ever done this before?" He pulls a cigar from behind him. My eyes widen at the cigar. I look at him to see if he's serious.

"Come on, Billy. Let's not go that far." Gilbert tries to make Billy put down the cigar. I instantly grab it.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Diana asks with a worried gaze.

"Isn't that a little far gone?" Anne joins the protests.

"Aw, come on, guys. What's the worst thing that could happen?" I asks the group. Billy pulls out a box of match sticks and lights one up. The fire touches the tip of the cigar in my hand.

"Cancer, lung disease, heart disease, strokes-" Gilbert shoots in, but I cut him off.

God, just let me do this in peace.

"Alright, doctor. I'm sorry to disappoint, but I'm doing this." My hand approaches  my mouth, and I put the cigar between my lips. I inhale and immediately start coughing. They giggle at my reaction except a few of them. I can already guess: Diana, Anne, Cole and Gilbert. I laugh and hand the cigar over to Billy. He takes puff after puff. He's been doing this for a while, I can tell. That shiver runs up my sine again. The frost hits my skin and I think about going into the ballroom for a while to hide from the cold, but warm, smooth fabric wraps itself around me. I look at the hands placing it on me. Billy.

"You look cold." He says with the cigar still in between his lips. I smile up at him. 

"Thank you." I whisper. I sip on my cup. He smiles at my voice. And then...

Oh god, he's looking at my lips. What do I do? Is he about to go in for a kiss?

 "Ahem" Gilbert stands up from the log quickly. "How about we all go inside? It's getting pretty cold. We don't want anyone getting sick."

Everyone mumbles a quiet agreement before we all slip into the ballroom. Adults dance and dance in circles. A hand grabs mine and pulls me into the pool of dancing feet. Billy puts his hands on my waist and pulls me close."Don't be so stiff." He grabs my hands, putting them around his neck. I look at him, not really knowing what to do or how to react. We swim in the music and our limbs stomp the floor messily, but we end up laughing it off.

I'm Your Enemy (Gilbert Blythe X OC)Where stories live. Discover now