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⚠️TW: Sexual content⚠️

Flora's POV.

"I love you too." And Diana walks out, closing the door. The room stays silent and I try to find a way to cheer myself up. Maybe I'll forget about this if I distract myself. I force a smile onto my face and wipe my tears away.

I find my way towards the living room couch and sit down. I feel the couch sink beside me. Gilbert puts his arm around my shoulder as he holds Delphine in his arms. Delly climbs onto my lap and kisses my nose, making me smile.

"She can tell you're upset." Says Gilbert.

"I'm not upset. I'm actually quite relieved." I look at him to show that I'm not lying. "I'm okay. I'm glad it's out. I'm glad I'm not hiding the truth anymore."

"Me too." He kisses my cheek.

"I just want to be distracted."

"Come on, we'll go for a walk."


"Okay, let's make something in the kitchen." He suggests.

"Not in the mood."


"My god, Gilbert, take the hint. I'm trying to make out with you on your bed."

"You have a child on your lap. Cover her ears."

I look down at Delly who's playing with my hair ribbon. I cover her ears and look at Gilbert.

"What do you say, Blythe? Pull an all-nighter with me."

"My pleasure." He kisses my lips as I cover Delly's eyes. She only giggles and puts her tiny palms over my hands. "Come on, Delly." Gilbert lifts her off of my lap. "You're not gonna want to see the following actions." He says to the little girl in his arms.

"Don't act like I'm still not here." We hear Bash calling from the kitchen. I laugh into Gilbert's shoulder. Bash walks into the living room looking really disappointed. "Give me my daughter. She can't hear the stuff you two are talking about." He grabs Delphine and she giggles in her little baby voice. "You two have fun." He walks into his bedroom. "But not too much fun." He finishes as he closes the door. I laugh at his silliness and I turn to Gilbert.

"What are you waiting for? come on!" I grab his hand and we run to the bedroom. He enters after me and locks the door. I pull him towards the bed as I sit him down. I stand in front of him and back away a little.

"Are you gonne strip for me?"

"Shut up and enjoy the view." I say as I start pulling off pieces of clothing. I start walking closer to him and I lean into his touch, standing in between his legs. My hands trail down his shoulders and down his chest, finding his shirt buttons. I start undoing them. I am fully aware that I'm standing in front of a gorgeous god. His chest rises and falls as his hands find the back of my legs. He slowly lifts his hands up to the back of my upper thigs, ass, back, shoulders and finally he grabs the back of my neck and pulls me down onto the bed. I am heaved onto my back and I can see a little of his chest through the opening of the shirt. But I want to see all of it. I lift my hands up to his shirt and throw it off his body. I feel his lips touch my neck and I instantly tangle my fingers in his curly hair. His lips trail up from my neck and they crash onto my lips. I reach down and get his belt undone before sliding it off his waist. Not even five seconds later, his trousers are on the floor.

"You ready?" I hear his voice.

I nod and I feel my mouth drop open as he inserts himself inside me. He goes slowly, and his lips find my jaw. All of a sudden I feel the urge to do something. I sit up and roll us over, making me be on top. I see a slight curl appear on the corner of his lips. My hips move up and down and my head falls back. Is there a better word for perfect, cause I don't know what to call this feeling. One thing I know is that I don't want it to end any time soon. I lean over and let my lips touch his. It starts off slow, but it turns passionate and intense in a second. His fingers travel down to my hips and he holds me while I thrust up and down.

"Fuck." I hear his whisper. A sound escapes my mouth and I hold onto him.

"Oh my god." I feel myself almost fly over the edge but Glibert pulls out.

"Not yet, Love." His words fill my ears.  He pulls me down gently and my back rests against the matress. His fingers trail to my opening and I bite my lip to keep the noise to a minimum. His fingers work magic on me. I feel him tease the right spot and  tears run down my cheeks. Whatever he's doing, he's doing it well.

"Fuck, Gilbert." I let out. "What are you doing to me?"

"We're not done yet, darling." He releases his fingers from inside me and looks at me as if waiting to see if I know his next moves. When he sees that I have no idea what's in his mind, he moves. He moves down. His head nearing my inner thighs.

I feel his lips on my clit and I completely fall into a heavy feeling of euphoria.

I'm Your Enemy (Gilbert Blythe X OC)Where stories live. Discover now