Ship Friend

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Flora's POV.

I get the same feeling that I did when I was on my way to Prince Edward Island. This time I'm on my way to Trinidad. It's a long way, so we had to get settled in a room. Apparently it's a four day trip.

"I can't stay in this room any longer." I whine as Gilbert sits by a desk, writing something on a piece of paper. "Let's go explore the ship or go to the bar."

"You drink?" He asks, looking up at me from the paper.

"No. I just like talking to the bartenders."

He chuckles looking back at the paper.

"You think I'm joking?" I ask him. "If you didn't know, bartenders have the most astonashing stories. They've seen a lot behind those counters."

He doesn't answer. He continues writing words in ink down on the parchment.

"Fine. I'll go myself." I stand up from my bed and walk to the door.

"Don't get lost."

I close the door and start walking. Where am I going? I don't know. Don't ask me. It's a large ship. I might be going to the steam workers' area for all I know. I take a right and then a left, I go down the stairs and then... to the left? No, I go straight. And then to the left. I open the door, but I close it immediately when I see that I've walked right into the kitchen.

"Sorry." I yell through the closed door. I keep walking until I finally see the front of the ship. I finally know where I am. This is absolutely beautiful. The waves are small, but active. The sea looks a deep green-ish blue. I walk closer to the railing. I close my eyes and feel the wind swiftly breeze through my hair.

"Excuse me?"

I look to my right and there stands someone with a face a bit too familiar.

"I knew it was you!" Says the familiar face. "Flora! Oh my gosh I haven't seen you in ages!"

I squint my eyes, but that doesn't seem to help me see who it is at all. I know that face from somewhere. I know that voice from somewhere.


"Alejandro?" I remember him now. We were classmates from 1st grade to 9th. He was my best friend. I was devastated when I found out I would have to leave him.

"Yes! It's me. How are you?"

"I'm good. What are you doing here? I thought you went back to Spain."

"Oh, I work here."

"Really?! That's interesting. What do you do?"

"I tend the bar."

My mouth gapes open.

"You're a bartender? Aren't you still 16?"

"You think my age prevents me from getting a job? As long as I get paid, I'd do anything." He tells me. It makes sense. "So... what are you doing here?" He asks me.

"Just a fun trip to get my mind off of things." True, but without harsh details.


"Uh, no." I tell him. "I'm with my... my um... friend..."

"Well your friend is not here right now. Come on. Let's go get you a drink."

He starts walking somewhere and I can't help but to follow him.

"I don't drink." I tell him.

"No?" He turns to me.


"Well, then I don't think it's a good idea to go to the bar-"

"No! Wait... I um... I'd like to try some..."

He smiles down at me. "Really?" I nod at him and he takes my hand, leading me to the bar. I don't know why, but something about drinking and not having my parents or the Barrys to boss me around has me excited. I am my own person now. I make my own rules and decisions. I do what I want to do. We get to the bar and he sits me down by a table.

"What do you want to drink?" He asks as he gets behind the counter and starts looking between alcohol bottles. WITH REAL ALCOHOL IN THEM. I don't think I've been this close to alcohol before. 

"What's the strongest?" I ask him. He looks up from the bottles and up at me. The smirk on his face is amused. "You've changed. If I would've asked you that question three months ago, you would've ran away."

"A lot has changed." I tell him. He comes over with a glass in hand. It's filled with some type of liquid, but I'm not gonna bother asking what it is. I put the glass to my lips and tilt it upside down. The liquid runs down my throat and makes a burning sensation in my chest. It's weirdly painful, but it gives a pleasured feeling afterwards.

"How much is it?" I question.

"It's on me, don't worry."

"Then I'm gonna take advantage of that." I slide the glass over to him. He looks at me with widened eyes.

"Are you sure? The one you just drank hasn't even hit your system yet."

"You know what...Just get the whole bottle." I tell him. "I'll pay." I grab a few bills out of the top of my corset and put it on the table.

"I'm speechless, I must say." He gets up, grabs the bottle and puts it on the table. He reaches for the glass and starts pouring the liquid into it, but I snatch the bottle.

"I payed for the bottle. I'll drink from the bottle." I chug down three gulps and that same burning feeling comes up in my chest, making me squint my eyes. But somehow another five gulps go down my throat. And then three more. And then another three. I don't know how, but the entire bottle ended up being chugged by me.

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