Acting Like A Dipso

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Yes. Look at him talk. God, I love hearing people talk. I actually don't, but his voice is soothing. It actually just sounds like a high pitched screech, but hey, it's a heavenly screech.

"Alejandro." I look at him. His eyes focus on mine as he stops his chatter. "Never mind. Keep talking."

"I wasn't talking." He says looking at me concerned. I prop my elbow on the table as my chin meets my hand. I look up at his brown eyes. Pretty eyes.

"Pretty eyes." I don't know if I said that out loud or not but it doesn't matter. Nothing matters right now.

At the moment there are two empty bottles on the table that I'm seated at and I'm on my third, still chugging it down. I had to fight Alejandro for him to get me the other two bottles. If I pay for it, than don't argue with me. I'm paying his bills.

"You need to slow down on the whiskey." He tells me.

"This is whiskey? Wow. I love whiskey."

"You're turning into a dipso. Drop the bottle."

"Hey! Don't tell me what to do! If you didn't know... I am my own person. I am free from all kinds of rules, commands, orders, anything! I do what I want." I look him straight in the eyes. Well, not straight in the eyes, since I can barely focus on his eyes. They seem to move around his face a lot. "Stop moving. Are you loco?" I grab his face with my hand and try to keep it still although my hand seems to be going through an earthquake. "That's what they say in Spain, right? 'Locoooo'."

He only sighs and looks at the half empty bottle that I'm holding. I bring it to my lips and take a swig. I feel the bottle being snatched from my hand and I immediately gasp.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Gilbert hovers over my seat as he holds my bottle in his hand.

"Give that back. You didn't pay for it."

"Are you drunk?" He asks. His eyes look at my state and he seems disappointed. No, not disappointed. Angry. Got, he looks good when he's angry.

"You're handsome, you know that?" That comment doesn't change his mood at all. He looks over to the seat on the other side of the table and locks eyes with Alejandro.

"And you are?" Gilbert's eyes are narrowed at the boy in front of him.

"Alejandro." They shake hands. "I'm an old friend of Flora's. And you?"

"I'm her boyfriend." He says.

"Pardon me, you're my what now?"

"Now is not the time Florence." He looks down at me as to say 'stay quiet'. He looks back up at Alejandro.

"Boyfriend, huh?" Alejandro looks at me. "She told me she's single."

And now both of them have their eyes on me.

"What? I wasn't lying." I look up at Gilbert. "Or was I?" God, now I can't remember if I'm in a relationship or not. Was I ever asked to be a girlfriend by Gilbert? I don't think so. Well, nothing really makes sense anymore. 20 minutes ago I thought my fingers were long nipples. Nothing really surprises me anymore.

"Come on." Gilbert lifts me up from the seat. Woah! The floor is moving. And so are the walls... and Gilberts nose... and lips... and me. Yep. I'm moving towards the floor. No, not moving. Falling. I am falling towards the floor. "My god, you can barely stand." He says as he puts an arm around me. He's so helpful, I love it. He's so handomse and sweet. I kiss his cheek.

"You know that feeling when you're spinning in circles for a long time, get dizzy and want to vomit?" I ask him in a whisper as I lean onto his shoulder.


"That's what I feel right now." I say honestly.

"My goodness, you're never drinking again." He says as he looks at me.

"Watch me."

We arrive in our room and I'm greatful for a bed just for myself. I jump onto the bed...

That was not the bed... I just face planted the floor. Maybe I can just stay here. It's not bad at all. And I can't seem to be able to stand even though I try.

But thankfully the strong arms of my knight in shining armour take hold of my body and lift me up.

"I don't want to hear you complaining tomorrow." He says as he starts untying my dress. That is the most heavenly feeling of all.

"Are you undressing me? Are we about to get nasty?"

"Nope. You're going to sleep. It's 1 am. And you're not going to be feeling the best tomorrow. Just warning ya."


"Mhmm." He

"Isn't there a bathroom connected to this room?"

"Yes. It's on your right." He takes off my corset.

My feet stumble into the bathroom as I retch into the toilet bowl. Everything that I've put in my stomach today (basically just whiskey) goes swimming into the toilet.

"That's gross." I barely get to finish my sentance as I gag out vomit. My hair is being lifted off my shoulders.

"Yep. Let it alllll out." He says. His free hand finds my back as he rubs up and down, soothing me. We stay in the bathroom for probably 10 minutes before I'm certain that my stomach is too empty to let anything else out. "Feeling better?"

"Don't wake me up early tomorrow." Is all I say as I slump myself back onto my bed. And this time I actually hit the bed.

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