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Flora's POV.

"Well, I better get going." Winifred walks up to the door. Her dress is still tainted and my lips are still curled up into a smile that I want to hide so badly.

"Yes. You better. We wouldn't want to keep you here, would we?" I open the door for her. The urge to shove her out the door is immense, but I was raised with good manners. She gives me a smile that I can tell quite obviously that it is fake. She pulls Gilbert into a hug and almost squeezes the poor boy to his death bed. She walks out into the snow and turns around to say something, but I slam the door right in her face before a word has formed on her snake tongue.

Maybe my manners aren't the best.

"You are savage." Gilbert leans on the door as he looks down at me. His laughter is contagious and I can't help but laugh as well. "You know... your jelousy is showing right through."

"What?! I'm not jelous!" I tell him.

"Oh no. Of course not. Never." He mocks me and laughs right in my face. Tardface.

"I don't like your friend." I tell him honestly.

"Oh, come on. You'll warm up to her-"

"No. She's got an attitude that I don't like. She's mean." I say as Gilbert looks at me up and down. "Okay... maybe I wasn't the nicest person, but I've got my reasons. Not to mention... she has an eye open for you."

"But I've got my eyes open for you." He tells me. Oh, the butterflies fly so high in my stomach, sometimes I feel like retching.

"Have you, now?"

"Oh, yes. There's no question. It's you."
I look away and smile at his words. "Are you blushing?"

"Nooo... I don't blush." I lie right to his face.

"Liar." He says as he takes my chin with his fingers and turns my face to meet his.

Or better... my lips to meet his.

It's short, but passionate. Small, but sweet. He pulls away and looks diractly at me.

"I think you're the one blushing." I tell him. I smile and walk away from him. Leaving him and his rosey cheeks by the door.

I walk back to the living room, finding Delly curled up into a ball on the couch. She looks so peaceful. I wish I were still like her. No worries. No insecurities. Just have someone to feed me and take care of me. She has no need to walk anywhere 'cause auntie Flora got her.

I lift her sleeping body into my arms.
Bash left the house to go take care of the snow that's blocking the doorway so I freely walk into his room and put Delly in her crib. I don't leave before putting her doll down with her. I leave the door slightly opened and head to the kitchen to help Gilbert take care of the mess that we had made this morning when we had the crazy idea of throwing flour over each other while making biscuits an hour before going to school. That's why we didn't have time to clean after ourselves.

"So..." He keeps is eyes on the broom as he sweeps the floor. "Any... interesting people you left behind in Nova Scotia."


"A friend?" He asks. "A guy friend or a lady friend?"

"Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't." He tells me. I take the broom from him and start sweeping the rest. "But it does." He finishes.

"Oh, god." I laugh. "A guy."


"Yeah, so what? You have lots of friends who are females. Don't even get me started on that Winifred."

"Okay, okay. You win." He tells me, raising his arms in surrender.

Gilbert's POV.

I sit down on a kitchen chair as I watch her sweeping. I've tried getting the broom from her to clean the rest but she always slaps my hand away.

"Wanna go to Trinidad?" I ask her.

Her sweeping stops and she looks at me.

"Are you seeious!" Her smile gets wider. She drops the broom, excitement taking over her as she looks at me.

"Yeah. Let's go for a couple of days. Me, you, Bash and Delly."

"I heard my name." Bash walks into view with snow covering his boots.

"We're going to Trinidad." I tell him.

"No. I'm not going. I'm staying and so is Delphine."

"What?! You're staying?" I honestly am very surprised that Bash doesn't want to go.

"Who's going to take care of the house if I don't stay?"

"Come on, we'll stay there for like three days. It's nothing."

"Hmmm, let me think... No." Is all he says as he takes off his boots, walking into his room and closing the door.

"Scratch the part where I said Bash and Delly." I tell the smiling girl in front of me. Her eyes glisten in happiness. Even her hands are tangled behind her back, which is something that she does when she's stressed or excited. I've noticed. Not that I stare at her or anything. I'm just really observent.

"When?" She asks as she takes a seat beside me on another kitchen chair.


Her smile drops.

"We have school, Gilbert."

"Do you really want to go to school?" I ask her. Of course she doesn't. She needs a little moment away from everyone else at the moment. Especially school.

"No." She shakes her head. "I don't. I really don't."

"Then it's decided. Tomorrow norning. You'll love the place. It's beautiful."

I'm Your Enemy (Gilbert Blythe X OC)Where stories live. Discover now