More exciting

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Jade comes back.
You : « so ? »
Jade : « arghh, this boy. He fucking pisses me off. » sitting, angry.
Talia and you look at each other, clenching your teeth.
You : « what did he tell you ? » to Jade.
She does not answer, and seems to be thinking.
You : « Jade ? »
Jade : « yk what ? It's okay. He doesn't care, I won't care either. You'll see » pissed off.
You : « what- »
Jade : « I'll go enjoy my life and then we'll talk when I get home. »
She gets up and goes dancing, while she hates dancing.
You : « Jade, wait- » following her.

At the table :
Payton : « well, I'm glad I'm not in a relationship » with big eyes.
Talia : « the poor one.. it really hurts her » 😕
Jaden : « yeah.. I feel bad for her »
Payton : « you should go comfort her »
Jaden : « no but stop Payton, I'm serious »
Payton : « so am I »
Jaden : « yeah that's it »
He stays a few seconds without saying or doing anything.
Jaden : « ...well, I'm going » getting up.
Payton : « yeah, go ahead » 😌
He leaves.

Talia : « well, and you. »
Payton : « what ? »
Talia : « will you stop your bullshit ? »
Payton : « what are you talking about ? »
Talia : « you know very well » raising her eyes.
Talia : « not with me, I know you »
He shakes his head, laughing a bit.
Talia : « she's taken. »
He raises his head, smiling a bit.
Payton : « I know »
Talia : « ..why do you guys always want the girls you can't have ? »
Payton : « it's more exciting ig »
Payton : « a girl who's already crazy about you is no fun »
Talia raises her eyes.
Payton : « but I'm not doing anything » 😌
Talia : « no, ofc »
Payton : « we were just talking » 😌
Talia : « ...sure. Well, shall we join the others ? »
Payton : « yeah if you want » smiling a bit.

They get up and join you. You dance the rest of the night together. Jade has decided to forget her problems and have fun.
During the party, everyone gets closer, but you get especially closer to Talia, Jaden, Chase and Payton.
By the way, you see Payton dancing with a girl, then kissing another one a little later in the night. Anyway, you realize rather quickly that he did not lie about who he was. You also see Talia watching him from a distance, she looks so tired of him, so it makes you laugh a little.

After a few hours, it gets late, so you decide to go back to your respective rooms.
The others have taken three different bedrooms. You are about the same room number as them but they are one floor down.
So you say good night to each other in front of the elevator and go to your rooms.
Once in the rooms, the discussions begin.

In your room :
Maya : « so, girls ? »
Leïa : « it was so fucking cool !! »
Jade : « yeah we saw that » 😏😌
Leïa : « I don't know what you're talking about » 😌
Jade : « ofc » raising her eyes, smiling.
Maya : « yeah we saw you with Anthony » smirking.
Jade : « you've gotten close, you don't waste your time » 😏😌
Leïa : « uh, what about you and Jaden ? » raising her eyebrows, smiling a bit.
Jade : « what ? But- he's the one who came to me »
You : « but that didn't bother you, did it ? » 😌
Leïa : « point for us »
Jade : « idk.. it's a weird situation »
You : « yeah.. what did Zack tell you ? »
Jade : « he told me that it annoyed him that I was like.. always texting and calling him, and that if he didn't answer, it was because he was busy and all that. But he got me so mad, I swear »
Maya : « uh, I mean, sorry to care » 🙄
Jade : « exactly yeah » frowning a bit, kind of confused.
You : « so, what are you gonna do ? »
Jade : « idk, I'll try not to think about it and just enjoy. And then, we'll talk when SIR has time » raising her eyes a little.
Leïa : « yeah.. » feeling bad for her.
You stay a few seconds without saying anything.
You : « well, I'll be back in 2 seconds »
Jade : « where are you going ? »
You : « ..I'm gonna call Matt » (your boyfriend)
Jade : « oh, yeah ofc, go ahead.. » with a little smile.

You leave the room, then go outside on the deck. There is almost no one there. You lean against the fence, and call him.
Matt : « hey beb » smiling.
You : « hey, hru ? » smiling.
Matt : « I'm fine and you ? »
You : « fine too, but I miss you a little.. »
Matt : « yeah me too, but you'll be back in a month and a half »
You : « yeah but it's long anyway »
Matt : « I know, but when you come back, I'll come see you at your place »
You : « really ? »
Matt : « yeah »
You : « cool » smiling a bit.
Matt : « well, otherwise, how's it going there ? Are you having a good time ? »
You : « yeah it's so cool, the boat is super big, it's so beautiful. And we met a group of friends this night, they're so nice »
Matt : « that's cool »
You : « yeah, wbu ? How's it going ? »
Matt : « well, yk, I'm not doing much of anything special. I see the guys tomorrow and.. yeah, that's it »
You : « oh, well, it's cool »
Matt : « yeah um, well, sorry, I have to go, but I'll talk to you tomorrow huh ? »
You : « oh.. yeah ofc, good night babe, ily »
Matt : « yeah me too, good night » 😘
You hang up.
You are a little disappointed and sad that you could not talk to him any longer.

You go back to the room.
Maya : « it's alright, you've had your dose of love ? » 😌
You : « yeah » faking a little smile, not wanting to complain in front of Jade.
Then you get ready for bed.

In the other rooms, they also talk about the party, and therefore about you. They all say you are super nice and super fun.
Once you are all ready, you get into your beds and you notice that they have added you on Instagram and Snapchat.
They created an Instagram group chat with everyone. You go to their account to follow them back, and you realize that they have a lot of followers and that they are actually famous.

Messages :
Leïa : « what ? y'all are famous ? »
Josh : « yeah 😌 »
Cynthia : « shut up Josh 💀»
Madi : « we just do some tiktoks and stuff, that's all »
Maya : « well, people like it apparently »
Anthony : « yeah we can say that 😌»
Talia : « stop being that confident kids »
Leïa : « fr 😭 »
Jaden : « SO what are we doing tomorrow ? »
You : « as you want »
Chase : « i saw that we could do karting »
You : « omg yeah karting, that's so cool, isn't it Maya ? 😂»
Maya : « 🤡 »
Chase : « oh you don't like it ? »
Maya : « i don't really like speed actually, but I can look at you guys »
Madi : « oh but we can find something else yk »
Maya : « no it's okay dw. i'll watch you and make sure no one cheats 😌»
Chase : « okay okay 😂 »
Madi : « you sure ? »
Maya : « yeah »
Chase : « okay so karting tomorrow ? »
Everyone : « yeahh »
Talia : « well im gonna sleep gn »
Leïa : « yeah me too gn »

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