Still friends ?

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On Payton's side :
Chase arrives in their room after you told him Payton was there.
He is on the balcony, sitting in a chair, looking at his phone. Chase goes see him.
Chase : « are you okay ? »
Payton : « yeah »
Chase : « what's going on ? » sitting with him.
Chase : « why did you leave ? »
Payton : « for nothing, I just got fed up, that's all »
Chase : « and obviously this has absolutely nothing to do with y/n » 🙄😌
Payton turns his head and looks at him.
Chase : « what ? Did you really think I hadn't noticed ? »
Payton : « noticed what ? There's nothing »
Chase : « come on Payton, you like her » smiling a bit.
Payton : « no. I mean... she's my friend, so yeah, but as a friend »
Chase : « is she your friend like Talia ? ...Like Cynthia ? Like- »
Payton : « it's okay, I get it »
Chase : « so ? »
Payton : « no »
Chase : « so she's not your friend » 😌
Payton does not say anything.
Payton : « ...she kissed me »
Chase : « what ?? You kidding ? »
Payton : « I'm not »
Chase : « well.. she's definitely not your friend, ...omg » shocked but smiling.
Payton : « she is. It was just... different.. »
Chase : « wdym different ? »
Payton : « idk.. different, like she's different »
Chase raises his eyebrows, surprised.
Chase : « okayy Moormeier »
Payton : « no but- »
Chase : « and what's different about her ? » 😌
Payton : « idk, leave me alone » smiling a bit, embarrassed.
Chase : « okay okay » 😌
They do not say anything for a few seconds.
Chase : « so y/n kissed you.. » still a bit shocked.
Payton : « uhm.. but she had just broken up with Matt so... ig she was just really lost and.. idk, lonely yk »
Chase : « yeah maybe.. but do you regret ? »
Payton : « what ? That she kissed me ? »
Chase : « no, that you kissed her back. Because you kissed her back, right ? » raising his eyebrows, smiling a bit.
Payton : « yes I did »
Payton : « but idk if I regret, like yes and no »
Chase : « why ? »
Payton : « well, yes because.. maybe it meant nothing to her- »
Chase : « because it meant something to you ? » smirking a bit.
Payton : « no, I mean.. ugh you're annoying with your questions. It's just that, she kept apologizing like she regretted it, yk ? So I felt bad »
Chase : « okayy.. »
Chase : « and no ? »
Payton : « and no because... idk dude » a bit uncomfortable.
Chase gets up.
Chase : « mmh I have a little idea » 😌
Payton : « no. »
Payton : « she's just a good kisser » smirking a bit.
Chase : « uh, yeah okay, well I'm off » raising his eyes a little, smiling.
He leaves, and Payton loses his smile again.

On your side :
You and Talia join the others by the pool.
A few minutes later, you see Chase coming back.
Talia : « did you talk to him ? »
Chase : « yeah, we talked a bit » 😌 looking at you.
You : « did he tell you ? »
Chase : « uhum » nodding, smiling a bit.
Talia : « wait, what did he tell you ? »
Chase : « he told me about a kiss » 😌
You : « okay.. great » uncomfortable.
Chase : « I told you to live your life but I wasn't really thinking about that » teasing you.
You : « omg shut up.. » feeling bad but smiling a bit though.
Talia : « well, only the two of us know about it, so you keep it to yourself. If they want to say it, they will » to Chase.
Chase : « yeah ofc »
Jade comes to you.
Jade : « well guys, shall we go eat ? »
Talia : « yeah »
You : « what about Payton ? »
Chase : « I'm gonna text him »

So you all go to the restaurant. You sit at the end of the table, next to Talia. There is Chase next to her, and Maya across from her.
You guys are talking, and a few minutes later, you see Payton coming up in the distance. You realize the only empty seat is right in front of you, so you get a little uncomfortable.
Payton comes to the table.
Talia : « Payton, finally »
Payton : « yeah sorry » sitting down across from you and next to Maya.
You look at him, he looks at you and then you both look away at the same time.
You order and as the meal goes on, you see that Maya talks to him a lot. They start to laugh a little together. It annoys you, but you act like nothing is wrong.

But after a while, she gets close to him and steals something from his plate.
Payton : « it's okay ? I'm not disturbing you ? » raising his eyebrows, smiling a bit.
Maya : « oops sorry » smiling.
At that moment, you are so annoyed that you slam your cutlery on your plate.
The whole table looks at you.
You : « sorry guys »
They go back to their discussions.
Payton looks at you, you give him an angry and confused look.
You : « I'll be right back » getting up.
Talia : « y/n- »
You leave and head to the restroom.
Talia and Chase look at Payton.
Payton : « it's okay, I'm going » getting up, raising his eyes, smiling a bit.
Talia : « stop smiling Moormeier »

He catches up with you just before you enter the restroom. (The others can not see you because it is in a corner)
Payton : « y/n »
You are about to enter the restroom but hear him, so you stop.
You : « what ? » turning to him, sighing tensely.
Payton : « what's wrong ? »
You : « leave me alone Payton. Go back to Maya » raising your eyes a little and going into the restroom.
He follows you.
You : « get out. This is the ladies' restroom » turning to him.
Payton : « idc, what's the matter with you ? »
You : « what's the matter with me ?? But what's the matter with YOU ? What are you playing at ? »
Payton : « what about you ? »
You : « arghh aren't you tired of never answering my questions ? »
Payton : « you're not answering mine either, actually »
You : « ...why are you doing this ?.. » sighing a bit.
Payton : « are you jealous ? » teasing you a little.
You : « what- why would I be jealous ? »
Payton : « idk, because of what happened between us »
You : « nothing happened between us, it was just a mistake »
Payton : « a mistake ? »
You : « yes »
You : « we're friends, I was just- »
Payton : « oh we're friends ? »
You : « ...yeah »
Payton : « so tell me why you're jealous of Maya ? » getting closer to you, starting a little game with you.
You : « can we know what you're doing ? » stepping back a little, holding back a smile.
Payton : « what do you want y/n ? » blocking you against the wall.
You : « ...are you talking about us ? »
Payton : « us ? Because there's an "us" now ? »
You : « idk » glancing at his lips.
You guys make an eye contact, then he brings his lips closer to yours. You are about to kiss.
Payton : « I kinda like it when you get jealous » smirking, then moving away from you a little.
You raise your eyes, then look away and sigh, a bit frustrated.
You : « I hate you »
He steps back looking you in the eyes and smiling kind of proud of himself.
Payton : « so, still friends ? »
You look away trying not to smile because he annoys you but you can not help it.
Then he turns around and heads for the door, so you walk to him and turn him towards you.
You : « no » grabbing his neck and kissing him.
You can feel him smiling, then he grabs your hips and kisses you back. He pins you against the wall right next to the door, and you guys start making out. You got butterflies.
But suddenly you hear the door open, so you stop. Then you see an old lady smiling at you, you are both a little embarrassed. Then she enters a toilet, so you guys exchange a glance and laugh a little.

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