Two dumbass teens

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You continue a few rounds, then it gets late, and Talia notices that Payton and you are not very well.
Talia : « well, come on guys, let's go to bed »
Leïa : « yeah » yawning.
Anthony : « gn guys »
You go back to your room, with the girls.
Talia : « are you okay ?.. »
You : « no » going into the bathroom.
Talia comes with you. You do not talk to her, she does not insist because she knows why you are upset and sees that you do not want to talk about it. So you get ready for bed, then you come out and the girls go in.

You go to bed and try to sleep but you get a message.
You grab your phone, it is Payton.
Payton : « meet me outside »
You : « Payton... »
Payton : « please come »
You : « i can't anyway, the girls are here »
Payton : « then wait till they're asleep but please come »
You : « k »

After a few minutes, the girls are asleep. You get up, take your crutches as quietly as possible, get out of the room and text Payton.
You : « where are u ? »
Payton : « outside on the bench »
You see where it is, so you go outside. You see him on the bench, he turns his head, sees you and smiles a bit.
You : « so, what's wrong ? » approaching a little, still a bit upset.
He comes close to you, grabs your face and kisses you.
Payton : « y/n- »
You : « shut up » kissing him back.
After a few seconds, you stop kissing, then you look down.
You : « I hate her.. » speaking of Maya.
You : « ..I fucking hate her » going to sit on the bench, a little tense again.
Payton : « and Josh ? Like- » a little annoyed too.
You : « yeah I was so confused, I never would have thought »
Payton : « actually.. he'd already said he'd like to date you, so- »
You : « what ? When ? »
Payton : « during truth or dare, but you weren't there »
You : « why did you never tell me ? »
Payton : « I didn't want it to happen » turning his head towards you, frowning a bit.
You : « uh » looking at him, smiling a bit.
You : « ...well, we're great now » ironic.
Payton : « yeah » ironic too.
Payton : « ...the last time you fought with Maya, it was because of me ? »
You turn your head, raising your eyes.
He shakes his head, laughing a little.
You : « why are you laughing ? Because we're fighting about you ? »
Payton : « naah.. But I kinda like it when you get jealous » teasing you.
You : « I'm not-... I mean, I'm not the only one who's jealous here »
Payton : « me, jealous ? Of whom ? »
You : « well, Josh, ...and Noah »
Payton : « naah »
You look at him and raise your eyebrows, smiling a bit.

Then you look away, a little pensive.
You : « ...jealous for what even ? »
Payton turns his head towards you, a little confused.
You : « I mean, why be jealous ? What are we even ? »
He does not say anything.
You : « we're not a couple, but we're not friends either... »
Payton : « y/n... what do you want me to say ?... »
You : « ..nothing, I'm not really looking for an answer like that ig.. I just want us to be on the same page, that's all »
Payton : « okay, and what do you think we are then ? »
You sigh, smiling a little.
You : « we're... two dumbass teens, who.. really like each other, ...and like spending time together » looking into the distance, smiling a bit.
He shakes his head, laughing a bit.
Payton : « yeah so you don't know either »
You want to answer him, but he is right, so you giggle a little.
You : « okay well, you're right, I have no idea, but that's okay.. we don't care, huh ? »
Payton : « yeah, I'm kinda fine with the "two dumbass teens who really like each other" » looking into the distance, smiling.
You smile a bit.
You guys keep talking a bit, then you start to feel cold. Payton notices.
Payton : « are you cold ? Here, take my hoodie » handing you his hoodie.
You laugh a little.
Payton : « what ? » smiling a bit, a little confused.
You : « nothing » taking it, smiling a bit.
Payton : « it's too romantic for you, that's it ? » smiling a bit, knowing that you do not like romantic things.
You : « nah it's okay, I don't mind this time » raising your eyes, smiling a bit.
Payton : « oh, I see » 😌
You put on his hoodie.
Payton : « you're just too cold to say no, admit it »
You : « naah- oh well, congrats, you messed up the romantic side »
Payton : « damn »
You both smile a bit.
You talk for a few more minutes, then you decide to go back inside. You say good night to each other and go back to your respective rooms.

The next morning, Talia wakes up first. You, Cynthia and Madi are deeply asleep.
She goes to the bathroom to get ready then goes back to her bed. She stays on her phone for a while, waiting for you guys to wake up, but you do not, so she decides to do it. She comes up to you and notices you are wearing Payton's hoodie. She raises her eyebrows, smiling a bit. You fell asleep in it.

Talia : « y/n » whispering.
You : « uhm... » sleepy.
Talia : « y/n, can we know why you're sleeping in Payton's hoodie ? »
You : « what ?... » with eyes half open.
Talia : « why do you have Payton's hoodie on you girl ? »
You : « Payton's hoo- oh shit » waking up with a startle.
Talia : « so ? ...what happened last night ? » 😌
You : « did the girls see it ? » taking it off, a little panicked.
Talia : « nah dw, they're still asleep, and luckily, because you and Payton suck at being discreet » 💀
You : « I went out without waking you up tho » 😌
Talia : « and you better tell me everything »
You : « well.. we talked a bit about the party because.. yk »
Talia : « you guys just talked ? » smirking.
You : « yes we just talked ma'am »
You : « because this party sucked... »
Talia : « uhm... btw, you feeling better ? »
You : « yeah.. but I was so pissed, I swear »
Talia : « I saw that »
You : « omg yeah.. I'm sorry about yesterday, I was...- »
Talia : « no it's okay, dw »
Talia : « but yk, you weren't the only one upset. If you had seen Payton's face when Josh kissed you »
You : « yeah, I know... but everything's fine now »
Talia : « uhum » giving you a teasing look.
You smile, blushing a little.
Talia : « and, his hoodie ? » 😌
You : « I was cold »
Talia : « oh so you're playing in the romantic now ? » raising her eyebrows, smiling a bit.
You : « it was anything but romantic if you really wanna know » laughing a bit.
Talia : « oh »
Talia : « at the same time.. with you two » 🤡
You : « yeah »

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