Attractive friend

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Talia : « are you okay ? »
You : « Talia.. what's going on ? »
Talia : « well, YOU tell me. What's going on with Payton ? »
You : « why ? Did he say something to you ? »
Talia : « I'm the one asking the questions, okay ? »
You turn your head and look at Payton from a distance. You see him looking at you only for a few seconds, you stand there looking at him, and then look at the floor, a little lost.
You : « I kissed Payton » still looking down.
Talia : « you did what ?? »
You : « I.. kissed him » turning to her, clenching your teeth.
Talia : « wt- last night ? »
You nod a little.
Talia : « I-... idk what to say actually, ...I'm kinda shocked rn »
You : « I screwed up, I know »
Talia : « but like, why ? »
You : « idk.. I asked him to stay with me, because I didn't want to be alone and... I kissed him.. »
Talia : « but- »
You : « I feel so stupid saying this, I just broke up with Matt, what's wrong with me ? »
Talia : « maybe you were feeling lonely but... »
You do not say anything for a few seconds.
You : « ...he kissed me back »
Talia : « ofc he kissed you back, it's Payton » raising her eyes a little.
You : « but- ughh... it was like I couldn't help myself- omg this is so embarrassing but- »
Talia : « yeah I get it, you're attracted to him »
You : « I'm not »
Talia : « yes you are. And I love Payton, he's my best friend but he's... your opposite »
You : « wdym ? »
Talia : « I mean you can't date him. He's a player and you want a serious relationship »
You : « but idc about that »
Talia : « you don't care ? »
You : « yeah, cause I'm not gonna date him »
Talia : « oh really ? Can we find out why you kissed him then ? »
You do not know what to say.
Talia : « that's what I thought- »
You : « I was lonely, and he was there for me. That's all. It was just a mistake »
She looks at you, not convinced at all.
You : « what ? »
She does not say anything.
You : « ...I can't be attracted to him »
Talia : « no, you don't WANT to be attracted to him »
You : «'s not even right, like- I just broke up with Matt, ...and Payton, he's like my.. friend- »
Talia : « uh, no he's not »
Talia : « and plus, it's not about right or wrong. First of all, Matt cheated on you, so ig you can do whatever you want. And secondly, you can't control that kind of things »
You : « you're not really helping me rn.. »
Talia : « sorry, but it's the truth »
You : « ...we haven't even talked about it since it happened, it's so embarrassing »
Talia : « well, I don't think he expected that, give him some time »
You : « I don't even know if I want to talk to him » clenching your teeth, a bit anxious.
Talia : « great » 🤡
Talia : « ...but yk, also the fact that you don't know what you want.. »
You : « uhm... »
You : « ...he's the one who stopped the kiss tho »
Talia : « fr ? » a bit surprised.
You : « yeah, he left a bit upset.. »
You both do not say anything.
Talia : « yk what ? »
You : « what ? » turning your head towards her.
Talia : « I'm not for it, but I'm not against it either » smiling a bit, looking at Payton.
You : « wdym ? »
Talia : « you guys look good together but I don't want him to play with you- »
You : « Talia, I'm not gonna date him, okay ? So dw about it »
Talia : « you say that but you can not be friends with someone you're attracted to. You said it yourself »
You : « ugh » raising your eyes a little.
You : « it is possible, actually »
Talia : « sure. Well, think about it, I'm off » ✌🏻leaving.
You stay alone and think.

Talia goes to see the guys, and therefore Payton. She goes next to him while the others are shooting. She looks at him, he turns his head towards her, they make a little eye contact, then Talia raises her eyes, smiling a little, and Payton looks away, smiling a bit too.
Talia : « you guys are doing a little bit of shit »
Payton : « I know »
Talia : « I don't want you to play with her »
He says nothing, catches the ball and shoots.
Talia : « Payton. »
Payton : « yeah- Josh, here » asking for the ball.
He catches it and scores.
Talia : « k » raising her eyes and leaving to see the others.

After a while, Chase notices that you are all alone, so he comes to you.
Chase : « are you okay ? »
You : « why does everyone keep asking me this question ? » a bit tense.
Chase : « oh, I'm sorry I just wanted- »
You : « omg no sorry,'s not your fault »
Chase : « it's okay dw, but... you..- »
You : « Matt broke up with me yesterday.. »
Chase : « oh... I'm sorry... »
You : « ...he found someone else » looking away.
Chase : « whaat ? »
You turn your head towards him.
Chase : « so you're telling me he found better than you ? Wtf » smiling a bit.
You : « shut up.. » laughing a bit, then looking away.
He laughs a bit too.
Chase : « eh, yk what ? Forget him. He doesn't deserve you » getting up.
You : « I'm trying, but I loved him... »
Chase : « come on girl, live your life » holding out his hands to you.
You : « uhm.. » grabbing them with a little smile.
He helps you up and you are about to go join the others.
You : « um- Chase ? »
Chase : « yeah ? »
You : « can you tell the guys please ? I'm tired of saying the same thing every time.. but I want them to know, yk ? »
Chase : « oh yeah, okay »
You : « thanks »
So he goes join the guys and you go see the girls.

He tells the guys. They are a little shocked but mostly sad for you. So they all come up behind you and jump on you. They give you a group hug to cheer you up and make you smile. Except Payton, who is keeping his distance a little.
You : « omg » smiling a bit.
They stop and look at you.
Jaden : « you don't need him »
Anthony : « yeah you have us » smiling.
You smile a little.
You : « thank you guys... now let's not talk about it anymore »
Josh : « okay » with a little smile.
They nod.
Jade : « well, since it's breakups announcement.. » clenching her teeth.
You : « no ?... » a bit surprised.
Jade : « yes.. I broke up with Zack, but it's not sad for my part, I'm kinda relieved »
Cynthia : « omg okay.. »
Anthony : « alright girls » 🤡
Jaden : « there's a good atmosphere now » 🤡
Chase : « yep, anyone else ? »
You all laugh a bit.
Chase : « well, let's not talk about it anymore then »
Jade : « yeah let's have some fun, it's not two shitty guys who are going to ruin our vacation »

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