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Suddenly, you hear a knock.
Talia : « come on, the guys are waiting for us »
Madi : « are you all ready ? »
Leïa : « yeah, it's okay »
Cynthia : « well, let's go then ! » excited.

You walk out of the room. Anthony and Leïa look at each other, smiling. Jaden and Jade are a little more shy but also look at each other a little. And Madi goes to give Christopher a kiss.
You look at Talia then turn your head and see Payton staring at you. You frown a bit. He looks you up and down, smirking to tease you, so you make that face :

 He looks you up and down, smirking to tease you, so you make that face :

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He giggles a little, then you all go down to the party.
As you walk, Payton comes up beside you.
Payton : « you're wearing a dress » a bit surprised.
You : « well seen »
You : « I was forced »
Payton : « it shows » laughing a bit.
You : « fuck you » smiling a bit.
Payton : « no just kidding, you're beautiful »
You look at him, then look ahead again with a little smile.
You : « thank you »
You : « you too, I mean, you're not bad »
Payton : « so I tell you you're beautiful and you tell me I'm not bad ? »
You : « do you know why I do this ? Because afterwards you take too much confident »
Payton : « me ? Naah »
You : « like you need that » raising your eyes, smiling a bit.

Anyway, you arrive at the party, take a table then go dancing. The party goes pretty well. You start to have fun and not worry about Matt anymore. You dance with Talia and Payton.
At the end of the song, Talia tells you that she is going back to the table to have a drink with Cynthia. Payton and you continue to dance.

After a while, a calmer music starts. You both stop, then look at each other and start to laugh a little.
Payton : « Ma'am, would you do me the honor of giving me this dance ? » 😌 holding out his hand to you, playing dumb.
You burst out laughing.
Payton : « um no, you weren't supposed to react like that in the script » 🤡
You : « okay okay, sorry » still laughing a bit.
You : « ..of course sir » 😌 grabbing his hand.

He brings you closer to him. It does a little something to you to be this close to him, so you are a little embarrassed, and at the same time you feel kind of bad because you should not be feeling this way since you are with Matt.
You start dancing.
Payton : « you're nervous »
You : « I'm not »
You : « a girl is looking at you over there » changing the subject.
He turns his head.
Payton : « mmh, nah »
You : « you haven't hit on any girls at this party yet, are you feeling okay ? »
Payton : « aren't you a girl ? » smirking a bit.
You look at him.
You : « fuck you » raising your eyes, smiling a bit, tired of him.
He laughs a bit.
You : « I'm indeed a girl, but taken sir »
You : « I mean, I think.. »
Payton : « he didn't call you ? »
You : « nope »

Suddenly, Talia comes to see you.
Talia : « y/n, Matt tried to call you » giving you your phone.
You : « really ? Thanks »
It rings again.
You : « it's him ! Well, I'm going outside, k ? See you »
Talia : « go ahead » smiling.
You leave.
Talia turns to Payton.
Talia : « what were you talking about ? »
Payton : « ..nothing »

FaceTime with Matt :
You : « hey » with a little smile.
Matt : « hey »
You : « are you okay ? »
Matt : « well, not really... we need to talk »
You : « finally. You have time for me today ? »
Matt : « babe... » raising his eyes a little.
You : « anyway, go ahead. What did you want to tell me ? »
Matt : « well.. yk.. sometimes I get lonely here.. »
You : « I know... I'm sorry »
Matt : « it's not really your fault... I mean, it's our fault, yk ? We decided to stay together despite the distance »
You : « ...yeah.. ? » a little confused
Matt : « it's getting harder and harder for me this long distance relationship »
You do not say anything and realize what he is doing.
Matt : « I'm sorry y/n, I know you do your best to come see me when you can, but it's not enough- »
You : « you're breaking up with me ?.. » not well.
Matt : « ...I'm sorry »
You : « but- » tears in your eyes.
Matt : « I need someone here with me, that I can see every day »
You : « you don't love me anymore ?... »
Matt : « it's more complicated than that- »
You : « no it's not. How long have you felt this way ? »
Matt : « ...for a while now.. »
You look away for two seconds, holding you back from crying.
You : « you really took me for a fool.. »
Matt : « no- »
You : « yes. Because you could have told me before » tense.
You : « what was the point of avoiding me and not answering me ?? »
Matt : « I needed time to think »
You : « but I was waiting for you like an idiot during this time. »
Matt : « y/n, I know it's complicated- »
You : « you're the one who makes everything complicated. »
Matt : « I'm not the one who left for more than a month on a boat with friends »
You : « but- it has nothing to do with that »
Matt : « ofc it does. Because you could have come see me instead. »
You : « don't I have the right to have a life on the side ? Plus, I'm always the one who comes. You don't give a shit about me actually » tears rolling down your cheeks.
Matt : « it's not that y/n- »
You : « so what is it ?!- »
Matt : « I met someone else. »
You stop all of a sudden.
Matt : « I met a girl... »
You feel your heart tightening. You are in shock.
Matt : « I'm sorry... »
You : « no you're not.. »
Matt : « I swear- »
You : « no you're not. You cheated on me. »
Matt : « I wanted to tell you before but... »
You : « you-... » feeling overwhelmed by a mixture of anger and sadness.
There is a little silence. You go sit on a nearby bench.
You : « how long has it been ?.. »
Matt : « does it really matter ?- »
You : « yes. »
You : « before I came here ? »
Matt : « ... »
You turn the phone because you can not hold back your tears anymore.
Matt : « y/n I'm really sorry.. »
You : « you've ruined everything » putting the phone back in front of you.
Suddenly, you hear a girl's voice over the phone.
You : « I-... » not even able to talk anymore.
So you hang up the phone, and burst into tears.
You can not believe it. You feel so stupid.

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