Not convincing

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Everyone goes to bed. You try to sleep but you can not. You miss Matt. So you go back on your phone and just scroll through Instagram for a bit.
Payton has not gone to bed, he is also on Instagram and sees that you are online, so he sends you a message.

Payton : « go to bed »
You : « YOU go to bed »
Payton : « im not tired »
You : « i can't sleep »
Payton : « why ? »
You : « im overthinking »
Payton : « well, stop »
You : « omg thanks »
Payton : « yw »
Payton : « no but seriously, what are you thinking about so much that you can't sleep ? »
You : « too many things »
Payton : « about me ? 😌 »
You : « you wish »
Payton : « what's going on then ? »
You : « are you a therapist ? »
Payton : « you miss him ? »
You : « ... »
Payton : « you girls in relationships are so predictable »
You : « what does that mean ? »
Payton : « well, that you are predictable »
You : « i mean, sorry for loving the person im dating 🙄 »
You : « and not playing with them, huh ? »
Payton : « lmao i don't play »
You : « ofc you do »
Payton : « k yeah i do, but it's just that serious relationships aren't for me »
You : « or maybe you're scared »
Payton : « scared of what ? »
You : « of love »
Payton : « bruh, no im not »
You : « not really convincing »
Payton : « im not scared it's just that it sucks to belong to a person »
You : « you're not a prisoner lmao »
Payton : « almost, no offense 😌 »
You : « im not offended »
Payton : « look, people in relationship have control over each other's feelings, you do something wrong : they suffer, you do something right : they're happy. but if you're not attached to anyone, you're fine 🤷🏻‍♂️😌 »
You : « okay dude »
Payton : « u know im right »
You : « WELL, i think im gonna try to sleep »
Payton : « sure gn 😌 »
You put your phone down and end up falling asleep, Payton too.

The next morning, you slowly open your eyes, then get up and wake up the girls.
You : « hey girls ! Wake up »
Leïa : « uhm.. » turning and continuing to sleep.
You : « come on, wake up »
Jade : « chill... why are you in such a hurry ? » stretching out.
You : « I'm so hungry, come on, let's have breakfast »
Maya : « yeah me too tbh »
You : « Leïa » 🙂
Leïa : « argh... okay.. »
Jade : « but, we go like this ? » showing her pajamas.
You : « yeah, who cares ? We're on vacation »
Jade : « okay well, let's go »

So you go down to the cafeteria. (You are wearing a long t-shirt with shorts underneath and have a messy bun)
Once downstairs, you realize that you have forgotten your room card for the cafeteria. (You have to present the card with your room number at the entrance to the cafeteria to enter)
You : « oh fuck, I forgot the card » 🤡
Leïa : « argh y/n.. » 💀
You : « it's okay, I'll get it »
Jade : « go ahead »
You : « I'll be right back »
Maya : « do you know the code ? »
(You have a card for the room, and a code just in case)
You : « yeah »

You go back up, do the code but it does not work. You try again but nothing, so you start to get a little angry on the handle.
Payton : « but wt- » opening the door from the inside, shirtless.
You : « Payton ?? »
Payton : « y/n ? » confused.
You : « oh shit » 🤡
Payton : « what are you doing here ? ..And why are you going after this handle ? »
You : « fuck um.. sorry yeah, but I thought- »
Payton : « that it was your room ? »
You : « yeah » 🤡
You : « we have the same room number actually »
Payton : « ..I see » looking at you.
You : « well, I'm going then, sorry again » a little embarrassed.
Payton : « wait, where are you going ? »
You : « well, in my room. I forgot the card for the cafeteria »
Payton : « oh you're at the cafeteria ? Hold on, we're coming »
You : « yeah well, you can go downstairs, there are the girls. I'm gonna get the card and I join you afterwards »
Payton : « okay yeah, see you »

You go up to your room this time, do the code and take the card. Then you go back downstairs and join the girls.
Leïa : « so, we're gonna see the guys » 😏 teasing you.
You look at her like that :

You : « I got the wrong floor

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You : « I got the wrong floor. They have the same room number as us »
Jade : « oh shit, that's too bad » 🙄😌 teasing you.
You : « you don't believe me ? » smiling a bit.
Jade : « ofc I believe you »
You laugh a bit.
You : « well, where are they now ? Because ig you didn't get that information on your own » 💀
Leïa : « indeed. They just passed by, they went to reserve us a table because there are a lot of people »
You : « oh okay »
Jade : « well, do you have the card ? Can we go ? I'm hungry »
You : « chill, I have it »

You enter the cafeteria, get a few things to eat and then look for the guys.
Payton : « y/n ! Here » waving at you.
You : « oh girls, they're here »
You join them. You put your tray in front of Payton's.
You : « you can't keep anything to yourself, can you ? »
Payton : « they asked me if I had seen you » 🤷🏻‍♀️😌
You raise your eyes a little. He smiles a bit.
Chase : « otherwise, did you sleep well ? »
Leïa : « yeah pretty good, until the wake up. » looking at you.
Jade : « fr »
You : « but I was super hungry » eating a big piece of croissant.
Payton : « so hungry that you forgot the card »
You : « if this is your way of helping me, just shut up »
He giggles a bit.
Leïa : « no but really, please next time go with someone who's not sleeping »
You : « oh, such good friends »
Leïa : « sorry but I prefer to sleep » 🙂
You : « great » 🤡
Then you guys change the subject.
Josh : « anyway, today is karting then ? » 😌
Jade : « yess, I can't wait »
Leïa : « yeah me too »
Josh : « oh, so you can't wait to lose ? » 😌
Leïa : « sorry ? »
You : « pff » raising your eyes, smiling a bit.
Josh : « yeah sorry but, I'm gonna win » 🤷🏻‍♀️😌
You : « we'll see about that »
You finish your breakfast, then go back to your rooms to get ready. You brush your teeth, take a shower and get dressed like that :

 You brush your teeth, take a shower and get dressed like that :

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Then you send a message to the group to see if they are ready.
The guys are not quite ready, so you ask Cynthia, Madi and Talia if you and the girls can come to their room to wait. They say yes, so you go join them.

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