Do not think too much

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You and Payton go back up to your room. You go into the bathroom and Payton sits on your bed. You guys talk while you get dressed.
Payton : « so, tell me, what's wrong with Maya ? » 😌
You : « you know it's your fault, right ? ...She thinks she's going to date you » 🙄
Payton : « and why couldn't she ? »
You stick your head out of the bathroom door and look at him for a few seconds, eyebrows raised.
You : « you DATE girls now ? »
You : « but after all, do whatever you want, it's your life » raising your eyes, getting back to what you were doing.
Payton : « I'm just kidding, it's okay » laughing a bit.
You : « me too dude » putting on your bra.
You : « do that, I'll kick your ass » sticking your head out again.
He raises his hands and laughs.
Payton : « sounds good to me too »
You raise your eyes, smiling a bit, then go back to what you were doing.
You : « Payton ? Isn't my black top on my bed or somewhere ? »
He looks around.
Payton : « yes, it's there » grabbing it.
You : « can you please give it to me ? »
Payton : « mmh idk.. » smirking.
You : « Payton. Please »
Payton : « come and get it » 😌
You : « you're so annoying » coming out of the bathroom.
You : « such a kid » approaching him and about to take your top of his hands.
But he pulls it away.
You : « Payton, hurry »
He brings his hand back to you a little, so you grab your top.
Payton : « you're welcome »
You : « yeah that's it, get out now. You slow me down more than anything else » smiling a bit.
Payton : « okay okay, I'm gonna get dressed too then »
You : « yeah do that »
He gets up and heads for the door.
Payton : « are you sure you don't need any help ? » turning to you.
You : « pff, come on, get out » raising your eyes a little, smiling a bit.
Payton : « okay okay » laughing a bit.
He opens the door and sees Talia.
Talia : « Payton ? »
Payton : « yup that's me, I'm gonna get dressed, see you » ✌🏻
Talia : « yeah okay.. » a bit confused.

She walks into your room and sees you in your bra.
Talia : « y/n, but what are you doing in a bra ? »
You : « well, I'm getting dressed- btw, white or black ?- » showing her your tops.
Talia : « in front of Payton ? » raising her eyebrows.
You : « no no no » laughing a bit nervously.
Talia : « oh so maybe he just took off your top » looking at you, smiling a bit.
You : « what- no. Ofc no »
Talia : « yeah that's it » not believing you.
You : « Talia, don't start with your theories »
Talia : « k, tell me what's going on then ? » 😌
You : « okay, but close the door »
She closes the door.

Talia : « so ? »
You : « we kissed again » turning to her.
Talia : « whaat ? Fr ? »
You : « yeah, yesterday »
Talia : « uh, in the restroom ? » raising her eyes a little, smiling.
You : « ..yeah » looking away, a little embarrassed.
Talia : « I saw your smile, you were anything but discreet »
You : « oh, great » 🤡
Talia : « weren't you mad at him in the first place ? » 😌
You : « I was but.. »
Talia : « yeah I get it »
You : « anyway, that's it. But we didn't do anything else, so don't start imagining things, k ? »
Talia : « me ? Never »
You : « yeah, ofc »
Talia : «, this time it was a real kiss ? I mean, he didn't leave right after ? » 💀
You : « stooop » laughing a bit.
You : « no, not this time »
Talia : « so.. are you guys dating ? »
You : « well.. no »
Talia : « ugh.. y/n...- »
You : « I know what you're gonna tell me but, idc. It's okay, even if I'm just one more »
Talia : « omg.. what did this boy do to you ? » desperate but smiling a bit though.
You : « ugh idk.. » sighing a bit.
You : « it just feels good. And after what happened with Matt... »
Talia : « yeah.. you don't wanna get into a relationship again... »
You : « ...I just don't wanna think too much »
Talia : « I see.. »
You : « and then anyway, Payton in a relationship ? »
Talia : « uhm yeah » 🤡
You : « we can wait » making big eyes.
Talia : « ...but you're not gonna become the girl version of Payton, are you ? » raising her eyebrows.
You : « no, dw » laughing a bit.
Talia : « okay, cool » laughing a bit too.
Talia : « well, I have to get dressed, you coming ? »
You : « yeah »
Talia : « and put on the black one » looking at your tops.
You : « k » smiling a bit.
You put on the black top and you guys go down to her room.

She is looking for an outfit.
You : « oh girl, I didn't tell you »
Talia : « what ? »
You : « Maya loves Payton » raising your eyes a little.
Talia : « yeah »
You : « you knew it ? »
Talia : « no, but I mean, it shows, did you see how she looks at him ? »
You : « yeah I saw » 🙄
Talia : « but she told you then ? »
You : « yeah she told us last night »
Talia : « so ? What happened ? »
You : « well, we had a fight »
You : « she thinks she's gonna date him » 💀
Talia : « fr ? But you didn't tell her ? »
You : « but tell her what ? I'm not gonna tell her we kissed. We don't want anyone to know. There's already you and Chase »
Talia : « yeah, I understand »
Talia : « well, just ignore her. She loves your guy, so what ? » 🙄😌
You : « he's not my guy »
Talia : « well, he's more yours than Maya's anyway » raising her eyebrows.
You react like that :

Cynthia and Madi come into the room, so you stop talking about that.
Cynthia : « hey, so what are we doing today ? »
Talia : « as you want »
Madi : « Chris saw that there was a skatepark »
You : « fr ? »
Madi : « yeah apparently, and since the boys like to skateboard, it could be cool, right ? »
Cynthia : « omg yeah, well, I suck at skateboarding but I love watching people who actually can skateboard » 🤡
You : « yeah same, I've never skateboarded before » laughing a bit.
Talia : « dw, well, skatepark then. But have the others finished eating ? »
Madi : « yeah, we just need to get ready »
You : « okay well, I'm gonna go see Payton in the meantime » leaving the room.
Madi : « it's getting closer and closer these two » 😌
Cynthia : « yeah I agree » 😌
Talia : « girls, they're best friends » smiling a bit.
Madi : « yes ofc, like me and Chris » 🙄😌

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