An admirer

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This morning, Anthony comes knocking at your room. You go open.
You : « oh hey »
Anthony : « hi »
You : « don't move, I'm gonna get her »
He smiles a bit, and you go get Leïa.
You tell her that Anthony is waiting at the door, so she goes see him.
In the meantime, you decide to send a message to Matt, you would like to talk to him.
A few minutes later, Leïa comes back to you.
Jade : « so ? » 😏
Leïa : « they want to go to the pool today »
Jade : « oh, that's cool » 🙂
Leïa : « but first, they wanted us to have breakfast together, they're waiting for us »
You : « okay, well, let's go »

So you go down to meet them in front of their rooms. You say hi to each other, then go down to the cafeteria. You show your cards, go sit at a table and have breakfast, talking about everything and nothing.
Then you go back up to your rooms to get ready. You brush your teeth, take a shower, put on your bathing suit, shorts and a crop top over it, then go back downstairs.
Anthony : « well, everyone's here ? »
Leïa : « yeah let's go »

You go to the pool. There are a lot of people. The others are going for a swim, you quickly check your phone to see if Matt has answered, but nothing. So you get a little sad all of a sudden.
Talia : « Y/N ! »
You : « yeah ? » turning around.
Talia : « well, you're not coming ? »
You : « I'm coming in 2 seconds »
You put your phone in your bag, then take off your shorts and crop top. Payton is looking at you from the pool but you do not see him.
Chase : « stop staring, she's taken, stupid »
Payton : « we're not even allowed to look anymore ? » smiling a bit.
Chase : « nope »

On your side, you see that the girls are sitting in a shallow corner of the pool, so you go join them.
Leïa : « are you okay ? » whispering to you.
You nod doing a little fake smile.
Leïa : « it's Matt, right ? »
You : « ...he's distant lately » shrugging a little.
Leïa : « dw, he'll answer you. He must be busy »
You look at her, not very convinced.
You : « we don't live in the same city, and the fact that we're far away has never made him distant like that.. plus, he always answers me »
You : « do you think he's cheating on me ?? » losing your confidence, starting to panic a little.
Leïa : « bitch, stop talking nonsense. It's Matt. He would never do that, he loves you »
You : « yeah, yeah you're right, I'm stupid. It's just that I'm tired of the whole situation yk ?... I just want to see him »
Leïa : « try to call him tonight »
You : « yeah.. » looking away.
Leïa : « well, now have fun, we're on vacation on a fucking boat, come on, smile » smiling.
You : « okay » raising your eyes a little, smiling.
You continue to talk about everything and nothing with the girls.

Then, Cynthia notices a guy in the distance who seems to be looking at you.
Cynthia : « well y/n I think you have an admirer » 😌
You : « what ? »
Cynthia : « over there » showing him with a little head movement.
All the girls turn around, so he pretends to look away.
Cynthia : « so discreet » 💀
Madi : « oh but yes, she's right » turning to you.
You : « that's bullshit, who says he's not looking at one of you ? »
Madi : « well, do you want me to go ask him ? » 😌
You : « no, don't. I don't care. I'm in a relationship I remind you »
Madi : « true. He was cute tho, ..too bad » shrugging a bit.
You : « yeah but no »
Cynthia : « well, I'm here otherwise » 😎
You all laugh, then decide to get out of the pool and lay on some lounge chairs to get a tan.

A few minutes later, you feel a few drops of water on you, you turn around and see Payton standing next to you, shaking his wet hair.
You : « don't you want to do this any further, by any chance ? » looking at him like that :

You : « don't you want to do this any further, by any chance ? » looking at him like that :

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Payton : « umm, no sorry. Plus, we had to wake y'all up, it's 1pm, we're gonna go eat »
You : « you could have woken us up quietly, that would have worked too » 💀
Christopher gives Madi a wet hug.
Madi : « oh nooo ! Chris.. fuck » 😩
You : « you're such kids » smiling a bit.
Madi : « it's okay, we're coming » raising her eyes a little.

You get dressed and go get something to eat. You walk on deck and head to a part of the boat where they sell fast food.
You are talking with Jade, but suddenly you hear some screams and see the others being surrounded by a lot of girls, they are a little overexcited.
You find yourself out of the crowd with Jade, Maya and Leïa. You look at them a little shocked, you had forgotten how famous they are. They take the time to take pictures and talk with everyone.

You stay on the side, but you start to be really hungry. Jade tries to make her way through the crowd but it is impossible. So you send a message to the others on your Instagram group chat, to know what they want to eat. They all reply except Payton.
You : « always the same one » 💀
You : « well I'm going » sighing.
You try to make your way through the crowd from another location. It is complicated but you eventually reach Payton.

You : « ah Payton, finally. You never answer. We're going to get food with the girls, what do you want ? »
Payton : « oh sorry, but wait, I'm gonna go with you »
The fans look at you, confused.
You : « no dw, it's okay, I'm gonna go with the girls »
You : « I don't think they're gonna let you go anyway » 🙂
Payton : « maybe you're right » laughing a bit.
You : « so, what do you want ? »
Payton : « idk, take whatever you want »
You : « sure ? »
Payton : « yeah »
You : « okay, well, it's not far. We'll be right back »
Payton : « okay, thanks »

You go with the girls to the fast food not far away, you order for yourselves and for the others and buy a few drinks also.
You can not decide between two things, so you get a salad for you and cheesy pasta for Payton.
Man : « here you go. The cheesy pasta is coming »
You : « well, go ahead girls, I'm waiting » taking your salad.
Girls : « okay »
They leave.

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