New friends

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A few minutes later, you go sit and chill in a shallower corner of the pool with Talia, Cynthia, Jade, Jaden, Chase and Payton.
You talk about everything and nothing, and then Cynthia notices a guy looking in your direction. He is actually looking at Talia.

Cynthia : « Talia ? Wouldn't you like to be in a relationship ? »
Talia : « what kind of question is this ? » laughing a bit.
Cynthia : « come on, answer » 😌
Talia : « but why are you asking me this ? »
Cynthia : « because there's a guy over there watching you » 😌 showing him with her head.
You guys turn around and look at him.
Talia : « this discretion, omg » 💀
You : eh but it's true, he's looking at you » teasing Talia.
Talia : « stooop, guys you're not discreet at all » 😭
Then you see him coming towards you.
Cynthia : « oh I think he saw us »
Talia : « great » uncomfortable.

He comes to see you.
Cynthia : « hey » 😌
Guy : « hey »
There is a little silence, he is a bit nervous.
Guy : « oh um sorry, my name is Lucas » smiling a bit.
Cynthia : « oh well, nice to meet you Lucas »
You : « and her name is Talia » 💁🏻‍♀️😌
Talia : « y/n » 💀
Lucas : « oh, um yeah, actually, I was wondering if, maybe, you'd like to give me your phone number or whatever ? » looking at Talia.
Talia : « me ? »
You : « yeah I guess he's looking at you » raising your eyes a little, smiling a bit.
The boys do not say anything and watch the scene, smiling stupidly.
Lucas : « do you have a boyfriend ? »
Talia : « no I don't » smiling a bit, embarrassed.
Payton : « come on Talia » smirking a bit.
Lucas is looking at her.
Talia : « okay » smiling a bit.
Lucas : « cool » smiling.
She gives him her phone number, smiling a bit shy.
Lucas : « thank you »
Lucas : « well um, I won't bother you any longer, it was nice to meet- »
Cynthia : « eh no but, don't go now »
Jade : « yeah, you can stay yk »
Lucas : « sure ? »
Cynthia : « yeah » 😌
Talia : « you should go, they're gonna give you an interrogation »
You : « naah it's okay, stay »
He laughs a bit and sits with you.
So you guys get to know him. Everyone thinks he is really cool, especially Talia.
Then you start to get hungry, so you offer him to eat with you.
Lucas : « oh yeah, cool, thanks »
Lucas : « um can I bring my friends ? »
Payton : « yeah ofc »

So he goes to get his friends, while you join the others and tell them about it.
You all get your stuff, then Lucas comes back with a girl and two guys.
Payton turns around and sees Noah, he recognizes him directly, but does not say anything. You are still gathering your things.
Jaden : « okay so, guys, this is Lucas » introducing him to the others.
Lucas : « hey, um and, this is Ilona, Alex and Noah »
Everyone : « hey »
You : « Noah ? » turning around.
Noah : « y/nn, it's nice to see you again » smiling.
You : « yeah.. um, I didn't know you were friends » smiling, uncomfortable.
Noah : « well, now you know »
You : « yeah »
Payton : « well, shall we go eat ? »
Cynthia : « yeah let's go »
You all go eat together.

During lunch, Noah looks at you a lot, this makes you a little uncomfortable and annoys Payton. You also catch Ilona looking at Payton multiple times. It makes you a little tense, but you do not say anything.
You all get to know Lucas and his friends a little better.
Then after lunch, you decide to go to an outdoor skatepark, the one where you and Payton used to meet at night. You are holding Talia's and Payton's hands, Noah notices and frowns a bit.
You guys arrive, and suddenly you feel Payton looking at you. So you remember the last time you were here and look away, smiling.

You chill there all afternoon. Payton does a little live on TikTok.
Payton : « yo guys ! »
As usual, almost all the comments are about you.
He talks a little bit about everything and nothing. You come for a while, then Chase too.
Then Payton says this :

« come on Payton tell us !!! »
« the ocean is terrifying YES. »
« he was about to spill the teaaaaaa »
« are you dating y/n ?? »
Everyone obviously wants to know the tea about you, but he does not say anything.

After that, Chase and him join Jade, Cynthia and the guys, and go skateboarding.
The other girls are sitting on the side and talking about everything and nothing.
You look at Noah and decide to go talk to him. He is with the guys.
You : « eh, can we talk, ..please ? »
Noah : « yeah »
Payton looks at you, you give him a little look to reassure him. Then you go and sit with Noah not too far away.

You : « Noah, I wanted to talk to you about the last time... when I called you.. yk ? »
Noah : « yeah, speaking of that, what's going on ? You call me, you tell me that you think I'm cute and that you'll call me back, and then you don't call me back- »
You : « we were playing "truth or dare" » uncomfortable.
Noah : « what ? »
You : « it was just a game... » not very proud of you.
Noah : « are you kidding ?.. » disappointed.
You : « no.. I'm sorry »
Noah : « okay, great » looking away.
You : « Noah I'm sorry to tell you that now, I swear I didn't want to do this... »
Noah : « yeah, obviously.. »
You do not really know what to say.
Noah : « you didn't mean what you said, did you ? » looking at you, a little lost.
You look away.
Noah : « I got it dw.. » disappointed.
You : « Noah... actually, I'm in a relationship »
Noah : « still ? I know you told me, but then I thought it was over with him »
You : « well yeah, we broke up, ...but I'm with Payton now »
Noah : « oh, okay, ..yeah I saw you holding his hand I was kinda confused but-... anyway » sighing a bit.
Noah : « I'm not gonna hide from you that I would have liked us to get to know each other better and, yk... but never mind.. you look happy, it's cool, enjoy » faking a smile.
You : « ...we can still be friends, can't we ? » feeling bad for him.
Noah : « yeah.. ofc »
You : « okay.. cool » uncomfortable.
Noah : « well, shall we join the others ? »
You : « yeah »

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