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While you are waiting, a guy waiting next to you turns to you.
Guy : « hi »
You turn your head and recognize the guy from the pool.
You : « oh hey.. » a little embarrassed.
Guy : « I'm Noah, nice to meet you »
You : « oh um, my name is y/n »
Noah : « so.. you're here on vacation ? »
You : « well, yeah, like most people here ig » with a little smile.
Noah : « yeah, ofc.. and you came with your friends ? »
You : « uhum, and you ? »
Noah : « yeah I'm with some friends too »
You nod a bit, there is a little awkward silence, so you look at the floor, a little uncomfortable.
Leïa sees you from afar.
Noah : « ...and so.. do you have a boyfriend ? »
You : « yes I have one »
Noah : « oh yeah ofc.. » looking at the guys from afar.
Noah : « everybody loves them »
You : « oh but- »
The waiter interrupts you.
Waiter : « here's the pasta »
You : « oh um, thank you »
Leïa calls you and waves you to come. You turn to Noah.
You : « well, I have to go.. »
Noah : « oh yeah, sure, go ahead »
You go back to the girls.

Jade : « is it me or was it the guy from- »
You : « it was him, yeah »
Leïa : « it looked awkward » laughing a bit.
You : « it was. Thanks btw » laughing a bit too.
Leïa : « yw »
You : « I got Payton's pasta »
Maya : « yeah well, good luck getting through » 🤡
You : « ugh » 💀
You send them a message that you have the food and that it would be nice if you guys could sit somewhere.
They tell the fans to let you through. Everybody looks at you a little bit strangely. Then you go sit in a corner of the boat :

The fans keep following you and talking to the others

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The fans keep following you and talking to the others. So you guys offer them to eat with you so they can talk more.
You sit a little to the side with Maya, Leïa and Jade, so as not to disturb them. Payton comes sit next to you to get his food.
You : « here you go » giving him his pasta.
Payton : « oh pasta, thanks »
You : « it looked so yummy, so.. » with a little smile.
Payton : « well, let's have a taste »
He takes the fork and tastes.
You : « so ? »
Payton : « it's very good »
You : « cool.. » wanting to taste.
Payton : « well, taste it » handing you his dish, having noticed that you wanted to taste it.
You : « oh no it's okay, dw »
Payton : « come on » raising his eyes a little.
You : « okay, if you INSIST » raising your eyes, smiling a bit.
You take his fork and have a taste.
You : « it's good yeah »
Payton : « see »
Some girls see you and make big eyes, then the fans start asking him questions again, so you talk with the girls. The fans are wondering who you are, Maya, Jade, Leïa and you.

On your side :
Leïa : « well, are they leaving soon ? »
Jade : « I don't think so, why ? »
Leïa : « they like Anthony a little too much »
You : « not just Anthony »
Leïa : « true, ...idk how they deal with that every day »
Jade : « fr »
Maya : «, things are going well with Anthony, apparently » 😌 to Leïa.
Leïa : « uhum, we can say that » smiling, all happy.
You : « Leïa you're so cute »
Leïa : « stop it, I'm blushing » putting her hands on her cheeks.
You laugh.

Suddenly, you are interrupted by Anthony who comes and sits between you and Leïa and starts introducing you to the fans because they were wondering about you.
Anthony : « so, this is Jade, Maya, y/n and Leïa.. »
You guys wave at them, smiling a little embarrassed.
Anthony : « ..the baby of the group »
Leïa : « omg you're 2 days older than me » raising her eyes a little.
Anthony : « still older »
Jaden tells them how you met and then you answer a few questions.
An hour later, the others tell the fans that they are going to leave because you spent a good part of the afternoon with them. So the fans say goodbye to you and then you leave.
You stand up and follow the others but you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn around, startling a little. It is Noah.

You : « omg you scared me »
Noah : « sorry I didn't mean to scare you, but here » handing you a piece of paper.
You take it with a confused face.
Noah : « this is my number, so we can talk and see each other again »
You : « oh um- »
Noah : « text me, okay ? I have to go »
He leaves without you having had time to say anything.
Leïa : « well, he got some nerve »
Talia : « fr »
Jaden : « did you tell him you were in a relationship ? »
You : « I did yeah »
Jade : « great, well, come on » 🤡

You guys decide to go to your room to make sure you do not run into any other fans. You sit on the beds and Jade, Maya, Leïa and you notice that your followers have increased a lot.
Leïa : « oh okay, they're not kidding » with big eyes.
Anthony : « who ? »
Leïa : « your fans » showing him your phone.
Anthony : « oh yeah, well, yk how it goes, people take videos and.. yeah, it goes really fast »
Jaden : « they don't want to miss anything » laughing a bit.
After that, you guys talk about everything and nothing. You are sitting on your bed with Talia and Payton. Next to you, you see Madi having her head on Christopher's chest. You turn your head and see Anthony with Leïa in his arms. You look down and think about Matt.

You : « I'll be back » getting up.
Talia : « where are you going ? »
You : « I'm gonna call Matt.. »
Talia : « oh, yeah »
You seem a little nervous.
Talia : « eh, it's gonna be okay » smiling a bit.
Payton is silent.
You smile back at her and leave the room.
Madi : « y/n ? Where is she going ? »
Talia : « outside, to call someone » 😌
Madi : « oh okay »

You go outside and call him. He does not answer. You hesitate but try again. He picks up.
Matt : « hey »
You : « hey, am I bothering you ?.. »
Matt : « no, um, I just didn't hear my phone ring »
You : « okay, um.. I wanted to talk to you about something »
Matt : « um yeah but, I don't have time rn »
You : « but it's important »
Matt : « I'm sorry, I really can't rn, I'll call you back »
You : « but why are you so distant ? »
Matt : « ...y/n, I'm not distant I'm just.. kind of busy, but I swear I'll call you back as soon as I can, love you »
He hangs up.
You stand there disappointed, confused and sad.
Then, you take a deep breath, do your best to look fine and decide to go back to the room.

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