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On the group's side :
It is getting super late, they are all exhausted, so they decide to go to bed.
The girls enter the room and see you sleeping. They go to bed quietly so as not to wake you up.
Chase and Josh, who shares the room with Payton, come back from the party but do not see him in his bed.
Josh : « where is he ? »
Chase : « idk »
Josh : « maybe he's in y/n's room after all »
Chase : « Payton ? » a little louder.
Payton : « yeah, I'm coming »
Josh : « or in the bathroom, yup »
Chase : « k, we just wanted to know if you were here »
He comes out of the bathroom without saying anything.
Chase : « are you okay ? »
Payton : « yeah »
Josh : « where's y/n ? »
Payton : « in her room, sleeping »
Josh : « oh okay, I thought you guys were having another party on your own »
Chase : « yeah Talia told us you were together »
Payton : « well, we were »
Josh : « okay man » 😌
Payton : « no, really not » raising his eyes.
Chase : « but what were you doing outside ? »
Payton : « um, it's kinda.. long to explain- »
Josh : « well, if you don't mind, we'll talk about it tomorrow, huh ? Because rn I'm exhausted »
Chase : « yeah me too actually » yawning.
So they go to bed.
Before going to sleep, Payton gets a message from Talia.
Talia : « is she better ? »
He does not answer her, turns off his phone and decides to sleep.

The next morning, everyone goes downstairs to have breakfast, except you.
On the way to the cafeteria, Talia asks Leïa about you.
Talia : « isn't y/n coming ? »
Leïa : « I tried to wake her up but she was too tired »
Talia : « k »
Then she pulls Payton behind the group to talk to him.
Talia : « you didn't answer my message last night »
Payton : « yeah sorry, I was tired »
Talia : « okay but then, is she better ? »
Payton : « idk.. »
Talia : « uhm... hbu ? Are you okay ? »
Payton : « yeah »
Talia : « doesn't look like it »
Payton : « no I'm fine, I'm just tired »
Talia : « if you say so »

On your side :
You wake up and notice that the girls are not there. You do not remember Leïa trying to wake you up. You figure they are probably having breakfast, but you stay in bed because you do not want to get up for fear of running into Payton.
So you grab your phone and see a text from Talia.

Talia : « hey u awake ? »
You : « yeah where are u ? »
Talia : « downstairs with everyone »
You : « everyone everyone ? »
Talia : « yes why ? »
You : « no just like that »
Talia : « u coming ? »
You : « no i don't feel very well »
Talia : « wait im coming »

You : « shit » alone.
Two minutes later, you hear a knock at the door.
You : « you can enter »
She knows the code to your room so she comes in. You are in your bed.
Talia : « hey, are you okay girl ?... »
You : « no... »
Talia : « ...I can't believe he did that »
You : « neither do I... »
Talia : « you deserve much better than this kind of guy I swear.. »
You : « yeah but I loved him... and I still do, ig, I mean, idk... » lost.
Talia : « it's normal, you guys have been together for a year, you can't forget him like that »
You stay a few seconds without saying anything.
Talia : « you talked to Payton about it then ? »
You : « Payton ? Um yeah... kinda »
Talia : « well, I hope you get better »
You : « yeah me too, ...I'm just so lost rn »
Talia : « yeah it shows. But girl, try not to get stuck on that, huh ? Even if it's easier said than done »
You nod, faking a little smile.
Talia : « are you sure you're not hungry ? »
You : « do you think the others have finished ? »
Talia : « idk, but maybe not, so come on »
You : « no, that's the point »
Talia : « ..wdym ? » frowning a bit, confused.
You : « um.. I mean, I don't wanna talk to them about it rn » not wanting to tell her about Payton.
Talia : « but you don't have to tell them now, and you're not gonna avoid them all day anyway » 🤷🏻‍♀️
You realize that she is right, and that you will not be able to avoid the others, and therefore Payton, all day. So you start to get anxious.
Talia : « so come on, let's go downstairs, I'll go with you » heading for the door.
You take your phone and sit on the edge of the bed.
Talia : « you okay ? »
You : « yeah.. yeah, I'm coming »
You leave the room and go down to the cafeteria.

You grab a tray and take a few things to eat, then head to the table. You see Payton in the distance, and you suddenly feel uncomfortable. He has not seen you yet.
Leïa : « y/n ! Finally »
Payton turns his head and sees you, you make a brief eye contact, you are very uncomfortable, he is a little too.
You : « hey.. » faking a smile and sitting facing Leïa.
Payton is at the other end of the table.
Madi : « hey, hru ? »
Leïa : « where were you last night ? »
You : « um.. outside »
Josh : « yeah with Payton » 😌
Jaden : « we know everything » 😏😌
Chase : « what were you doing btw ? » looking at Payton because he did not tell them last night.
Payton : « um..- »
Talia : « we were just talking »
Cynthia : « yeah I wanted to smoke so they came with me outside, but there were fans so.. it was a bit of a mess. Anyway » 🙂
Chase : « oh »
Jaden : « k but then, you girls came back and... » smirking a bit.
You : « and I went to bed »
Jaden : « that's all ? »
Leïa : « guys, she has a boyfriend, so stop with these stories » raising her eyes a little.
You look down, uncomfortable.
Jade : « yeah well, I know another one who has a boyfriend » 😌
Leïa smiles.
Madi : « you guys missed the best part » to you and Payton.
You : « no, Leïa ?? » surprised.
Leïa : « yes ma'am » 😌
Payton : « fr ? »
Anthony : « uhum » 😌
You : « I'm so happy for you guys, ...but a little disappointed I didn't see that »
Anthony : « oh, well »
He turns Leïa's head and kisses her. She smiles then kisses him back.
Madi : « ughh you guys are so cuuuute »
You : « yeah.. » with a little smile.
Jade : « you okay ? » to you, in a low voice.
You : « yeah » nodding a little.
Payton hears you and looks away, sighing a bit, because he is the only one who knows how not okay you are.

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