Skatepark (part 1)

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On your side :
You go knock on Payton, Josh and Chase's room. Josh opens the door, shirtless.
You : « hey, is Payton here ? »
Payton : « yeah » hearing you from his bed.
Josh : « oh you're not coming for me, I'm disappointed.. » teasing you.
You : « I'm so sorry Josh » teasing him a little.
You : « can I stay until everyone's ready ? »
Josh : « sure, come in. But ready for what ? »
You : « we're going to the skatepark today » entering their room.
Payton : « fr ? » leaning against the headboard of the bed.
You : « yup »
Josh : « cool, well, I'm gonna finish getting ready » joining Chase in the bathroom.

Payton : « well, come here » making room for you, next to him.
Payton : « did you miss me or what ? »
You : « naah, I was just bored, that's all » sitting next to him.
Payton : « sure »
You smile a bit.
You : « well, what were you doing ? »
Payton : « I was looking at pictures of us »
You : « what ? »
Payton : « people took pictures of us earlier » showing them to you.
You : « what the.. »
Payton : « we're being spied on, be careful » playing dumb.
You : «'s.. scary »
Payton : « yeah I know.. »
You : « actually, you guys never have a private life, do you ? » putting your head on his shoulder.
Payton : « we're trying to »
You : « but they follow you everywhere or.. ? »
Payton : « no, I mean, idk, but I don't think so »
Payton : « but don't pay too much attention to it, or you won't live anymore »
You : « uhm.. »
You : « ...we have to be careful then » 😌
Payton : « why ? »
You : « well, we mustn't get caught »
Payton : « oh yeah » smiling a bit.
You : « that's kinda exciting » looking at him then at his lips.
He looks at you.

Chase and Josh come out of the bathroom. You quickly remove your head from Payton's shoulder and straighten up a little.
Chase : « are the others ready ? »
You : « idk, ask them on insta »
He asks them.
Chase : « yeah, they're waiting for us, come on »
You go out to join the others in the hallway. Maya sees you coming out of the boys' room, she looks away, annoyed.
Madi : « well, let's go Chris »
Chris : « yup »

You follow him, but on the way, Leïa comes to see you.
Leïa : « y/n ? Don't you think we should talk ? »
You : « talk about what ? I don't wanna talk about Maya and Payton »
Leïa : « and about you and Payton ? »
You : « neither »
Leïa : « y/n, do you like him ? »
You : « no »
Leïa : « you can tell me, yk ? »
You : « k but no »
Leïa : « but then, why are you so mean to Maya ? »
You : « I'm not mean, but you know very well that Payton will never date her »
Leïa : « well, no. Idk, and that's why I'm wondering why you're so sure »
You : « come on Leïa, you told her to be careful because you know Payton isn't serious. He has never dated a girl in his life, and he's not gonna start now »
Leïa : « ..okay yeah.. you're probably right »
You : « ofc I am »
Leïa : « but you could have told her more nicely »
You : « ...but she was starting to get a little carried away, so.. »
Leïa : « I know, but even so »
You : « okay well, anyway it's said, so.. »
Leïa : « don't you want to make up with her ?- »
You : « ughh, she'll come if she wants to talk to me again, but rn it doesn't look like it, so.. » going to see Talia.
Leïa : « y/n wait-..ugh » sighing.

After that, you arrive at the skatepark and rent skates and rollers.
You take rollers and Payton takes a skate.
You are rollerblading with Talia and Cynthia.
But after a while, you notice that Maya is trying to get closer to Payton.

On Maya's side :
Maya : « eh but, how long have you been skateboarding ? »
Payton : « for a while now, why ? »
Maya : « well, you're very good at it. Would you teach me a little ? I've never done any » smiling a bit.
Payton : « um well, if you want »
He helps her and teaches her a little.

On your side :
You : « no but she's abusing » in a low voice to Talia, raising your eyes.
Talia : « Payton looks so bored » laughing a bit.
You : « well, I'm gonna sit down » heading to a bench on the side, a little annoyed.
Talia : « wait, I'm coming »
Cynthia : « thanks girls, well I'm gonna see the boys » 💀
You guys sit down on the bench, and a few minutes later, Madi comes to see you.
Madi : « you don't rollerblade anymore ? »
You : « no, why ? »
Madi : « can any of you give me your rollers ? I'm fed up, I don't understand anything about skateboarding » 💀
You laugh a bit.
You : « go ahead, take mine » taking off your rollers.
Madi : « thank you sm » 😩
You : « np girl »
She puts on your rollers.
Madi : « well, I'll leave you my skate here »
You : « k » nodding.
Then she leaves.

On Payton's side :
Maya went to drink, so he stopped. He looks for you, and notices you are not doing anything, so he comes to see you.
Payton : « so girls, you're stopping already ? »
Talia : « yep »
You : « yeah, rollerblading is kinda boring »
Payton : « well, come skateboarding »
You : « no no no, I suck at skateboarding, go ahead Talia »
Talia : « no thanks »
Payton : « have you ever done any ? » to you.
You : « no, but I don't think it's a good idea »
Payton : « but you don't even know if you suck, so come on » grabbing your hands.
You : « no.. plus, I'm in socks » resisting a little.
Payton : « well, we're gonna go get your shoes » 🙄😌
Talia : « yes, go to the front desk » 😌
You : « thanks Talia »
Payton : « plus, you already have a skate, it's perfect »
You : « and you're already teaching someone »
Payton : « ooh, I see » smiling a bit.
Talia : « oh shut up jealous, go ahead » 🙄
Payton : « yeah let's go » getting you up.
He takes your skate, you go to the front desk to get your shoes. You put them on, then he hands you your skate.
You : « » taking it, smiling nervously.
He laughs a bit.

You guys go to a corner where it is not too crowded.
Payton : « go ahead, get on »
Talia arrives and films you.
You : « what are you doing ? »
Talia : « we have to keep this moment » laughing a bit.
You : « shut up » laughing a bit too.
You get on your skate. Payton explains you the basics, you have some imbalances but you are doing pretty well.
Payton : « well, you see, you don't suck »
You : « I kinda like it actually » smiling, excited as a kid.
He laughs a bit.
You : « don't you want to teach me a cool trick ? » still excited.
Payton : « if you want »
You : « not too hard »
He shows you a trick and here is a bit of what happens :

After that, Talia decides to leave you guys alone and go back to the bench. You try to do the first trick again, you fall down a few times, Payton helps you. You are both laughing a lot. But in the excitement, you fall badly and twist your ankle.

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