Fuck it

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You : « you didn't text me.. »
Payton : « I wanted to be alone »
You : « oh I'm bothering you ? » taking it a little hard.
He comes up to you and picks up his skate.
Payton : « no » kind of dry.
You : « so what's wrong ? »
Payton : « why are you asking me ? You already know »
You sigh a little.
You : « we clarified things Payton, that's all » raising your eyes.
He does not say anything.
You : « well, apparently I'm bothering you, so bye, gn » leaving, annoyed.
Payton sees you walking away, he clenches his teeth.

Payton : « if I had gone to the restaurant with Maya tonight, just to clarify things, would you have taken it well ? »
You stop and turn around.
Payton : « it would have pissed you off, admit it »
You : « ..yes » looking away.
Payton : « it also annoys you that she's hanging around me and you can't say anything, right ? »
You : « yes, what are you getting at ? »
Payton : « we should tell the others »
You : « what ? Why ? » a bit surprised.
Payton : « because I'm tired of pretending it's okay when you go to the restaurant with your "friend", pretending it's okay when Josh kisses you or when the other one comes to see you at the pool » raising his eyes a little.
You look at him, not really knowing what to say.
Payton : « it would be the same for Maya »
You : « uhm » pensive.
Payton : « so, do we tell them ? » coming closer to you.
You : « but tell them what ? »
You : « this situation is starting to get really confusing for me »
Payton : « ...yeah me too »

There is a little silence.
You : « what are we Payton ? »
Payton : « idk »
You : « ..could you actually date me ? »
He looks at you without saying anything.
You : « could you ? »
Payton : « didn't we say we didn't care- »
You : « yes I said that because I didn't want to lose you, but I realized that I didn't want a confusing relationship where idek what I really mean to you »
Payton : « y/n...- »
You : « could you date me ? »
He looks away, struggling to answer.
You : « it's okay.. » disappointed.
Payton : « no y/n...- »
You : « fuck.. I knew I shouldn't have done that. I should never have gotten this attached to you »
You : « I knew it, it's not like I didn't know. I knew it from the beginning that it would end like this. You don't date girls. And I got into this anyway, I'm so stupid- I'm.. argh..- » mad at yourself and at him at the same time, and about to leave.
Payton : « I can » holding you back, kissing you hard.
You grab his neck and kiss him back.
You : « no no no wait-... ugh fuck it » kissing him again.

You guys get a little more enterprising. You stick to him and run your hand through his hair, you feel his hands on your hips, then on your butt.
You : « Payton.. come » putting your hands on his, then pulling him by the hand.
Payton : « where are we going ? » smiling a bit.
You : « you'll see »
You take him downstairs. On the way, you pass a sort of small pharmacy and see a condom dispenser.
You : « do you have any money ? »
Payton : « yeah »
You : « take one »
Payton : « okayy » raising his eyebrows, smiling a bit.
He buys one and you take him to the rooms downstairs. (Where you had played games with the others)
Payton : « omg yeah » smiling a bit.
You : « good idea I know »
Payton : « come on » going into a room with you.

You kiss him, he kisses you back, you start to be more and more enterprising.
You guys take off your shoes. Payton takes off his t-shirt then lies down on the bed and looks at you. You take off your sweater, untie your hair and join him. You come above him, he looks at you, smirking, so you kiss him. You guys start making out, then you straighten up and take off your t-shirt, you do not wear a bra. He looks you up and down and tilts you on the bed. You smile and kiss him. You feel his weight on you.
He then kisses you on the neck and gives you two hickeys. You roll your eyes back. After that, he takes off your jogging and your panties, you look at him then at the ceiling and let him do it. He kisses your belly by slowly inserting his fingers into you. You moan. Then he kisses your inner thighs while caressing your body with his other hand. You let his name slip out between your moans and heavy breaths. Then he goes back up to your face and makes out with you.
You come above him and undo his belt. He looks at you then takes off his pants and throws them at the bottom of the bed. You take off his underwear and start s*cking him. He moans rolling back his eyes. After a few minutes, you stop and he puts on the condom. You wait for him lying on the bed. He comes above you and looks at you.
Payton : « have you ever done it ? »
You : « yeah »
You : « what about you ? » raising your eyebrows a little, smirking.
Payton : « uh » looking away, smiling a bit.
Payton : « dw about it » penetrating you.
You moan. He comes and goes in you.
You : « you're doing it so well » moaning, one hand behind his back, the other in his hair.
Payton : « you like it- » breathing hard.
Suddenly someone tries to open the door but you guys locked it. Payton stops a bit though.
You grab his head and kiss him.
You : « go on, we don't care » breathing hard.
Payton : « okay » making out with you.
You guys do it, then you stop.

You : « omg... » smiling a bit.
Payton : « I can't anymore » breathing heavily.
You : « same »
Payton : « ...do you think the others are looking for us ? »
You : « naah, they were sleeping »
Payton : « not Josh »
You : « oh shit, imagine that was him earlier » laughing a bit.
Payton : « naah » frowning a little, smiling a bit.
Payton : « he can't know I'm with you anyway »
You : « yeah »

After that, you stay in his arms, he plays a bit with your hair. You are smiling, he notices.
Payton : « what's going on ? »
You : « wdym ? » turning to him.
Payton : « why are you smiling like a kid ? » raising his eyebrows, smiling a bit.
You laugh a bit and put yourself back in his arms.
You : « well, because I'm happy » smiling.
He smiles a bit.
You : « ...but it's kinda weird.. I mean, not long ago I was so bad, like, just super sad and.. yeah, so lost. And now.. »
Payton : « you think it's going too fast ? »
You : « no, not at all, but I would never have imagined that actually »
Payton : « you mean, being in a relationship again ? »
You smile and then turn to him.
You : « yeah that's it, dating you » looking at him, smiling.
He looks at you, stroking your hair.
You : « can you believe that ? Payton Moormeier in a relationship » teasing him.
Payton : « yeah I know, crazy, right ? »
You : « kinda »
Payton : « but it's because of this girl, she makes him... weird »
You : « weird ? » frowning a little, smiling a bit.
Payton : « different »
You : « oh, I see »
Payton : « it's very strange »
You : « in a good way ? »
Payton : « ig so » smiling a bit.
You guys talk for a few more minutes and then you end up falling asleep in his arms. He looks at you, smiling a little, a bit pensive though, then ends up falling asleep too.

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